Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hand Obama His Pink Slip

We've crossed the line.  We can't afford another four years under Barack Obama.

Under his administration, this nation has steadfastly and stealthily been positioned in harm's way.

What better way to hobble a country than bankrupt it?

What better way to render a country vulnerable than undermining its national security by leaking classified information?

What better way to weaken a country than attempting to break the spirit of its citizens?

First you create chaos in the housing industry, where millions of people lose their homes.  Then you see to it that there are no jobs created.  All the while keeping up the communistic mantra that you are doing all you can.

Hopefully, we are beginning to see what Obama's Hope and Change was all about--Hope I can stick it to them during the four years I'm in office; maybe they won't recognize the Change I'm bringing to them   until it's too late.

What's bothering me is what Obama has and continues to do, behind our backs.

And it is quite apparent that the Left along with their comrades-in arm in the media, don't seem to care where this country is headed as their continued support for their guy in the White House continues unabashed.

If a new president is elected in November, the hue and cry from the Left all over as to what the new president will most likely have to do, in order to straighten out a country crippled by Obama's policies, will reach No. 1 on the complaint chart.

There is a saying, "Know Thy Enemy."

I think we've come to understand that saying now that we've witnessed, first hand, four years of onerous destabilization and destruction under Obama.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hyping a Hurricane

is it just me or is the news media really hoping this tropical storm will turn into another Katrina?

like the people of the Gulf States are really wishing for this to happen to them, again.

Talk Radio Host Rush Limbaugh corroborated what I perceived.

is it possible that there are those out there who would wish harm to fall upon certain groups and certain people, all because of political reasons?

and some of the comments coming from well-known actors such as Samuel L. Jackson to the effect that he can't figure out why Isaac spared Tampa Florida are beyond the incredulous.

then there was this other female actress who was wailing about the homophobes at the Republican National Convention.

do you think that these people have something in common with the Zombies high on bath salts?

i am really beginning to think that some of us are walking around with a brain deficiency that the scientists haven't quite figured out yet.

it's a degenerative disease that affects the neurons.  it slowly rots away the brain tissue, extinguishing  any sort of intelligent thinking (aka common sense) any sense of decency, any sense of community and compassion for others.

And we look up to these people and call them heroes.

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Who Really Rules the World?


Controlling the Masses

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself", coined by former President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

But it appears that some in this country have personally taken that phrase as a way of life and way too far.

To Them, Everyone and Everything is to be feared, if you just don't happen to believe the way they want you to.    

Fear Mongering is The Name of Their Game.

If you don't happen to agree with them on a certain issue, say you're against abortion, you are categorized as being against the rights of the mother.  What about the rights of a tiny baby who is an unknowing, unwitting and I am most certain if the baby could talk, an unwilling participant in its own death?

We cannot call ourselves civilized when we have openly sanctioned this unspeakable act of barbaric, horrific, savage cruelty, by law.

I shake my head in utter disbelief and shame.

If you're against homosexuality being taught in grade school, you're labelled a homophobe (new type of venacular) for being some kind of rascist or bigot; shouted down or pounded  into submission.

So your voice, your opinion doesn't count, right?  But theirs does.

Something is very wrong with this picture.

How is it that a few have gotten away with controlling the many?

Answer:  Because we let them.

And both of these groups (the Homosexual Lobby and Pro-Abortionists) seem to have garnered the respect of the mainstream media and are able to engage in overt actions to try and stifle your free speech but don't you dare challenge theirs.  

We live in a free country, yes?  But just how free are you really when you have groups and individuals who categorize, stigmatize and demonize those who happen to believe differently?

Control is The Name of Their Game

Good examples of control are the Congressional Black Caucus; you daren't make any comment that isn't first scrutinized by them and then it passes their muster or it don't.

Both the Democratic and Republican Parties--if you step out of line, witness what happens to you (for the good of the party, of course).

Adolph Hitler preyed on the strong emotions of the German people after World War I.  He used their anger and fear to gain power, thus gaining complete control over them.

Then he went on to label the Jews their enemy and attempted their wholesale annihilation.

