Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hearing Voices


Workplace violence?  A terrorist attack?  A random act of violence?  What was his motive?  Any time someone picks up something to use as a weapon,  to injure or kill others, is a terrorist attack.   Now, after thirteen people were massacred at Washington, D.C.'s Navy Yard yesterday, and many others wounded, we're once again going to try and figure out what made this guy tick.  What prompted, motivated, fueled his desire to commit this brutal act.  I think by now we all know the drill.  Will we ever really know all the facts?  There are those in high places, with grins on their faces, who are smug as they can be.  For they know their sole goal is to implement whole and this guy just gave them their wherewithal.  You and I know it's called gun control.   Google "Carney says Obama Initiating Executive Orders".  Obama is going to use this latest attack as another reason why we need more gun control.  He knows he can't get the votes so he'll just do an end around play.  Guns, knives, rocks and other things people use to harm others are only tools.  A gun is not going to kill anyone unless someone pulls the trigger.  A knife is not going to slice anyone unless someone picks one up and slices or stabs you with it.  A rock does not know how to fly unless someone picks it up and throws it.  But we are stuck with the dangerous mentality from those on the Left, who are in charge of leading this country, that if we enact stricter gun control laws, we all will be safe and gun control will solve the problem.  Question--doesn't Washington, D.C. have the strictest gun control laws in the country?  So what just happened?  Shouldn't this also be where we focus our attention?   How is it that someone with a past record and who is hearing voices is able to secure a security clearance and gain access to weapons?  Something is terribly wrong here.  Government does not nor will not address these facts because it blatantly shows that gun control laws do not work.  I am sorry to report that this latest horrific act will be excuse no. ? to seize another opportunity to implement laws that aren't going to benefit anyone except government and, of course, criminals.  Hmmm, government and criminals, is there really any difference?      

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