soule: Folks, if you haven't gotten it by now, all the freedoms we have enjoyed here, under the mantle of liberty, are under attack.
Google has now shown its true colors and in my mind they are more PC-oriented, not red, white and blue.
They have committed a shameful and cowardly act by shutting this blogger down.
Under the Bill of Rights, Amendment I, Freedom of Speech is protected under the Constitution. It is painfully obvious that special interests, whether they be behemoth giants like Google, an out-of-control Congress, a Wall Street Big Shot or large corporations are attempting daily to thwart our individual rights.
My parents and ancestors went out and fought for the freedoms you and I enjoy today along with Google's freedom to start up in some obscure, unknown, friend's garage, branching out in all directions as it grew in magnitude and influence. This was the direct result of living in a Capitalist society. Not a Communist one.
Google seems to have forgotten that. Maybe they got too big for their britches, eh?
Instead of standing up for this blogger's rights to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, they just decided they didn't like what he wrote and shut him down.
What a bunch of sissies and what a cowardly act.
Opinions and ideas are the hallmark of a free society. When you have people, companies that forget that, you, your country, your livelihood are at risk.
It is time to stand up and be counted on the side of acknowledging:
1. We have a Constitution of the United States that is the framework of this Republic and is the Law of the Land
2. Taking the time to read it and understanding what the Framer's intent was in drafting it.
3. Respecting it.
4. Standing up for it.
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