Thursday, May 31, 2012

I Am in Awe

I am in awe
Of the breath I draw
The feet that walk
The mouth that talks
Eyes of blue or gray or brown
The face that wears a smile or frown
The inner workings of the brain
That bring much joy
That bring much pain
Hands that softly, tenderly,
   caress a babe most lovingly
But those same hands can turn to fists,
   striking blows they can’t resist
Hatred, fear, resentment swelling
Like a crazed self portrait compelling
Nothing stops errant direction
Now is time for Big Correction
If you are blind to changes coming,
They’re hard to see as world keeps humming
But He who’s tired and saddened, too
Watching handiwork He can’t undo,
   Incapable of self control
Time for realignment of the soul
Our evil bent has last too long
Now the somber Buddha’s gong,
  Sweet intertwined with Song of Songs
Signals end of all that’s wrong
One more chance to turn around
To stay the race and reclaim our ground

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From Dr. Steven Greer - Update on Sirius

The United States Constitution - a Truly Remarkable Document

Hillsdale College - Constitution 101:  Separation of Powers to Ensure Good Government

The separation of powers helps to ensure good government at the same time it guards against tyranny. Independent in function but coordinated in the pursuit of justice, the three branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial—must each have enough power to resist the encroachment of the others, and yet not so much that the liberty of the people is lost.

A political regime has three dimensions: the ruling institutions, the rulers, and the way of life of the people. In America, the rulers—the people themselves—and their ruling institutions—staffed by the people’s representatives—aim at securing the Creator-endowed natural rights of all citizens. The Framers did this in two ways. “Vertically” considered, our ruling institutions are defined by federalism, or the division of power between the national, state, and local governments. “Horizontally” considered, the ruling institutions of the federal government itself are separated and co-equal.

In the American regime, the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land.” No one branch is superior to it; all three branches have a duty to abide by it. While each of the three branches plays a unique role in the passage, execution, and interpretation of laws, all of the branches must work together in the governing process.

The legislative branch is closest to the people. It is also the branch in which the danger of majority tyranny lurks. The passions of the people are reflected most in the House of Representatives, where the members are elected for terms of two years. The Senate, with its six year terms, was designed to be a more stable legislative presence than the House.

The defining characteristic of the executive is “energy.” The president can act swiftly and decisively to deal with foreign threats and to enforce the law, and can also provide a check on legislative tyranny through the veto.

Members of the judiciary, the third branch of government, must exercise judgment in particular cases to secure individual rights. Through “judicial review,” the judiciary is given the authority to strike down laws that are contrary to the Constitution. But judicial review is not judicial supremacy; even the Supreme Court must rely upon the other branches once it has rendered judgment.

The checks that each branch can exercise against the encroachment of the others ultimately protect the liberties of the people. The separation of powers promotes justice and good government by having each branch perform its proper function. This institutional design allows the sovereign people to observe and to know which branch is responsible for which actions in order to hold each to account. The sense of mutual responsibility built into the separation of powers is a reflection of the moral and civic responsibility all Americans share.


Klaus Dona, "The Hidden Mystery of the Human Race"

Get Over It

Grey Art Print

We Were Warned, Back in 2008, But We Chose Instead to Repudiate

Friday, May 25, 2012

Shake Hands With Yourself

Did it ever occur to anyone that we humans could also be considered as aliens?  I mean, we have had distant travelers coming to our planet since the beginning of time (maybe even before the beginning of time...who knows) and many people on this planet have had encounters with them.

So a galactic foreign traveler who is right at home and welcomed in his own part of the Universe treks off through the wormhole for distant galaxies to explore, and discovers our own Planet Earth.  He lands his UFO in a distant field and inadvertently (or maybe on purpose) meets his first human being.

Now to him or her, we are as alien to them as they are to us.

It is truly sad that ignoble governments have managed to pull the wool over our eyes; lied through their teeth and  threatened those who have had these ET experiences with bodily harm or worse, just to keep hidden the truth of the matter when it comes to personal encounters with other sentient beings in the Universe.

