The energy I'm experiencing right now is quite dramatic.
If you're not in shape physically and mentally for the challenges coming, then you need to listen up.
I'm no astrologer but I do follow an astrologer and read my horoscope.
The energy for 2012 was a 5.
The energy for 2013 will be a 6.
Every thing is energy.
Energy can be inert (contained) as in a rock or it can be released by throwing that very rock at something. It hits its target, fractures into pieces, releasing the energy within.
The evil eye, a vacant stare, fidgeting with clothing are all indicators of energy.
What I perceive coming in 2013 is akin to seeing a giant tidal wave on the horizon.
It stretches from end to end.
This wave isn't moving. It appears to be suspended as it just begins to crest.
But I do believe it's still building strength and momentum.
What this wave signifies I do not know.
But I feel it's going to be something significant.
A shift of some kind. Maybe a new respect, a new awareness of each other, this planet and our place in the solar system.
A coming together of some sort.
I have much faith in human beings.
I don't mean that all Catholics will convert to Protestantism or all Democrats will turn into Republicans.
I mean that the shroud we've been under for so long is finally twisting and turning in the wind.
The veil is peeling off.
We are beginning to see things, events, much more clearly now.
We don't need someone else's interpretation of what just happened on the nightly news.
We're very capable of comprehending all the details and arriving at our own individual conclusion(s).
I believe that in 2013 we're going to learn to do with less.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to cherish our relationships more.
I believe that in 2013 we're not going to take anything for granted, anymore.
I believe that in 2013 we're not going to lust after things we don't have.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to be grateful for the things we do have.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to reach out to people through more service and help.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to witness some spectacular celestial events.
I believe that in 2013 communication is going to take center stage.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to be told some shockingly deep dark secret(s). And I believe that these secrets will be about politicians.
We're slowly learning through unimaginable and painful scenes of suffering and tragedy that we must embrace the moment for if we do not, that moment is lost to eternity.
That special kiss, a cheery hello and a sad goodbye. Hugs. We're learning that we can't count on them being there anymore.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to dramatically drop our insistence on material things and look for more meaningful things.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to stand up to evil and evildoers.
I believe that in 2013 we're going to receive knowledge of why we are here and what our purpose(s) are during this life experience.
I believe that in 2013 a new cycle for humanity begins as we continue to make our way through the universe,
striving for guidance and understanding on where we all fit in.
I believe that in 2013 the best is yet to come.
Happy New Year to all
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