Mussolini, Pol Pot (the Killing Fields in Cambodia); Mao Tse-tung (remember Tiannemen Square, in which many Chinese were mowed down, gunned down by their own government only because they expressed a desire to live more freely, free from the Stalinist rule of the Communist Chinese?).

The NEA (National Education Association) is another organization that has enormous control over people.

The NEA fights to see to it that incompetent teachers don't lose their jobs but are reassigned to other schools.

They fight the will of parents who only want a choice in where to send their child to school.  Maybe they have opted for a charter school (if they are even available).

The NEA is full of excuses as to why this is not possible and roadblocks are set up to stifle parents' freedom of choice.

So you think we live in a free society?

Where does the President send his kids?  Answer:  It isn't the public schools.

You have other groups with enormous amounts of money and power who wish only to ensnare us, enslave us, turn us into mindless drones, stripping us of our G-d given rights to pursue happiness and live free from fear.

Power begets more power.

I pointed to some examples of control above but other examples are these corporations:  CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News.

One group has an axe to grind and their proclivity toward bias is shamefully apparent as they continue their blatant disregard for facts but grovel in an insatiable thirst for misrepresentation.  

Fox says they are fair and balanced but from time to time we can see an underlying bias by some on certain issues.

Today, many of us have been dressed down, reduced down to figuring out just the basics:  where is the next paycheck coming from?  how are we going to pay the mortgage, our taxes?; where are we going to live now that our home was just foreclosed on?

President Obama is doing his best to empower those who don't need any more empowering but a good dose of self esteem, dignity and self-worth by finding and keeping a job which will help them break free of an entrenched  mindset that all I gotta do is sit back and wait for that next check to arrive in the mail.  

Indoctrinating people is easy--just give them free money.

This is another way of controlling people and delivering more power to certain groups and individuals.

Do you see a pattern here?

Samuel L. Jackson asks why GOP 'spared' by tropical storm - The Hill's Twitter Room

Friday, August 24, 2012

82-Yr-Old Activist Breaches “Stringent Security” At U.S. Nuclear Weapons Lab | Judicial Watch

soule:  Janet Napolitano is wrong.  It is not veterans who should be feared but the Department of Homeland Security itself.

This machine and its total lack of empathy, its jack-booted approach and underlying hatred, distrust and disrespect for the American military and all others who happen to believe in something higher than themselves, is truly alarming.

And isn't it interesting that nothing is being done about this?

They could care less about the number of complaints they receive from American citizens and others who are angered at the way they are treated by TSA, another Fascist arm of the DHS, while waiting quietly in line to board an airplane.

This machine continues to step on our liberties, stoically trying its best to categorize us, compartmentalize us, force all all into complete compliance with their inane agenda, all the while their maniacal quest for more and more power tries to stifle what is left of us as individuals as our liberties are whittled away.    

It is quite clear and becoming alarmingly so, that we have a highly mechanized government agency out of control and out of step with the fundamental values of Americans.

Our only hope, at this time, to effect meaningful change and that means either eliminating this organization or making drastic changes to the way it operates, is in November, when we exercise one of our freedoms and that is to vote.


Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology - UFO Evidence

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm An American



Almost four years ago America voted a young black man into office for the first time in its history.

We didn't know much about Barack Hussein Obama even though there were those who were desperately trying to get the word out.  But now we do.  Even though America's Liberal Media saw to it that those who were trying to educate us were drowned out.   And yet I have to point a finger at the Republican Party who hoisted John McCain's sail up the mast.  And then turns around and picks Sarah Palin, an unknown from Alaska, to be his sidekick.

Looking back, it almost appears as if the Republican Party didn't want to win this one but deliberately chose the path of defeat.  So, I credit the Republicans, in part, with whom we have in office now.

I know that a vast majority of Blacks voted for Obama and a sizeable number of Whites.  I'm unsure about the Hispanic, Asian and others.      

The issue has been raised about Mr. Obama's likeability.  Just how much is he liked by people?  Does this really matter?  Does this mean they will go out and vote for him, based solely on his likeability?

Aren't there more important issues to concern oneself with such as an economy tanking?  Millions of Americans out of work?  National Security Leaks which many argue are coming directly from the White House and putting our intelligence community at grave risk?

