Friday, September 28, 2012


These are prophetic words.

We continue to walk around with a mask over our eyes.  It's like we've been infected with some kind of  curious malaise.

This presidential race is not about what's in it for me-or where can I go to sign up for a free cell phone; or how much I'm entitled to.  

There is a clear choice.

This race is collectively, all about us.  And what will happen to us and our way of life, after November.      

This race is all about deciding if we're going to allow individuals to bring out the best in us or pander to our deeper and darker inclinations.

This race is all about whether we're going to allow individuals to diminish and destroy the soul of America along with the heart, mind and spirit of the able-bodied and willing who, with courage and fortitude, take it upon themselves to create the money, produce the jobs, allowing all of us to live free and prosper.

This election is all about inspiring and empowering people, not enacting punitive regulations, stripping people of their hard-earned money; doling it out to those who neither care to better themselves, their families or the communities they live in.    

Isn't it time to quit pointing fingers, blaming others and ante up to the plate?      

This race is all about us being able to continue to enjoy the freedoms we have, won at great cost by America's visionary Founders, and the continued sacrifices of our military fighting men and women.    

Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Christians, Muslims and Jews.  We all make up the fabric of this country.

This race is about our destiny, together.    

This race is about stopping an agenda filled with divisiveness, resentment, anger and hatred toward this nation and what she stands for.

If continued unabated, I believe this agenda will continue its ugly thrust deeper into America's underbelly,  eventually disgorging her entrails.  From the shadows the perpetrators will watch smugly, silently, as her   guts are splayed out across the ground.

This race is all about stopping a massive hole in a dike.  

This race is about the Lion and the Gladiator.

The Gladiator has a full belly and is confident in his own prowess but has made one mistake, he prefers to forget that the lion has been slowly starved to death.  This animal is now a cruel and hardened coiled spring of steel with a set of razor sharp teeth and dangerous claws.  It has been pushed to the brink by its handlers and will take the steps necessary to take down the Gladiator.      

The Gladiator is well-trained but the Lion, because it has been virtually starved to death, has been further reduced down from just a wild and frightened animal to one on a distinct mission.  And that mission is, it needs to eat, NOW.

It has nothing to lose as its insatiable, incessant hunger is coupled with an unbridled exhilaration of finally being able to easily seize its first meal in a long time.            

This race is about taking the time to really look within.  Coming to grips with who we really are as  individuals, making the decisions necessary to secure not only our own well being and those of family members, but contributing to the continued bright prospect of a free America, a free people.

Not being a willing participant in her demise.  

We already have one of those.  

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