Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yes We Can

I long for the past, I guess I'm just getting old. The normal, familiar, the sweet fairy tales told. A small round child's table with four little chairs, there's Beatrice and Clarence and brown Teddy Bear. We sit in a circle, not one voice is heard as we sip Ginger Tea and enjoy whey and sweet curds. But then Teddy speaks, his voice is real low. His brown eyes well up and the tears start to flow. "What happened to goodness and hu-mility? What happened to conscience and credibility? What happened to love and compassion and such? Where did it go? Is it stuck in the muck?" Then Beatrice chimed in, her red hair aglow, she looked at us all as she picked at her bow. "It's here, all around us, it's not gone away. We only need waken it so it won't from us stray." Clarence, with glasses atop of his nose, chose his words carefully, he was a "Poet of Prose." "I see it this way, we all have a role, to fight the good fight with body and soul. We are all up against a most formidable force, one that is Evil, the head of its source. Reach out with your hand, reach out with your heart, your wallet, your home, refer to your charts. And love we need make no longer "lost art." He balled up his fist and the small table jumped. He surprised all of us by the depth of his thump. And then he grew silent, fell back in his chair. No longer poetic, his face was blank stare. The sun drew her lines on red checkered cloth. The small lacy curtains stirred slow back and forth. We all knew the answers they were staring at us. We gathered our courage, our strength and our must. We decided that Teddy would lead the small band. So together the four of us linked hand in hand. And we strode out of that small room and into the Light, where demons and goblins and beasts fear to bite. We stood in a circle and vowed that we would, do all that was needed, all that we could. To make this world better for everyone here. To do what was right and not turn to fear. With G-d as our leader and listening to Him, we could all make a difference through thick and through thin. We looked at each other and what faces there were! Beatrice and Clarence and of course Teddy Bear. And for me, I was happy, the happiest I've been. For we all had one purpose and our purpose was Him.

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