Wednesday, July 15, 2009

There's a "Storm A-Brewin"

Everything is spinning
It’s a circus
And we’re the clowns
Does this forebode
earth’s "death knell"?
All a mess
And we’re supposed
To “make the best”
“put up, shut up”
“give it a rest”
Elefants and donkenneys
Riding roughshod over we
Just how long do we put up
With non-sense con-sense
And not throw up?
Not for long – this I see
For time runs out, with certainty
How it ends, one does not know
Let’s hope it does not come to blows
But with votes in hand
We make a mighty stand
And innundate a grateful land
We make our voice a
Loud grandstand!
Throw da bums out!
Is heard far and wide
We stand shoulder to shoulder
We stand side by side
They tremble in fear
As the great day draws near
They’re forced to extend
A date to amend?
A bill to append?
What, and throw
All of us into another fox den?
Votes they are tallied
The voters we rally
The leeches beseeches
As the levies are breeches
The yells turn to wails
As they run and turn tail
As they spill their entrails
But the tempests
and gales
And the ships
that were sailed
brought down
by the swales
of a throng full of
and jugfuls of ale
And Olde Glory streaming
And bright faces beaming
And hearts stoutly beating
And the blaggards all
Tis a sight for sore eyes
It gladdens the heart
I salute thee Republic,
You’re a Divine work of art,
And Thomas and Patrick
And Benjamin, too
And Paul and the others
Who add to the brew
We skewered them, we
Snared them we boiled
Them in stew
To all of you fond of
drafting our Laws
and snivelled
when questioned
But only guffawed
I have to tip my hat to you
You plotted, you plundered,
You bombasted and bragged,
You insulted and jibed
You took all that we had
You took all of us on a very
Long ride
But its come to an end
And payback is due
Thanks for the memories

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