Saturday, September 29, 2012


When the wails of Men
   are more than they can bare
When Wisdom has departed
   from their mindset
When confusion reigns
   and blots out the sum
When all that is good
   is sore undone
The moans of Man
   reach the ears of Heaven
All they believed
   is but Seven
soule:  In Kabbalah, the number 7 represents the 'natural world'

Friday, September 28, 2012


These are prophetic words.

We continue to walk around with a mask over our eyes.  It's like we've been infected with some kind of  curious malaise.

This presidential race is not about what's in it for me-or where can I go to sign up for a free cell phone; or how much I'm entitled to.  

There is a clear choice.

This race is collectively, all about us.  And what will happen to us and our way of life, after November.      

This race is all about deciding if we're going to allow individuals to bring out the best in us or pander to our deeper and darker inclinations.

This race is all about whether we're going to allow individuals to diminish and destroy the soul of America along with the heart, mind and spirit of the able-bodied and willing who, with courage and fortitude, take it upon themselves to create the money, produce the jobs, allowing all of us to live free and prosper.

This election is all about inspiring and empowering people, not enacting punitive regulations, stripping people of their hard-earned money; doling it out to those who neither care to better themselves, their families or the communities they live in.    

Isn't it time to quit pointing fingers, blaming others and ante up to the plate?      

This race is all about us being able to continue to enjoy the freedoms we have, won at great cost by America's visionary Founders, and the continued sacrifices of our military fighting men and women.    

Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, Christians, Muslims and Jews.  We all make up the fabric of this country.

This race is about our destiny, together.    

This race is about stopping an agenda filled with divisiveness, resentment, anger and hatred toward this nation and what she stands for.

If continued unabated, I believe this agenda will continue its ugly thrust deeper into America's underbelly,  eventually disgorging her entrails.  From the shadows the perpetrators will watch smugly, silently, as her   guts are splayed out across the ground.

This race is all about stopping a massive hole in a dike.  

This race is about the Lion and the Gladiator.

The Gladiator has a full belly and is confident in his own prowess but has made one mistake, he prefers to forget that the lion has been slowly starved to death.  This animal is now a cruel and hardened coiled spring of steel with a set of razor sharp teeth and dangerous claws.  It has been pushed to the brink by its handlers and will take the steps necessary to take down the Gladiator.      

The Gladiator is well-trained but the Lion, because it has been virtually starved to death, has been further reduced down from just a wild and frightened animal to one on a distinct mission.  And that mission is, it needs to eat, NOW.

It has nothing to lose as its insatiable, incessant hunger is coupled with an unbridled exhilaration of finally being able to easily seize its first meal in a long time.            

This race is about taking the time to really look within.  Coming to grips with who we really are as  individuals, making the decisions necessary to secure not only our own well being and those of family members, but contributing to the continued bright prospect of a free America, a free people.

Not being a willing participant in her demise.  

We already have one of those.  


Empedocles, Greek Philosopher, b:  490BC; d 430BC
Best known for his Cosmogenic Theory of the Four Elements:
Earth = Stability
Fire = Desire
Water = Emotions
Air = Thought
To the elements it came from
Everything will return
Our bodies to earth
Our blood to water
Heat to fire
Breath to air  

Monday, September 24, 2012

It's All About Loss, Pain, Forgiveness and Redemption

Exactly, "Why are we here"?

What's the point of even trying to live out our lives when we are constantly facing  threats from someone or some thing that is desperately trying to destroy us?

It doesn't matter where you live as the threats to our existence such as war, starvation, chemicals in our water, food and air are all over.    

When is all violence and hatred going to end?  Is it hopeless to even think this a real possibility?  

The world appears to be collapsing in on itself.

We are a repetitive species when it comes to war - if we just finished with one war, you can be sure there is another one on the horizon.  

How many millions of our species have perished in wars?

There are those who walk among us who are just not satisfied with leaving others alone.

Continuing to push their will on others, their aim is subjugating, dominating, eventually conquering those who are too weak or unable to fight back.  

