>That there are many dimensions to existence and that different forms of life reside within these dimensions.
>That our planet is a 3Dimensional planet and that we human beings have been stuck in the Dark Ages of ignorance (evil) for eons but help is on its way.
>This help is coming from those who are called "The Light Workers" and they are here to raise our consciousness to a higher level of understanding so that we will finally know, once and for all, that we are not just some blue ball suspended in space but that we have a lot of company out there. And they are reaching across the miles to us.
>The Omniverse is what this Being defines as this gigantic collection of universes that we are a part of and that Prime Creator is the force behind this.
I also happened to read a post this morning that coincidentally resonated the very same message that this Being was sharing and one I have previously posted that...we are all one.
Even though there are millions of other universes, the message is that we are all connected. And that the inhabitants of these other planets only want what we want...peace and happiness.
Oneness - what exactly does this mean? And how is it that this Truth only resonates with very few?
It is a fact that there are those on this planet who continue to do evil, continue to delight in doing evil...making people's lives miserable, amassing all the power and money they can, while those in their presumed care are ravaged, subjugated and reduced to suffering in the most horrible and brutal manner from neglect, disease, crime, abuse, starvation.
This Being stated that there will be consequences assigned to those who continue to commit these acts against others.
Oneness - how in the world do you get this message across to those whose bodies and minds are so poisoned with drugs and who have known only violence as a normal way of life? They show neither remorse nor regret as they unleash their fury on some poor innocent soul(s) who happens to unknowingly stumble across their path.
The answer is you cannot.
These are the ones who have made their choice; these are the ones who have committed themselves to ardent wrongdoing; these are the ones who are so far down the dark path there is no help for them as they will not and utterly refuse to turn back from their abhorrent behaviour.
Know that these souls will be identified, rounded up, and their records of accountability will be sequestered and thus read by those Universal Elements who were created for just this task....sifting out the bad from the good.
The Universe will have its day of reckoning.
I believe we are headed for earth changes of great magnitude. Not man-made but normal events, albeit, not witnessed by any human being before. I believe this is all a part of the process in which our earth is slowly ascending, being raised to a new, purer and higher level of vibration in which our human frequencies will all be attuned to whole of Creation.
We all fear the unknown. The unknown is what we cannot see. But I believe a path to less fear and acceptance of what is to come is one of prayer in which we humbly submit ourselves to a higher authority, a Prime Creator, a Being of such Supreme Intelligence, that we are only beginning to perceive.
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