This debate was an embarrassment, a shame, a sham. And it isn't even Halloween yet. Wonder what the next trick Democrats have in store for the American people?
Let's take voting for example. If Obama fears his poll numbers are down, watch out. It isn't about quality with these goons it's all about quantity. To whit:
Trick No. 2? --Massive voter fraud and intimidation should do nicely in order for Obama to throttle Americans' right to vote in November as he attempts to seize Caesar's crown for a second term.
Don't laugh. There are many people and organizations who share this very opinion.
Last night one of many things I noticed about the VP was his captious attitude--treat your opponent with disdain and every subject he is talking about as a joke.
But I have to ask, who was it that came off as a joke? I think the Vice President's sorry act backfired and backfired badly.
Try and make your (it didn't work Joe) opponent look bad by interrupting him numerous times (the Left has a penchant for doing this) and then trying to charm all of us by flashing those nice set of dentures. I, personally, was looking for that small piece of broccoli.
And, I wonder, who paid for them? Obamacare? Oh, I transgress...Joe has opted out of Obamacare. Well then, did Joe have to pay a fine?
This debate was as in your face as any I've witnessed by an individual who caustically demonstrated for us all that he could care less about tackling the real issues because, obviously, Joe really doesn't have a clue about the real issues.
Joe came off as making an ass out of himself. Ass, Donkey, Democrat, get it?
This debate would have been outright hilarious (I can turn on the Comedy Channel for that) if it weren't so damned serious.
There was only one participant during the debate that night that made any sense and that was Paul Ryan.
When you ponder the implications of what we watched last night and bear in mind that we all were watching a mind-boggling super silly spectacle orchestrated by the Vice President of the United States of America, well, shouldn't this make one just a little bit nervous? Shouldn't this give one pause, reflection, on voting for Obama/Biden a second time?
I mean, how much more do we need to see for ourselves or learn about this administration?
And it was apparent, after enduring this complete waste of time, that many on the Left and the Right finally coalesced, came together in agreement, on one thing...that Joe Biden had left the building a long, long, time ago.
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