The constant in all of this is Ego.  We have hoisted Ego to lofty levels.  We bow down to Ego.  Ego has become a G-d.

Is it that we just do not care to take the time to learn to get along or, deep down, we really do not want to get along?

Is it that our way is the only way?--and that single moment of bliss, while we harbor hope and ponder a world full of peace, is ripped away, as we are suddenly jerked back to reality by an unfathomable act of savagery...  

We destroy, we conquer.  We continue to inflict pain and suffering.  

Are we even capable of breaking this cycle?  If so, when are we going to make the decision to do it?    

Or...will some one or some thing else break it for us?

I don't see this peaceful picture happening any time soon unless, of course, the world is suddenly confronted  with a calamity of biblical proportions.

One that will offer no cover but leave us with only one choice--lay Ego aside and learn to live together peacefully.    

Do you suppose that all the upheaval we are witnessing today is nothing more than a precursor to an  event of such apocalyptic proportions, one that will have such enormous impact, that it will be the final cataclyst for our coming together?--a singular event that will accomplish what we could not do...the complete removal of a stumbling block to our spiritual ascendancy; one that has beset humankind for thousands of years?

Maybe, G-d willing, at that time, the ones left behind will willingly fall on their knees, faces turned upward, as they eagerly ask and plead for, forgiveness and redemption.

We are like small children who have been taught nothing, yet given everything.

We have very little wriggle room left.



Wednesday, September 19, 2012


shouldn't both candidates be talking about the steps they will take to create jobs instead of 47%?  shouldn't both candidates be focused on the steps necessary to return this country to fiscal sanity?  shouldn't both candidates be talking about restoring this country's economy?  shouldn't both candidates be focused on uniting people instead of categorizing and compartmentalizing them for political purposes?

what has happened to this election?

who is driving the main theme?  what is the main theme?  - DISTRACTION

i consider myself a conservative.  what are some of the values conservatives hold?

less intrusive government
a robust economy
fewer regulations
fewer entitlements
less taxation

we seem to have gotten off track in this election.  because of the internet and social media, entrenched special interest groups that are acting more like armed combatants, and a downright hatred for one side or the other, important messages are not getting through.

case in point:  in a just released video in which Mitt Romney is speaking, he made a statement that 47% of the people would not vote for him.  i watched the video.  there are now many explanations for exactly what he said, and who and what the 47% represents.

this is a diversion away from the real issues this country is facing and a clear distraction for political purposes.

this campaign is for the soul of America and not about oneupsmanship.

it is about empowering a country and a people, not government.

one side is trying to hide the truth of failure, while the other is kept busy trying to field off all the salvos  being lobbed.  

the president assumes that by signing up more people under government programs, they will vote for him.

i believe he is wrong.  i believe that most people have enough awareness and self-worth to discern when they are being used (had).  

i believe that most people understand they are very fortunate to live here in America, not some far away place where there are no "entitlements" and you have no "rights," where limbs are regularly hacked off like kindling wood.

i believe that more and more Americans are becoming fed up with enduring strikes in which teachers making $75,000.00 annually (and some opting to send their children to charter schools) are willing to abandon their responsibilities to parents and children, instead choosing for more money and no accountability, in spite of the fact that 23,000,000 Americans are out of work.

i believe that the majority of Americans know that nothing in this world is "free" even though the government would have them believe otherwise.

i believe that the majority of Americans are aware of this fact and that now it is only one person paying for every sixteen people on entitlements.    

and what is this word, entitlement, anyway?  since when were we entitled to anything except the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness?


