Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Fed Allows Chinese Banks to Acquire a Purse in U.S. Banks
soule:  This is interesting and I find the timing questionable.  We are in debt to the Chinese, to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Let's just get it out in the open, okay?  THEY NOW OWN US.

This, BTW, is just one way a country can take over another.  And you don't think this isn't China's aim?  --  Aided and abetted by a very willing Obama administration.

If we were able to pay off this debt (which is highly unlikely as Congress continues to spend without reining in entitlements) each and every American would owe a whopping $50,000.00.

In addition, the Chinese have now managed to swizzle their way into our banking system in such a prominent manner thanks to the Federal Reserve who, in my opinion, has mismanaged and procreated taxpayer money to such an extent that this organization should be dissolved.  This situation kinda reminds me of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland...sitting there all neat and pretty with that wide, wide grin on its face.  And it ain't even opened its mouth to show us all them razor sharp teeth yet.

Before, China was just hanging out there, in the background, watching us from thousands of miles away, little men hunched over with black rimmed glasses salivating over all them U.S. dollars they'd eventually be raking in, counting each and every one lovingly and with a measured hand.  Now they're in our own backyard, warmly invited and warmly welcomed by our own Central Bank.  Yikes!

So, they will be subject to U.S. banking laws which, um, means they can borrow from our own Federal Reserve, right?  So, what if they need a bailout?  Hey, don't laugh.  Everyone else has gotten one.  Why not our friendly Asian Banker?  Let's see how this would work, the Yuan is being kept artificially low so the Chinese can get the biggest bang for the buck (no pun intended) meaning the Yuan goes further.  And right now the interest rate in this country is what, 2.5% or is it lower?  I think it is.  So, hypothetically, the Chinese could borrow from us at a very low rate, turn around and raise the amount to re-capture the trillions of dollars in debt we owe them.  Maybe this is one way the Obama administration feels it can keep good on its promissory note to the Chinese.  Or, could it be that someone strong-armed the Federal Reserve into letting the Chinese invade our banking system?  Hmmmm, can someone smell something just a little bit fishy here?

I mean, who trusts their own government anymore, especially after this one, when all they're doin is takin from the poor and givin it to the wealthy.

And on a more somber note, how about this new decision by the Central Bank, a downright dangerous one.  

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