Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Loving Message

During the early morning hours of February 14, Valentines Day 2012, I was visited by an angel.   She (and it definitely is a she) was the very same one who visited me on the morning of June 9, 2009, with another message that I personally needed to hear, very badly.

Because of her visit, and what she showed me, I knew, deep down, that I needed to change some things in my life.      

She is very tall.  I'd say at least eight feet.  When she visited me the first time I was asleep in a recliner.  She "came" right up behind me and was peering over me.  Her wings were folded down at her side.  She was cream color from her skin to a long garment with soft folds in it.  She did not communicate through talking (lips moving) with me but what I would call through "Thought Transmission."

Have you ever taken a blanket out of the dryer and wrapped it around yourself?  So warm and cozy.  That is how I felt during her visit.  It was so comforting, so warm that I pleaded with her not to leave but she was through with her mission and faded away.


This time her message was:

"It does not matter what rung of the ladder you are on
How successful you are or just struggling to make it
It doesn't matter your color or what country you're from
It doesn't matter if you are down on your hands and knees scrubbing toilets or the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company...."

This message is for all of us

"The very purpose of our being alive is an act of joyful celebration.  And it's this celebration we should be striving for, each and every moment of our earthly existence, mindful that we are all tethered together, to One Source.  

Each and every step we make, however routine...from the first one of getting out of bed in the morning, to the actions of our hands as we make breakfast for our families; soothe a hurt; cradle a child, walk the dog, is a conscious act of showing our love for not only who we are but the fact that we are spiritual beings and members of a vast universe that we all inhabit.

Our steps, our very thoughts, the simple actions that we take for granted each and everyday, though annoying at times, seemingly dull and of no purpose, consistent and mundane, and appear to us to be very trivial, do matter.

Everything we do, matters.

So the next time you're about to strike that blow; next time you're about to utter an angry word, next time you are full of despair because something didn't go the way you wanted, next time you pick up the phone to chew someone out, next time you are displeased because the livestock are out of feed, you had a bad night and the temp. is below zero...please remember this message.  

Celebrate Life for Life is a Very Special Gift

In this way your suppressed awareness, your consciousness, will singularly kindle a spark, a connection, to the creative energy that nurtures all of us on this Planet.

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