Monday, September 17, 2012

Dealing with a New Threat

Post EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) America

soule: Executive Order 13603:

Stripping Away Common Sense

i don't believe that people are born thinkers--that they are born with an innate sense of common sense.

i believe this is a skill you learn mostly while growing up.  is this skill being taught in homes, in schools?

if no one is teaching this skill anymore, wouldn't the end result be that people just will decide to let others do the thinking for them?

why take the time to approach an issue with an investigative spirit and common sense, if first you haven't even been acquainted with this skill, let alone know how to use it?

why not just let the political pundits and news media give you all the info you want?  even though it's usually only one version...theirs.

don't we have a responsibility to act responsibly?          

have we been so conditioned, so brain-washed, so indoctrinated all these years into slowly acquiescing to this pernicious type of thought control that is purposefully stripping Americans of their right to common sense, with the result being that many of us just don't care about doing our own homework anymore?

well, maybe we should start looking at issues and events more critically as i believe this common sense failure to think for ourselves, on the part of many Americans, has much to do with where we are headed.  

a good case in point is the "didn't have to happen, unfathomable and tragic" attack on the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, his staff and the attack on our Egyptian counterpart.

we now know we were forewarned that some kind of attack was imminent by the Libyan President.

we  now have learned that the Marine guards who were manning these outposts had weapons but no ammo.

what?  you've got to be kidding me.

Are these the New Rules of Engagement?  If so, these new rules just cost four people their lives, humiliated an American President and his Secretary of State, not to mention underscoring for all to see, including our enemies, the abysmal failure of President Obama's so-called foreign policy, and horrified most of us that we were woefully unprepared to deal with a terrorist threat (which never goes away BTW, in case Obama and Hillary are reading this) instead, thinking that we could somehow fend off a bunch of Islamist thugs with kind words and empty weapons.      

it didn't work.  who are the asses making decisions like this?

and knowingly and embarrassingly, the White House, the State Department and even our own UN Ambassador, in perfect lockjaw, chose instead to do the sorriest PC thing ever, by an end-around-play, skirting the real cause of this tragedy, which was that this was a coordinated and premeditated terrorist attack.  planned for and purposefully done on the anniversary of 9-11.  this attack had nothing to do with a stupid movie.

i believe President Obama, is setting us up, setting this country up, whether you believe that it is out of his naked, stupendous  naivete, or by shere accident,  for some very formidable times ahead.  couple this with his belief that every thing and every one should be government owned and his dismal failure to handle the economy.

any person or organization who dare speculate or offer their opinion, utter comments about certain people, subjects and/or other matters with those elitists who have an axe to grind, are immediately labelled or denigrated or shouted down till they dare utter no more.

this is what is happening right here, right now.  witness what happened to Mitt Romney when he made his remarks about the tragedy.  i believe in this case that part of the disciplining came from the GOP.  again, never mind the facts, just follow in lockstep.

dangerous times, folks.

this mental downgrading of our common sense acuities has been going on for years. we've just not been aware of how much affect it has had, but i believe more and more of us are becoming more aware.

we've come full circle and we no longer have the luxury of "kicking this one down the road."

now that we know the cause of the problem we face (lack of common sense) what can we do about it?

well, hopefully this post, pointing out the fact that we're "missing in action" on this one and lessons learned can get us all off on the right foot.  start educating your kids; have political discussions; write letters to the editor; stand up at school board meetings when you see something you clearly know is wrong, do not believe in; attend city council meetings; and yeah, we can contact our congressmen (good luck).

and, if we haven't learned by now i'll spell it out fer ya... in order to stop evil, you better be carrying a very big club.  that doesn't mean you wield it regularly but you damn well make sure that those who hate your guts know you've got one, you mean business and you're acting from a position of strength, not WEAKNESS.

you even get a whiff that someone is thinking of attacking an American embassy, an American consulate, an American citizen, American military you then deliver the blow.

Coffee anyone?

The Good, The Bad, and the Chair

Clint Eastwood's Speech to an Empty Chair Really Caught On

soule:  IF THE CHAIR FITS......

Saturday, September 15, 2012

George Obama, Have You Ever Heard of Him?
soule:  i was moved while watching the interview between George Obama, Obama's half brother, and   Dinesh D'Souza, the producer of the movie, "2016 - Obama's America."    

an obviously very intelligent man who consented to be interviewed by Mr. D'Souza, in which for me there was a startling revelation--Mr. George Obama...a soft spoken, humble human being (unlike his famous brother) and deeply reflective of his own personal life experiences.

this man definitely made an impact during the interview.  

