where does this deep affection come from? could it be that some have been here before and somehow were able to interact with and make a strong connection with this planet's energy? So much so that this ancient vibration became a part of them, entering into a bond, a deep relationship of knowledge and trust?
we are scattered across the top of this planet; we are not embedded in it.
our existence here is like that of an arrow trying to hit its target but only capable of making a glancing blow as it misses it mark.
we are like the stone that skips across a pond. we make contact with the water but don't really understand just how and why we were able to go so far, only to sink into the deep. we live out our lives not really understanding anything nor wanting to, just waiting for time to pass.
there is something that is just out of our perception. it runs consistently, like a well-spring of the purest water. it is a source of energy and it never changes but we do not have a clue how to connect with it.
we are despoiling this planet along with the people on it.
we are a curious bunch with much to offer in the way of love and compassion but in an instant can cut down our neighbor with one furious blow.
who and what are we, exactly?
i am reminded of the scene in the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," starring Keanu Reeves, in which he meets with his Asian friend (disguised as a human being) in a restaurant.
They are discussing how he (Reeves) is going to destroy the earth as the universe has deemed it necessary because we "just can't seem to get it right."
He advises his friend that "he should make preparations soon to leave for his home planet." But his friend refuses, acknowledging a deep love that has developed between he and his fellow human beings, even though he admits he doesn't understand them.
This is a most poignant point and well worth considering.
this alien human has perceived something in us that is deep down and inherently good.
wouldn't it be nice if we had individuals today who understood this and would willingly tap into this knowing, striving only to bring out the good in all of us instead of the bad?
there seems to be a really powerful thrust and concerted effort by many groups and people today whose only purpose is destroying, subjugating and perverting that which is good and pure. taking something positive and turn it into a negative only so they can wield it over our heads, hoping to shackle both our minds and bodies.
are we catching on?
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