how do you prepare for a crisis?
how do you prepare for change?
exactly what is a crisis?
exactly what is change?
how do you know if you are in a crisis or change?
first i believe it important that we know the meaning of these terms:
change: noun
1. The act, process, or result of altering or modifying
2. The replacing of one thing for another; substitution.
3. A transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another
4. Something different; variety
crisis: noun
1. a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something, esp in a sequence of events or a disease
2. an unstable period, esp one of extreme trouble or danger in politics, economics, etc.
3. (Medicine / Pathology) Pathol a sudden change, for better or worse, in the course of a disease
change comes to all of us whether we plan for it, whether we like it or not. take Death for example.
crisis, on the other hand, seems to be somewhat limited in its scope but we cannot rule out the possibility that it will not be visited upon us.
we can more than likely stave off a crisis by assessing our situation (whatever it may be) prudent planning and taking the steps necessary to see that it does not happen.
but, are we taking the steps necessary to stave off one?
obviously if no one is interested in doing this, a crisis will definitely come knocking at our front door.
i speak for the United States of America as this is my home. we have been blessed here (because of our free enterprise system which allows the freedom to prosper and create) with innovations, talented people, inventors, and entrepreneurs.
but would you agree that in the last five years or less this picture has changed? (hence...change).
would you say that we are fast approaching a tipping point here because of the ignorance or just plain ineptness of leaders in both the financial community and the public sector to sit down and aggressively address where this country is right now and where it is headed? (hence...crisis)
psychologically, people are responding to what they personally are feeling by buying guns and ammo at an astonishing rate; purchasing bulk food in record numbers; gold and silver bullion; other necessities in the event of some thing happening. people don't know exactly what that some thing is, but have many thoughts as to what it could be. and what about the power of faith and prayer to pull us through difficult times?
some of the things they are concerned about:
1. a financial meltdown
2. a CME (coronal mass ejection) which will wipe out or severely hamper our power grid and telecommunications
3. a terrorist attack - maybe biological or nuclear
4. an earthquake of large proportions
5. a volcano blowing its top
6. war
are these possible scenarios and the actions being taken by the American people the direct result of what they actually believe may happen but being mainly driven by articles put forth from the news media, publications, newsletters, newspapers, columnists, and purposeful pundits of an Armageddon 2012? this all the result of an innate fear that lies deep within many of us and the inherent knowing that some thing is coming in spite of the fact that the news media doesn't care if it does or not because right now it makes for good sales and publicity?
well, to answer some of these questions I would have to say yes, to a great degree, as we consider the ramifications of a financial meltdown that people in the know have been and are warning us about as being a distinct possibility.
these folks talk about mismanagement and outright malfeasance of our monetary system by the federal reserve and an incredible lack of leadership from a Rudderless Leader of the Free World, the President of the United States, aided and abetted by a Congress who has been hamstrung by those on the Left who only want our situation to become more dire.
would it be fair to surmise that we are already past the point of no return on this debt issue? i mean can you honestly convince yourself that we're going to be able to pay this massive debt off? maybe, but not without draconian measures being put into place.
what about a CME? well I believe we can't rule this out either as we're not out of the woods until the end of 2013 (the sun's solar max cycle).
how about a terrorist attack? let's harken back to 9-11. did we have any warning that this would happen? well, maybe the authorities did (and didn't act on the information they were privy to) but we sure didn't, not to mention the 3,000+ victims who needlessly perished.
earthquake: look at what just happened to Japan in March 2011.
volcano: well this may or not happen but we have one of the biggest calderas in the world sitting in Yellowstone National Park, USA and according to the scientists, its long overdue for some type of activity.
and we cannot rule out volcanoes in other parts of the world. just look up info on the Canary Islands if you want to postulate on an event of unimaginable and far-reaching consequences.
war: wars can break out at any moment. a few months ago we had Egypt, now we're following the civil war in Syria and watching as the threats against Israel from a beligerent Iran escalate.
the facts as I see them: forget the six million dollar man...we now have a sixteen trillion dollar man living in the White House who is obviously far more interested in making regular fly-bys in a large jumbo jet emblazoned with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on its side that is owned and financed solely by American taxpayers but does Obama care? - he's not paying for the fuel or maintenance just enjoyin the rides; playing umpteen rounds of golf at every available opportunity; missing intel meetings and sneaking out to those naughty and forbidden restaurants that are on Michelle O's restricted list.
forget the rest of us - Obama got his. which leads me to another point:
Commies are noted for redistributing the wealth (it's called Socialism which doesn't work BTW) but then who cares as it's full speed ahead with continuing to whack America and Americans by the Obama White House).
and i have a question...seeing that this country is slip sliding away, where is Obama investing his millions?
maybe some one should be investing his money hideaway.
remember the average American's worth has declined by $4,000.00 under this administration.
and you want to vote him another four years? are u nuts?
we are in a financial quagmire and getting deeper.
Mexico is our next door neighbor and is in the midst of a brutal civil war which is only getting worse.
who cares? no one in government does.
we have 23 million Americans out of jobs.
who cares? no one in government does.
the Pentagon is reducing the military budget so that playing Taps for our deceased veterans may have to be via a recording rather than a real soldier putting the bugle up to his lips.
but who cares? no one in government does.
and i'm one of those who believe that health care is not the job of the federal government' but should be left to the private sector.
where in the Constitution does it say that we have a right to health care?
who cares? no one in government seems to.
the Prez just ensured (he hopes) his next election by topping the number of people on food stamps - a whopping 46%. don't get me wrong, we need a safety net for folks in trouble. but when you prey upon people's greed, uncaring attitudes because "they got theirs and you be damned", empowering them only to want more and more, knowing full well that someone else is paying the bill, well you're just a sorry, self-serving enabler, nothing else. you've also succeeded in stripping them of any self-worth and dignity they had remaining plus training future generations to continue down the same road.
who cares? i do.
and i'm going to show how much i care by voting for the other guy in November.
it's a personal thing now.
when you witness what a sorry and complete failure looks like, day in and day, and an administration's utter lack of knowledge and mind-numbing inability to fix the problems at hand, it is time for a little redistribution of our own - removing the office holder.
hope we 're not too late.
God Bless America.