Thursday, September 1, 2011

Denizens of the Deep

soule:  this video is a good example of creatures who inhabit our oceans that we just don't know very much about (some of them we haven't even seen before).  Well, there were a couple of exceptions but many of them were new to me.  Every once in a while one of these creatures surfaces or someone finds themselves in a situation where they're face to face with something unknown that they've unwittingly hooked. 

In my humble opinion, we human beings occupy a very unique (at least for now) home in the universe.  We are so connected (even though we are seemingly incapable of understanding this at the present time, but the ultimate realization is well on its way..) to the rest of the inhabitants who are constantly buzzing around us in some type of mystifying craft.  They know what we look like but we're prohibited or some other means of interference is used so that we really cannot get a good look at them other than every once in a while (alien encounters, abductions, etc.).

Accept this as there is a reason and I believe it is we're just not ready for the experience.

Our planet is blessed with an abundance of life forms, many yet to be discovered (which this video shows) yet our human inclination is those we fear we'd rather put a bullet in first and ask questions later. 

Is there any one out there who believes as I that we must diligently work to try and put aside our fears and tread ever so slowly, ever so gently toward this new realization that is descending upon us?  One in which we will all come to understand that our celestial neighbors are not our enemy, but just long-lost relatives that keep paying  us a visit.  They've been watching over us for many years.    

They are the ones who will decide the details of what, when and where for their first up front and personal welcoming committee with earth's inhabitants.  Right now they are fine-tuning the best time to  make their stage presence.  They are the ones in charge, we are not.  And I bet the event will be a celestial sell out.  

Many things worth waiting for ultimately turn out to be profoundly meaningful.  We humans are in the  process of slowly being groomed to accept a brand new reality.  It has always been there...the shadow that furtively dances off the wall...that thing you saw out of the corner of your eye...the beautiful dream you had last night of peacefully gliding through the universe...human hands protecting and cradling a small and helpless infant....

We must be patient.        

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