Monday, October 29, 2012

Liar in Chief

What is a human life worth?  Apparently not much when we witness the savagery, the brutality happening around the globe.

What is a human life worth?  Apparently not much when we witness the unspeakable act of partial-birth abortion as Doctors rip apart a full-term tiny baby.  

When you finally wrap your brain around the fact that human beings, and no other life form, are capable of the most unmerciful, the most horrendous, the most ingenious, the most cruel acts against one another, does this not give one pause to wonder why on earth we are even here?  Why on earth we even continue to exist?  Why on earth are we even allowed to exist?  

I am speaking as if something or someone is in charge of our actions, our evolution.

Maybe there is, maybe there isn't.  But it is very apparent to me that we are on the wrong path.  And one we've been on for thousands of years.  It doesn't change.  It just gets worse.

Could it be because we are so isolated from one another?  So many different cultures, so many different people, so many different opinions.

If we were all thrown into a mixing bowl what would be the outcome?  Would we all be melded together, as one?  Would this stop all the bickering, all the butchering, all the massacres, all the blood letting, all the hatred, all the ugliness that is so much a part of the human makeup?

I digress now to the horrific events that took the lives of four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, in Benghazi, Libya.  What happened to my countrymen has had a deep and profound effect on me.  Not the barbaric act  itself but the callousness, the dismissive attitude of many, the political flatulence from individuals, in high places, who let these four men down.

Is it that the political elite think that the peasants have no eyes?  That we cannot reason?  That we are stupidly incapable of seeing through their murky veil of deception and lies?

There are no words to describe the scar that has been branded on my heart and on my soul, from what happened--the depth of sadness I feel for these four men and their families and others wounded during this attack, as we witnessed the President of the United States abandoning these four men in their time of need.

I have no hatred for those responsible for murdering these four Americans.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States for continuing to refuse to answer where he was and what he was doing, during this attack.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States as he continues to deflect and defer to some other nonsensical topic(s), after being asked pointed questions about where he was during this event.

I have no hatred for the President of the United States even as facts are slowly coming to light that pinpoint his exact whereabouts in a situation room, watching in real time as four Americans were pleading for help while they and our consulate were overrun by terrorists.

And the President did nothing to help.  

It is obvious that the President does not want to jeopardize his chances at winning re-election by revealing the facts.  

But how can you trust a President with four more years when he's obviously trying to hide the truth of such a horrific event from the American people?

How can you bring yourself to vote for someone who just broke faith with the American people by refusing (for whatever reason) to answer the questions being asked, providing he help necessary to prevent the needless murder of four Americans and the sacking of our consulate?

Obama abdicated his sworn oath, as President of the United States, to protecting these four men as we watched in horror as they were needlessly sacrificed on the altar of Islam.

What is a human life worth?   Ask Obama.

I have a sad and heavy heart that many Americans are not able to see what I see and will still cast a vote for someone in November who has betrayed not only the office he holds but the sworn oath he took back in 2008.

That oath was to protect and defend American citizens and the Constitution of the United States.

What happened in Benghazi, Libya was Dereliction of Duty, by the President of the United States, of the highest order.

And, this, above all else, even the dismal way in which Obama has handled the economy, will, in my eyes, be Obama's legacy:

A failed President, and a Liar in Chief.  


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