A President, along with a like-minded Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who clearly believe in an anti-American agenda; e.g., the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, in which Americans may well be stripped of their right to keep and bear arms.  Does this tell you anything or does this not matter?

And, when are we going to get past race?  Many of us do not care about someone's color, do not spend our whole day focused on it.  Shouldn't we be more concerned with character and substance?

Thanks to the American Left, we aren't given the opportunity to get past this issue as someone on the left is always bringing it up  in an accusatory manner or painting those they don't happen to agree with in rascist terms.  Enough already.

Do they think we are that stupid?

Unfortunately, we do have many in this country who are not being educated like they should.  Who think that Socialism is just swell.  Who haven't even made it out into the big, bad world yet but they have all the answers.  I beg to differ.  Young people who haven't experienced a Depression, a World War, who haven't seen combat, who haven't witnessed the brutality ongoing in other countries need to learn about the country they live in, how and why it came into existence, the sacrifices that were made and are still being made, so they can grow up to prosper and live free.

YOU DO NOT HAVE THAT UNDER SOCIALISM--which is what Mr. Obama believes in.

These young people know nothing.  And yet they will vote in the next election. We will have voters who will vote based solely on the fact that the President is Black.

When you have fifty percent of the population on the government dole; the other fifty percent paying for them; those who will vote solely because of someone's color; then you elevate something as meaningless as a president's likeability as a determining factor into the campaign, all the while distracting your opponent(s) and ignoring the utter failure of an administration to address serious problems and come up with workable solutions, you don't have a crisis, you have a catastrophe.

This is where we are, right now.

I understand the Vietnam Vet who wonders why in hell he even went out to fight the Communists in Vietnam as he watches the work of the wrecking ball that is Barack Hussein Obama.  

The midnight hour approaches.

Let us hope and pray that this next election will turn out a record number of voters who are clearly dismayed and concerned at what they see happening to their country and way of life.

Let us hope and pray that before this election, many will have done some serious soul-searching; will have found their country's conscience (n. conscience:  a person's sense of what is right and wrong especially in his own actions or motives) will rise above their own special interests (adj.  selfishness:  acting or done according to one's own interest and needs, without regard for those of others) rally around the flag of our nation and join the rest of those who will make the change necessary in November.      

The choice we make this year will be one of the most crucial ones ever ever made as it will clearly define the direction this country is going, for all of us.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

How To Get Solar Alerts on Your Cell Phone


How does one appeal to that one lone individual whose only mission in life has now degraded to inflicting pain or some type of revenge on another--to that organization or group whose only agenda is fomenting hate and fear?

How does one reach that person, that organization, and show them there's another way?

How long do any of us have here on this planet, anyway?  Do we consider this question at all?

How many have been violently cut down, by the savagery of other human beings?

Witness what is going on in Syria.  Africa--an ongoing problem.  Iran- threatening its tiny neighbor with annihilation.

How do you get across to someone that our time here is very short?  That we can do nothing positive or good, after we leave here.

                                The time for making a difference is now.

When I look around this world and see the horrific situation we're all in, it does not give one hope.  

We have technology now that connects all of us via the internet.

We have organizations that were set up to represent all of us, supposed to make a difference in the lives of many, bring us all together, and represent the good in  us, not the bad.  But the United Nations is one organization that is not living up to its potential.

Instead, I am seeing a consistent pattern of an organization taking the side of those who only wish to subjugate and control.

I wonder how it is on other worlds?

Do they have similar problems?  Have they come up with workable solutions?

I believe the governments of the world are doing humanity a grave disservice by not coming forward with the Truth--and that is we have been and continue to be visited by different beings from many different star systems.

Yes, some of them may be bent on doing us harm.  I believe you cannot rule that out.  But the vast majority are peaceful and striving to make contact with a consistently hostile race--us.

If we were able to converse and talk with them about our problems and possible solutions, maybe learn new technologies, alternative ways of treating diseases, access to new medicines, new ideas....don't you believe that would make a huge difference?  I believe it would.

How much longer are we going to witness the wholesale brutality meted out by those whose only mission in life is to conquer the weak and vulnerable?

