But it appears that some in this country have personally taken that phrase as a way of life and way too far.
To Them, Everyone and Everything is to be feared, if you just don't happen to believe the way they want you to.
Fear Mongering is The Name of Their Game.
If you don't happen to agree with them on a certain issue, say you're against abortion, you are categorized as being against the rights of the mother. What about the rights of a tiny baby who is an unknowing, unwitting and I am most certain if the baby could talk, an unwilling participant in its own death?
We cannot call ourselves civilized when we have openly sanctioned this unspeakable act of barbaric, horrific, savage cruelty, by law.
I shake my head in utter disbelief and shame.
If you're against homosexuality being taught in grade school, you're labelled a homophobe (new type of venacular) for being some kind of rascist or bigot; shouted down or pounded into submission.
So your voice, your opinion doesn't count, right? But theirs does.
Something is very wrong with this picture.
How is it that a few have gotten away with controlling the many?
Answer: Because we let them.
And both of these groups (the Homosexual Lobby and Pro-Abortionists) seem to have garnered the respect of the mainstream media and are able to engage in overt actions to try and stifle your free speech but don't you dare challenge theirs.
We live in a free country, yes? But just how free are you really when you have groups and individuals who categorize, stigmatize and demonize those who happen to believe differently?
Control is The Name of Their Game
Good examples of control are the Congressional Black Caucus; you daren't make any comment that isn't first scrutinized by them and then it passes their muster or it don't.
Both the Democratic and Republican Parties--if you step out of line, witness what happens to you (for the good of the party, of course).
Adolph Hitler preyed on the strong emotions of the German people after World War I. He used their anger and fear to gain power, thus gaining complete control over them.
Then he went on to label the Jews their enemy and attempted their wholesale annihilation.
Mussolini, Pol Pot (the Killing Fields in Cambodia); Mao Tse-tung (remember Tiannemen Square, in which many Chinese were mowed down, gunned down by their own government only because they expressed a desire to live more freely, free from the Stalinist rule of the Communist Chinese?).
The NEA (National Education Association) is another organization that has enormous control over people.
The NEA fights to see to it that incompetent teachers don't lose their jobs but are reassigned to other schools.
They fight the will of parents who only want a choice in where to send their child to school. Maybe they have opted for a charter school (if they are even available).
The NEA is full of excuses as to why this is not possible and roadblocks are set up to stifle parents' freedom of choice.
So you think we live in a free society?
Where does the President send his kids? Answer: It isn't the public schools.
You have other groups with enormous amounts of money and power who wish only to ensnare us, enslave us, turn us into mindless drones, stripping us of our G-d given rights to pursue happiness and live free from fear.
Power begets more power.
I pointed to some examples of control above but other examples are these corporations: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News.
One group has an axe to grind and their proclivity toward bias is shamefully apparent as they continue their blatant disregard for facts but grovel in an insatiable thirst for misrepresentation.
Fox says they are fair and balanced but from time to time we can see an underlying bias by some on certain issues.
Today, many of us have been dressed down, reduced down to figuring out just the basics: where is the next paycheck coming from? how are we going to pay the mortgage, our taxes?; where are we going to live now that our home was just foreclosed on?
President Obama is doing his best to empower those who don't need any more empowering but a good dose of self esteem, dignity and self-worth by finding and keeping a job which will help them break free of an entrenched mindset that all I gotta do is sit back and wait for that next check to arrive in the mail.
Indoctrinating people is easy--just give them free money.
This is another way of controlling people and delivering more power to certain groups and individuals.
Do you see a pattern here?
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