George Obama also wrote a book entitled, "Homeland, An Extraordinary Story of Hope and Survival."  (available on

this movie is getting bad PR by the left that I believe is unwarranted.  

it is well-written, well-researched and well-produced; a documentary helping one understand how Obama's experiences and certain people in his life influenced, contributed to and solidified his anti-American, anti-West views.  

all of us are shaped by family and outside circumstances as we grow up and President Obama is no different.

the truly interesting part i came away with was this...if somehow things had been different back in 2008 and George Obama was running for president and not Barack--and George won.

the differences between the two are striking.

and today, would we really be enjoying a more meaningful existence?

leaves you wondering.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Shadow President

my sincere condolences to the families of the United States Ambassador to Libya, and the three others who were brutally murdered and to those Americans in our consulate in Egypt.    

maybe now Obama will decide that it is a good time to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

I mean, how can he not?  He's going to look more of a fool than he already is, if he declines, as his Muslim counterparts in Libya and Egypt just handed him his ass.

and here we go again...waiting for a shadow President, patiently watching a t.v. screen featuring an empty podium, waiting for an empty President, and no doubt having to endure more empty rhetoric.  

the United States Ambassador to Libya and three others were needlessly murdered by a mob because of a movie depicting the prophet Mohammed in a negative way.

instead of pointing to who is responsible for what just happened--an out of control bunch of fanatical, murderous thugs, and strongly denouncing what they did, responding immediately by sending a response  they wouldn't soon forget, this White House and State Department chose instead to appease these vicious culprits by taking aim at the message of the movie and admonishing all those who would dare cast any aspersion on a certain religious group, namely Islam.

this is the result of The Political Correctness Pantheon gone horribly astray.  this is what happens when you  have a vacuous President and others who believe that by speaking softly, hoping not to hurt anyone's feelings, that their carefully chosen words will somehow stop or curtail groups of malevolent malcontents from acting out their most fervent and misguided beliefs.

well, Mr. President, "did it work?"

you now have one U.S. Ambassador and three others you were indirectly responsible for killing but this does not give you nor anyone else responsible, a get out of jail free card.      

and, might there be more?    

this murderous attack is a vicious assault on those who have every right to express themselves; in this case the producer of the movie, albeit we may not necessarily agree with what he said, and the totally, despicable actions taken by Islamist thugs (in this case murder) whose intense hatred for all who oppose their version of just what Islam is all about.  

and with no thanks to the terrorist thugs, i believe that many Americans and others are beginning to get a clearer picture, the bigger picture if you will, of just what Islam is all about.  and it ain't pretty.    

I'd say if this brutal attack isn't a wake up call to all those who have had their heads buried in the sand (no pun intended) and those who just can't bring themselves to acknowledge that there are violent elements in the world who will resort to anything to prove a point; well then it's time they be removed from office and replaced by more capable individuals who truly have this country's national security interests at heart.    

I, personally, do not believe that the President really cares one whit about what happened to the Americans defending our outposts in Libya and Egypt, but mouthed just the right words to get through having to  painfully endure another round of standing before the American people, uttering condolences to the families of the fallen, as I believe that President Obama identifies more with Islam than he does with the American people and his purported Christian faith.