And it is truly sad to have to admit that we, as a human race collectively, have failed ourselves when it comes to our continued hubris, our continued, haughty self-conceived preconceptions/assumptions where many of us, including our own scientific and military community and government leaders, stubbornly continue to view us as the only inhabitants occupying the vastness of outer space.      

At this point in time it is tragic to continue to witness the global onslaught of a pernicious cancer that has invaded and permeated human consciousness, taken over our minds, and perverted our actions:

Governments beating up and brutalizing their own citizens; wholesale slaughter of ethnic groups; murder of the unborn; lack of respect for things worthwhile and virtuous; cheating, lying and deception; depravity, and power-hungry, ruthless individuals whose only existence on this planet is to throttle and trample the weak underfoot and amass more and more power.

Where, when and why did we lose our way along the cosmic path?  Or is this appetitite for murder, mayhem injustice and power just an inbred, incarnate human trait?

We are born; we will die.  

I hope that before my time arrives I will have one wish granted...and that is to see, along with the entire planet, a group of principled life forms, who have grown weary, over the millenia, of being ignored and shoved aside because they're considered "a national security risk" or they "don't exist" but who are now willing to come forward, putting all the lies to rest, by meeting their "other halves."

Bearing gifts of good will, like the Ancients of Old, and incredible knowledge intended to only help us by elevating  mankind up from the dark pit it finds itself imprisoned in; offering us solutions to our problems and hope, sharing wisdom that has been suppressed by the governments of this world for a very long time.

soule:  On a side note, isn't it interesting that government demands we prove our identify, but when it comes to other worldly visitors, no one utters the infamous phrase..."Papers, please..."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dems Disenfranchise Voters After Polls Show Obama in Close Primary Race

