Under his administration, this nation has steadfastly and stealthily been positioned in harm's way.
What better way to hobble a country than bankrupt it?
What better way to render a country vulnerable than undermining its national security by leaking classified information?
What better way to weaken a country than attempting to break the spirit of its citizens?
First you create chaos in the housing industry, where millions of people lose their homes. Then you see to it that there are no jobs created. All the while keeping up the communistic mantra that you are doing all you can.
Hopefully, we are beginning to see what Obama's Hope and Change was all about--Hope I can stick it to them during the four years I'm in office; maybe they won't recognize the Change I'm bringing to them until it's too late.
What's bothering me is what Obama has and continues to do, behind our backs.
And it is quite apparent that the Left along with their comrades-in arm in the media, don't seem to care where this country is headed as their continued support for their guy in the White House continues unabashed.
If a new president is elected in November, the hue and cry from the Left all over as to what the new president will most likely have to do, in order to straighten out a country crippled by Obama's policies, will reach No. 1 on the complaint chart.
There is a saying, "Know Thy Enemy."
I think we've come to understand that saying now that we've witnessed, first hand, four years of onerous destabilization and destruction under Obama.
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