Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Affordable Care Act - Another Obama Apocalypse

We're heading for a showdown with our Commander in Chief.  How can no one not know the background of this individual?  I'm sure many do.  The many who choose to remain silent, while he fulfills his destiny of wrecking a country.   The American news media who refuse to admit there is something wrong with a man who only seeks to divide a nation and grab more and more power.    The trust factor we once thought we had in our country and in our leaders, is no more.  We're heading toward something--a tipping point and all it's going to take for this country to tumble headlong into the abyss is another crisis.  There is one looming front and center and it is called The Affordable Care Act.  This healthcare law is going to cost this country an additional $670B (CBO stats).  I mean, if it had any merit at all it would be a different story.  But the horror stories we're hearing--the people who are losing their jobs because ensuring them will be too costly, and the flight of doctors from the medical profession are early indicators just how this is going to affect all of us.  Today, we learn that this  diabolical legislation is going to cost the average family of four another $7,500.00.  How affordable is that?  Senator Ted Cruz, R, Texas is filibustering right now to stave off this apocalypse from occurring October 1.  He is standing up for us while the rest of them stand down. 

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