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's a Personal Thing

how do you prepare for a crisis?
how do you prepare for change?
exactly what is a crisis?
exactly what is change?
how do you know if you are in a crisis or change?

first i believe it important that we know the meaning of these terms:

change:  noun
1. The act, process, or result of altering or modifying 
2. The replacing of one thing for another; substitution.
3. A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another
4. Something different; variety

   crisis:  noun
         1. a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something, esp in a sequence of events or a disease
2. an unstable period, esp one of extreme trouble or danger in politics, economics, etc.
3. (Medicine / Pathology) Pathol a sudden change, for better or worse, in the course of a disease

change comes to all of us whether we plan for it, whether we like it or not.   take Death for example.  

crisis, on the other hand, seems to be somewhat limited in its scope but we cannot rule out the possibility that it will not be visited upon us.

we can more than likely stave off a crisis by assessing our situation (whatever it may be) prudent planning and taking the steps necessary to see that it does not happen.  

but, are we taking the steps necessary to stave off one?  

obviously if no one is interested in doing this, a crisis will definitely come knocking at our front door.

i speak for the United States of America as this is my home.  we have been blessed here (because of our free enterprise system which allows the freedom to prosper and create) with innovations, talented people, inventors, and entrepreneurs.  

but would you agree that in the last five years or less this picture has changed?  (hence...change).

would you say that we are fast approaching a tipping point here because of the ignorance or just plain ineptness of leaders in both the financial community and the public sector to sit down and aggressively address where this country is right now and where it is headed?  (hence...crisis)  

psychologically, people are responding to what they personally are feeling by buying guns and ammo at an astonishing rate; purchasing bulk food in record numbers; gold and silver bullion; other necessities in the event of some thing happening.  people don't know exactly what that some thing is, but have many thoughts as to what it could be.  and what about the power of faith and prayer to pull us through difficult times?

some of the things they are concerned about:    

     1.  a financial meltdown
     2.  a CME (coronal mass ejection) which will wipe out or severely hamper our power grid and    telecommunications 
     3.  a terrorist attack - maybe biological or nuclear
     4.  an earthquake of large proportions
     5.  a volcano blowing its top
     6.  war   

are these possible scenarios and the actions being taken by the American people the direct result of what they actually believe may happen but being mainly driven by articles put forth from the news media, publications, newsletters, newspapers, columnists, and purposeful pundits of an Armageddon 2012? this all the result of an innate fear that lies deep within many of us and the inherent knowing that some thing is coming in spite of the fact that the news media doesn't care if it does or not because right now it makes for good sales and publicity?  

well, to answer some of these questions I would have to say yes, to a great degree, as we consider the ramifications of a financial meltdown that people in the know have been and are warning us about as being a distinct possibility.    

these folks talk about mismanagement and outright malfeasance of our monetary system by the federal reserve and an incredible lack of leadership from a Rudderless Leader of the Free World, the President of the United States, aided and abetted by a Congress who has been hamstrung by those on the Left who only want our situation to become more dire.        

would it be fair to surmise that we are already past the point of no return on this debt issue?  i mean can you honestly convince yourself that we're going to be able to pay this massive debt off?  maybe, but not without draconian measures being put into place.

what about a CME?  well I believe we can't rule this out either as we're not out of the woods until the end of 2013 (the sun's solar max cycle).  

how about a terrorist attack?  let's harken back to 9-11.  did we have any warning that this would happen?  well, maybe the authorities did (and didn't act on the information they were privy to) but we sure didn't, not to mention the 3,000+ victims who needlessly perished.

earthquake:  look at what just happened to Japan in March 2011.  

volcano:  well this may or not happen but we have one of the biggest calderas in the world sitting in Yellowstone National Park, USA and according to the scientists, its long overdue for some type of activity.  

and we cannot rule out volcanoes in other parts of the world.  just look up info on the Canary Islands if you want to postulate on an event of unimaginable and far-reaching consequences.

war:  wars can break out at any moment.  a few months ago we had Egypt, now we're following the  civil war in Syria and watching as the threats against Israel from a beligerent Iran escalate.          

the facts as I see them:  forget the six million dollar man...we now have a sixteen trillion dollar man living in the White House who is obviously far more interested in making regular fly-bys in a large jumbo jet emblazoned with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on its side that is owned and financed solely by American taxpayers but does Obama care?  - he's not paying for the fuel or maintenance just enjoyin the rides; playing umpteen rounds of golf at every available opportunity; missing intel meetings and sneaking out to those naughty and forbidden restaurants that are on Michelle O's restricted list.

