No countries, no divisions, no sections.
Just one big happy family all living together under the same roof.
It sounds good but I believe the end result would be disastrous.
I'm not talking spiritually here--there's a big difference.
I fear there are those among us right now who have made this their goal--with no thought in mind of how negatively we'd all be impacted as their only goal is one of domination.
Behind the scene players cavorting and conniving with people's money, livelihoods, language, morals, culture.
Those who believe we need not be unique and separate individuals anymore but all blended together into some sort of human milkshake.
This is not the good and spiritual oneness I have spoken of before. This is just the opposite.
And think about the blending process--we're all stuffed into one container with razor sharp blades whirring around. Someone is going to get hurt.
I try to stay away from conspiracy theories, theorists.
But let's just suppose for a moment that what is happening in the United States today is not a series of calamitous accidents but by design.
We could take it one step further...let's suppose that what is happening in the mid east today is not by accident but by design.
Could these events be connected, in some way?
Could we have idiopathic leaders in the world today that were deliberately placed, at just this time, to help with heralding in dramatic change, participating as co-conspirators with the forces wreaking havoc on people's lives throughout the world?
Evil--are you upset by the use of this word and if so, why?
Is this just another word slowly being castrated from the English language because it does not conform to the ideologues of political correctness?
That maybe it's too harsh a word for people to handle and should be substituted by another, more diminutive one?
What I see happening today is on a grand scale--we are slowly being seduced, brainwashed, reworked.
The forces at play are invisible but more and more, the carnage they produce is clearly visible.
Definition of the word "framework": (Merriam Webster Dictionary):
n.a basic, supporting part or structure.
>The structure of man is a skeleton (framework). You break the skeleton, you break the man.
>The structure of family is two parents seeing to it and taking care of their offspring. You break the structure apart (framework), you break the family unit.
>The structure of marriage is two people taking a sacred vow committing themselves to one another. You assail and attack this contract (framework) and it eventually falls apart.
The patterns of our behavior (morals) started changing in the 1960s.
>Drug use was first introduced to troops serving overseas. What was once considered wrong (drug use), inappropriate and immoral was given the green light. Drug use among many has now become a national epidemic, resulting in another breakdown of framework (structure).
Countries have rules and laws (framework) in order to govern properly. Of course, there are exceptions to this. In the United States we have the U.S. Constitution which is the framework (structure) of this country.
>You choose to ignore and sidestep the existence of this governing document. You will break the structure (framework) of the country you have targeted. You may achieve some sort of control but chaos is not far off.
Is there or is there not a concerted effort by those today with just these goals in mind?
You be the judge.
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