Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wisdom's Antonym = Stupidity

I am embarrassed for my country.  We have lost our way.

The antics of a country and the way it conducts itself; i.e. politics is a good example, is a key indicator of its overall national health, strength of character and/or weakness.

The amount of money now needed to stump for votes is shameful.  The individuals involved (and these are grown men) seem interested only in trading barbs with one another.

Don't the vociferous contestants know that the populace is just plain tired of their nonsensical whims and quips, one-liners, bravado and endless ramblings?

I keep thinking of the portrait of George Washington crossing the Delaware River and the absolute bravery of this man, when circumstances and everyone was against him, when he was losing men and support, at his whits end and, in a state of Wisdom, turned to Guidance from Above (he was acting from a state of frustration and despair, yes...but he was also acting from a state of Wisdom in that he knew where to find the answers he was seeking) as he humbly bowed his head in prayer.

The finely chiseled face of Thomas Jefferson; the deeply etched face of Abraham Lincoln.  All man who were tried and tested; men of Courage and Conviction, Humility and Vision and used Wisdom as their spiritual Guide.

We really don't know much about this word "Wisdom" and it's virtues are defiinitely not being taught in today's schools.  How does one go about defining something that is so nebular?

Yet this power source is out there, just waiting for us to tap into its Resources.

It's just that no one seeks it out anymore.  It sits there, all by itself on a high and dusty shelf, long-forgotten  painfully waiting, painfully watching, ready to cast its spell upon those who reach for it.  Waiting to spring into action and act on our behalf, at a moment's notice.

I wonder how it was back then. I mean, was Wisdom used more than it is now?  Did it show up now and then or was it employed on a regular basis?

I think I can answer that question.  Because of the dire hardships and grave sacrificices that lay ahead, The American Revolution, WWII, etc. and other events, men and women were keenly aware of the consequences of their actions or non-action.

Because their very lives and way of living were being threatened, and the extraordinary pressures being exerted on good and decent men and women by Evil intentions, they had no choice but to turn to those virtues that had been proven worthy, over the years, in answering prayer and providing solutions.  They called upon Wisdom.

As dismal a circus as we are all painfully watching today with those who would like to replace the President in 2012, it is painfully apparent that not one is acquainted with this insight.  I see plenty of problems but where are the solutions?  Where is the courage and leadership to do what is right?  Where are the leadership qualities?    

Humanity today seems to be lacking in virtues like never before.

It is clear that the small, undecipherable whispers of those who sense something is wrong, that we are headed in the wrong direction, are constantly being drowned out, squelched and stymied by a mindset that the information they are trying to share is somehow, unimportant, somehow a threat to those in power.

Have we always been this way, to a lesser or greater extent?  Or is there an unmistakable, solemn drumbeat of subtle yet tangible change overcoming us where "nothing makes sense anymore" is the new norm and the old common sense we once had is being systematically thrown under the bus?  

Are we on our way to finally coming full circle, suddenly finding ourselves inexorably thrashing hopelessly around in some kind of huge death spiral, like the Grandiose Dinosaurs, when that giant asteroid slammed into their own little piece of the world, ending their unprecedented dominion?        

And, having spent our last breath(s) in utter folly, in utter stupidity, and in utter futility, blabbering incoherently, without a lick of Wisdom to steady our course, along with a complete waste of everyone's time, pull off the biggest deception of all time...deluding ourselves into thinking we are somehow so very important?

Only to find that we are not--  but even lower than the tiniest insect, who at least has the good sense to come in out of the rain; doesn't ask for handouts; doesn't fill our minds with endless gibberish but instead works tirelessly to gather food for its offspring and ensuring the health and stability of the rest of its kind, thus ensuring the viability of all.


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