forget the rest of us - Obama got his.  which leads me to another point:

Commies are noted for redistributing the wealth (it's called Socialism which doesn't work BTW) but then who cares as it's full speed ahead with continuing to whack America and Americans by the Obama White House).  

and i have a question...seeing that this country is slip sliding away, where is Obama investing his millions?  

maybe some one should be investing his money hideaway.  

remember the average American's worth has declined by $4,000.00 under this administration.

and you want to vote him another four years?  are u nuts?  

we are in a financial quagmire and getting deeper.

Mexico is our next door neighbor and is in the midst of a brutal civil war which is only getting worse.  

who cares?  no one in government does.    

we have 23 million Americans out of jobs.

who cares?  no one in government does.

the Pentagon is reducing the military budget so that playing Taps for our deceased veterans may have to be via a recording rather than a real soldier putting the bugle up to his lips.  

but who cares?  no one in government does.  

and i'm one of those who believe that health care is not the job of the federal government' but should be left to the private sector.

where in the Constitution does it say that we have a right to health care?

who cares?  no one in government seems to.    

the Prez just ensured (he hopes) his next election by topping the number of people on food stamps - a whopping 46%.  don't get me wrong, we need a safety net for folks in trouble.  but when you prey upon people's greed, uncaring attitudes because "they got theirs and you be damned", empowering them only to want more and more, knowing full well that someone else is paying the bill, well you're just a sorry, self-serving enabler, nothing else.   you've also succeeded in stripping them of any self-worth and dignity they had remaining plus training future generations to continue down the same road.             

who cares?  i do.  

and i'm going to show how much i care by voting for the other guy in November.

it's a personal thing now.  

when you witness what a sorry and complete failure looks like, day in and day, and an administration's utter lack of knowledge and mind-numbing inability to fix the problems at hand, it is time for a little redistribution of our own - removing the office holder.    

hope we 're not too late.

God Bless America.

Accept Life As It Is

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Holocaust

The Holocaust
soule:  we must also not forget that the Soviets were responsible for an additional untold millions of deaths of Jews and others during WWII.

For those who do not know about WWII, nor how it came to be, how the Allies pulled together to fight one of the most despicable tyrants this world has ever known, Adolph Hitler, please take the time to do some research on this subject.  

I believe this is why it is so vitally important that America not abandon Israel but provide all the help she needs as she is being forced to face another very grave threat and it isn't from Germany this time, it is from Iran.

If the UN had done its job of seeing to it that Iran not be able to continue to with pushing ahead with its nuclear progam, I am certain that the world would be a better and safer place right now.

I don't believe that Israel will be the only one affected if she is forced to defend herself but that her understandable actions will undoubtedly have far reaching affects across the world.

And where is our President? -Sucking up to the Muslim Brotherhood - A Radical Islamist Organization.

This whole thing could have been avoided but isn't it interesting that it hasn't?

I am sure that American public schools are not teaching the lessons of what happened during WWII nor the events leading up to it.

We must take it upon ourselves to educate ourselves for if we do not know history, history has a way of repeating itself.

If we do not learn from the lessons of the past, we are inclined to repeat the mistakes of the past.

And it seems that we are heading in that direction, again.

To American Jews: Time to Oust Obama

September 3, 2012 - Formerly Labor Day but Now Known as "National Empty Chair Day"

Clint Eastwood Speech to an empty chair (aka Barack Obama) August 2012, at the Republican National Convention
and in conclusion, on November 6, 2012... 



some of us have a very deep love for this planet and the beings that we share it with but then there are those of us who could give a rat's a**.

where does this deep affection come from?  could it be that some have been here before and somehow were able to interact with and make a strong connection with this planet's energy?   So much so that this ancient vibration became a part of them, entering into a bond, a deep relationship of knowledge and trust?

we are scattered across the top of this planet; we are not embedded in it.

