Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Faith, Hope and Charity

I was thinking this morning that this world is like one of those deflated rubber balls turned inside out; things are going backward instead of forward; it's like viewing the front side of the coin but not being able to see the back; standing before a mirror and gazing intently into it but all that gazes back at you is murkiness; full speed ahead but right in front of you is a concrete wall; knowing the songbird is singing but not being able to hear her song. We are, at breakneck speed, all of humankind, stampeding straight off the cliff. Respect, merit, integrity, humility, courtesy, patience, kindness. What ever happened to those virtues? I know they are still around but it seems they've been buried away somewhere. Are they being taught in our schools, our homes, our churches, synagogues,? I happened to go and renew the tag on my vehicle at the local licensing office. While there, two young women, I'd guess in their early twenties, worked the counter while an older woman was at the other end. One of the young women waited on me and in the course of doing so, delighted in making fun of the older woman who could not hear her remarks. I, a perfect stranger, in to do some business, and this young woman's actions caught me completely by surprise. I thought to myself just how many more of these young people are growing up acting like this? Then several months later, when applying for a job, I showed up at a small business with my application in hand. I walked in and was greeted by a woman who pulled my application out of the envelope and after quickly scanning over the information, promptly "interviewed" me on the spot. The manner in which this woman conducted the "interview", in a public place, instead of privately, in full view and earshot of her other employees, and clearly with some "axe to grind" as some of the questions asked of me and her body language made it quite clear I was fired before I even left her office. Again, what is it about some people who believe they have free will with how they treat other folks? This country has many problems but some of them can be easily cleared up by teaching our young people, and a few adults, how to handle their fellow human beings with more kindness and courtesy. Maybe even Congress will catch on.

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