How much longer are we going to be subjected to watching the so-called leaders of this planet continue to ignore the desperate plight of others (Israel comes to mind)?  Instead, opting to dismiss the desperate  situations of others; choosing instead to make deals with murderous tyrants; lining their pockets with ill-begotten booty; turning the screws to gain more control over others; dissing the ragtag rabble streaming out of countries trying to escape the horrors of war, famine and disease.

Is this what humanity is all about?  If so, do we ever consider that we might not be just some errant blue ball suspended in an inky darkness, all alone in the cosmos but actually inhabitants of a vast universe of other beings, with a universal responsibility to one another to act responsibly?

Each one of us can make a difference if we allow ourselves the chance.  The more people who seize an opportunity to do something positive, the better for all.

It's like the power of prayer.  It can have a  snowball effect.

We're running out of time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Terrorist Talk
soule:  what i want to know, "is this group on a terrorist watch list"?  I bet the answer is a big fat no.

Where are the President and the DOJ on this issue?  I haven't heard any words of condemnation being uttered.

I'm gettin friggin tired of groups, and other people in this country who are consistently given a pass--who seem to be able to get away with saying anything they damn well please and threatening anyone they damn well please.

It appears that we have a group who is overtly pushing for some type of trouble...encouraged, aided and abetted by the deafening silence from the leader of the Free World and the Attorney General of the United States.

We really have come that far down the slippery slope.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Black Elitists - They Just Can't Get Past Color

August 5, 2012 - Massacre in Oak Ridge, Wisconsin

How many more of these insane events are we going to witness?  

The Oak Ridge Wisconsin massacre at the Sikh Temple is another indicator of just how really disconnected we are as a people, as a society.

We all have free will to make choices--to do either evil, good.

We cannot occupy everyone's head at the same time and turn the gears one way or the other.   It is the personal choice the individual makes that frames the event.

I don't believe these atrocities are on the upswing.  I believe what we're experiencing is the beginning of a collective conscience, via technology, that is bringing all of us together through unfathomable acts of cruelty.

But doesn't it beg us to look deeper within and start the soul search of just who we are and where we are really going, as a species?

Are we human beings just some sort of ill-begotten litter that was dumped here, eons ago?  Left to fend for ourselves, with nary a clue?  Blindly stumbling along like backward, wayward savages solely bent on mass deprivation of our other human beings' rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  

Or, are we, without our even knowing, slowly coming together through all these heart-wrenching events, in some sort of hidden way we don't understand?

All I know is we have scientists, psychologists, law enforcement officials, clergy, and other groups in this country who willingly work together in times like these.  Many have high degrees but alas, they fell on their asses again.  Why is it that we still have no clue why one person will willingly act out in the most brutal and malevolent way and least when we expect it?

We are quick to inform everyone that this guy was in the military (like that really makes a difference) or that this was a domestic terrorism act or the Southern Poverty Law Center is quick to point out that this nutter was part of a White Supremacist Group.  This may or may not be true.  We'll have to wait as the facts come out.  But this is no time to turn this horrendous act into a political football, like some are so willing to do.

And the term hate crime.  I have an issue with that.  Whenever you turn your rage upon another and vent your anger whether it be beating someone to death, pointing a gun and firing that fatal shot, raping or using a kitchen knife, these are all acts of unimaginable savagery but I wouldn't necessarily coin them as being hate crimes.  Quit categorizing and get on with fixing the problem, okay?

We've got a big problem here in this country and we better stop trying to make  some sort of personal gain from it and start concentrating on how we can spot and stop this type of thing from happening again.    

And, it is time to stop the hand-wringing.

We all live together and yet we do not:  We have Hispanic communities, Muslim communities, Jewish communities, we have this borough and that borough, White communities, Black communities, Asian communities.

We all are ensconced in our own little worlds.

And yet we have the strong preying upon the weak.  We have Black on Black crime that is off the chart; Black on White; White on Black; Black on Asian; and now White on Sikh.

When are we going to get it through our heads that we all live here?  Many of us unsure of what to expect yet we came here with only one thought and that was to hopefully brighten our future, broaden our outlook, live free from fear.

And now someone with some deep, dark, hidden motive took all of that away from a group of people who only wanted to be left alone to experience a peaceful life in this country, free from exploitation and fear.

How dare he. How dare WE?

People Helping People