Friday, February 3, 2012

Obama, the Huggermugger

Controversial Artist Depicts Obama Trampling The Constitution « CBS Las Vegas
soule:  In all fairness to President Obama, both parties have to share equal parts of the blame for where this country is presently.    But I do believe that this President is deliberately in the process of hammering the final nail in liberty's coffin.

And we Americans have to shoulder much of the responsibility, also.  After all, we elected him.

We now have a country where (according to the polls) 40% of the people would rather hang out with government than take responsibility for their own well-being.

We have both black and white who live for one thing and that is to see that all powerful orgasmic welfare check show up in their mailbox every month.

They lost respect for themselves long ago, happily and willingly perpetuated by a bloated government of handouts and bailouts.  

The sad thing is that Obama could be a great and wise President, but has scornfully, disdainfully, chosen the role of intransigent as he carefully goes about dismantling all that we believe in, all that we hold dear.

Money and absolute power trounce vision, humbleness, and wisdom.

And, in the end, Obama won't be called to account, just like other former Presidents.

But the carnage he has caused to the average American and way of life, to the framework of this Republic, not to mention the very document he was sworn to uphold and protect, when he took office, amounts, in my mind, to impeachable offenses.  

Under Obama's watch, as this picture so aptly depicts, the U.S. Constitution will forever be, tarnished, soiled and sullied beyond recognition.

What more fitting pose for this man in which the artist has his back turned, defiantly refusing to acknowledge the irrreparable harm he is doing to this country, her citizens and to the very office he was sworn to uphold?

A dismal and bleak wasteland of desolation accompanies him.

I do believe that this will be Obama's legacy.  Not one where he wears the scepter and crown but, all alone, he will one day come to grips with the harm he has done.

I think the artist nailed this one.

Isn't it ironic that the most damage can be done by someone when they are living in a free society?

It is only after they do their dirty work, that they can afford to let the mask drop.

That proverbial ruthless despotic (def:  adj.:  having unrestricted power) creep which accompanies them, is never far from their grasp as it silently slithers over hill and dale.

It's only after a matter of months, that its irreparable harm starts to rear its ugly head.

But who is listening?  Who is watching?

When you have no meaningful oversight over an administration and willful neglect of any discussion/debate of important policy-making decisions by a sitting President, unless of course, he/she happens to be of another persuasion, say one that journalistas hate with a vengeance, it's only a matter of time before that giant void claims us all.

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