Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FEMA Partners with DHS

soule:  this has an eerie, hauntingly familiar ring to it.  In theory it sounds good and we need to be keeping track of would-be-terrorists.  But when you consider that the Department of Homeland Security has openly labelled returning Iraq war vets as possible terrorists, gun owners and other law-abiding citizens as being suspect (I'd say this was a clear cut case of profiling) and yet the DHS denies that it is profiling; we continue to witness the ongoing horror of indiscriminate, unconscionable sexual assault of American citizens by the TSA (TitS&Ass); the breakdown with FEMA in helping the people of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina hit; and the federal government turning its back on border security, isn't this partnership just another example of an engorged government turning the screws even tighter on our freedoms, hopefully turning us all into a bunch of snitches?  How can the American people trust their own government to protect them from harm when almost every other day they are witnessing a six or seven year old, a Grandma in diapers, a famous Baseball Coach or a disabled veteran being felt up by a bunch of government goons?  And, getting away with it.  Whom is fooling whom here?  The government tries to make this video sound good but I believe that this initiative will only result in one more nail in the coffin of liberty and justice for all.  

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