our existence here is like that of an arrow trying to hit its target but only capable of making a glancing blow as it misses it mark.  

we are like the stone that skips across a pond.  we make contact with the water but don't really understand just how and why we were able to go so far, only to sink into the deep.  we live out our lives not really understanding anything nor wanting to, just waiting for time to pass.

there is something that is just out of our perception.  it runs consistently, like a well-spring of the purest water.  it is a source of energy and it never changes but we do not have a clue how to connect with it.

we are despoiling this planet along with the people on it.

we are a curious bunch with much to offer in the way of love and compassion but in an instant can cut down our neighbor with one furious blow.

who and what are we, exactly?

i am reminded of the scene in the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," starring Keanu Reeves, in which he meets with his Asian friend (disguised as a human being) in a restaurant.

They are discussing how he (Reeves) is going to destroy the earth as the universe has deemed it necessary because we "just can't seem to get it right."

He advises his friend that "he should make preparations soon to leave for his home planet." But his friend refuses, acknowledging a deep love that has developed between he and his fellow human beings, even though he admits he doesn't understand them.

This is a most poignant point and well worth considering.  

this alien human has perceived something in us that is deep down and inherently good.

wouldn't it be nice if we had individuals today who understood this and would willingly tap into this knowing, striving only to bring out the good in all of us instead of the bad?

there seems to be a really powerful thrust and concerted effort by many groups and people today whose only purpose is destroying, subjugating and perverting that which is good and pure.  taking something positive and turn it into a negative only so they can wield it over our heads, hoping to shackle both our minds and bodies.

are we catching on?

Disciplining Students is Rascist?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

From Wikipedia:  Communism (from Latin communis - common, universal) is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a socialpolitical andeconomic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order. This movement, in its Marxist-Leninist interpretations, significantly influenced the history of the 20th century, which saw intense rivalry between the "socialist world" (socialist statesruled by communist parties) and the "western world" (countries with capitalist economies).
Marxist theory holds that pure communism or full communism is a specific stage of historical development that inevitably emerges from the development of the productive forces that leads to a superabundance of material wealth, allowing for distribution based on need and social relations based on freely associated individuals.[1][2] The exact definition of communism varies, and it is often mistakenly, in general political discourse, used interchangeably with socialism; however, Marxist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the road to communism. Leninism adds to Marxism the notion of a vanguard party to lead the proletarian revolution and to secure all political power after the revolution for the working class, for the development of universal class consciousness and worker participation, in a transitional stage between capitalism and socialism.
Council communists and non-Marxist libertarian communists and anarcho-communists oppose the ideas of a vanguard party and a transition stage, and advocate for the construction of full communism to begin immediately upon the abolition of capitalism. There is a very wide range of theories amongst those particular communists in regards to how to build the types of institutions that would replace the various economic engines (such as food distribution, education, and hospitals) as they exist under capitalist systems—or even whether to do so at all. Some of these communists have specific plans for the types of administrative bodies that would replace the current ones, while always qualifying that these bodies would be decentralised and worker-owned, just as they currently are within the activist movements themselves. Others have no concrete set of post-revolutionary blueprints at all, claiming instead that they simply trust that the world's workers and poor will figure out proper modes of distribution and wide-scale production, and also coordination, entirely on their own, without the need for any structured "replacements" for capitalist state-based control.[citation needed]
In the modern lexicon of what many sociologists and political commentators refer to as the "political mainstream", communism is often used to refer to the policies of communist states, i.e., the ones totally controlled by communist parties, regardless of the practical content of the actual economic system they may preside over. Examples of this include the policies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam where the economic system incorporates "doi moi", the People's Republic of China (PRC) where the economic system incorporates "socialist market economy", and the economic system of the Soviet Union which was described as "state capitalist" by non-Leninist socialists and later by communists who increasingly opposed the post-Stalin era Soviet model as it progressed over the course of the 20th century (e.g., MaoistsTrotskyists and libertarian communists)—and even at one point by Vladimir Lenin himself.[3]