Evidence Suppressed

The Empire Strikes Back

Facebook Co-Founder Unfriends USA...Now the Empire Strikes Back
By Mark Nestmann
Brazilian-born Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin relinquished his U.S. citizenship late last year. As an expatriate, Saverin must pay an "exit tax" on the value of any unrealized gains in his worldwide estate, less a $636,000 exclusion for 2011. I'm not privy to billionaire Saverin's financial affairs, but I have no reason to doubt his statement that he will pay "hundreds of millions" of dollars in exit tax to the U.S. government. Some of this tax is on the pre-initial public offering (pre-IPO) value of his Facebook shares.
Is that fair? Not according to Senators Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Bob Casey (R-Pa.). They have now introduced legislation that would retroactively punish wealthy expatriates like Saverin.
You see, Saverin still has an approximate 4% ownership stake in Facebook. While he's already subject to an exit tax on the pre-IPO value of his Facebook stock, he won't need to pay any tax on the difference between that value and the IPO value (approximately $38/share). Various media sources claim he will save at least $67 million in tax, but since he's already subject to tax on the pre-IPO value, his actual savings will be substantially less.
You might think Schumer, Casey, and their peers would instead of vilifying Saverin, thank him—and Facebook—for spawning an entire industry and creating tens of thousands of U.S. jobs. Not to mention paying hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes, and making it much simpler for the NSA and CIA to assemble dossiers on anyone they decide to watch who's on Facebook.
I've read the proposed "Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy" (or Ex-PATRIOT) Act, and it's a real nightmare.
Under the bill, expatriates with a net worth exceeding $2 million, or with average income tax liability exceeding $148,000 over the past five years, would be presumed to given up U.S. citizenship for tax avoidance purposes. If they couldn't prove otherwise to the IRS, they would face a 30% percent tax on future gains from U.S. investments, no matter where they live. They would also be permanently barred from any type of re-entry into the United States
Both the tax and re-entry provisions are retroactive and will encompass individuals who gave up U.S. citizenship for the 10-year period prior to enactment of the statute.
The real questions are:
• Will this proposal become law?
• If it becomes law, will the courts uphold it?
I think there's a very good chance that in the current political atmosphere, the Ex-PATRIOT Act could pass. Think of it this way: if you were a politician in Washington, D.C., and wanted to get re-elected, would you dare to vote against it?
If the bill becomes law, I also think the courts will uphold its tax aspects, including retroactive application to individuals who expatriated prior to its coming into effect. From a tax standpoint, the only real difference between the Ex-PATRIOT Act and the current exit tax law is that expatriates would face a 30% percent tax on future gains from U.S. investments. Under current law, non-resident aliens investing in the United States need not pay tax on gains from sales of securities and certain other investments.
However, prior to 2008, wealthy expatriates faced a discriminatory tax regime with respect to some U.S. investments. I'm not aware of any court challenges to this former regime. Should the Ex-PATRIOT Act be enacted, I see no reason why the courts wouldn't respect congressional legislative authority.
As for retroactive application of tax rules, the Supreme Court has repeatedly held this is perfectly sound policy, despite the U.S. Constitution's prohibition of laws with retroactive effect (ex post facto laws). Such laws are unconstitutional only when criminal activities are involved, the Supreme Court says. The prohibition doesn't apply if "only" money or property is at risk. To pass constitutional muster the retroactive aspects of the statute need only be "rationally related to a legitimate legislative purpose" (United States v. Carlton).
Permanent exclusion from the United States is another matter. Back in 1996, Congress enacted a similar law, the Reed Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act. The amendment gives the U.S. Attorney General the discretion to deny entry into the United States to a former U.S. citizen who renounced U.S. citizenship in order to avoid U.S. taxation. Other categories of "excluded persons" are those with communicable diseases or other health conditions; those convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude or illegal drugs or with multiple criminal convictions; prostitutes; spies; terrorists; and draft evaders.
Yet, 16 years after its original enactment, regulations under the Reed Amendment have never been issued, nor has its power ever officially been invoked. However, some U.S. consular officials have denied visa applications from former U.S. citizens, apparently using the Reed amendment as legal authority for doing so. Again, I'm not aware of any court cases testing this law. Indeed, it would probably be impossible to challenge exclusion based on the Reed Amendment since it's never officially been used.
However, if the Reed Amendment—or the Ex-PATRIOT Act were ever officially enforced, it would be open to court challenge on numerous grounds, including conflict with bilateral U.S. treaties of "Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation" and similarly titled treaties, and the non-discrimination provisions of U.S. tax treaties.
It would also be subject to constitutional challenges. While the United States has the right to exclude certain classes of individuals from entering the United States, that's not why Senators Schumer and Casey have introduced the Ex-PATRIOT Act. The sole purpose for the proposal is to deter a wealthy person from giving up citizenship in the first place. That is, faced with the certainty that he or she will never be able to re-enter the United States, the individual will make the decision not to expatriate.
This must be the purpose, because there's no other rational reason why such a statute could be proposed. Wealthy visitors to the United States spend money and pay state sales taxes on almost anything they buy. If they invest in the United States, they may also pay local, state, and/or federal taxes.
When a law infringes a fundamental right, such as the right to expatriation, U.S. courts have ruled it must be reviewed under a standard of "strict scrutiny." Such laws may be upheld only if they meet a "compelling interest."
Does excluding wealthy, free-spending, tax-paying visitors out of the United States serve a compelling national interest? Senators Schumer and Casey think it does. I'm not sure the courts will agree.

Are You the Property of Your Government? | Charles Goyette's American Breaking Point Blog

Embarrassingly Absent...Condemnation from the Left

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Delegate warns of 'black youth mobs'

Delegate warns of 'black youth mobs'
soule:  "Race Baiting", eh?  If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's a friggin duck. 

Senators to Unveil the ‘Ex-Patriot Act’ to Respond to Facebook’s Saverin’s Tax ‘Scheme’

Senators to Unveil the ‘Ex-Patriot Act’ to Respond to Facebook’s Saverin’s Tax ‘Scheme’: Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has a status update for Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin: Stop attempting to dodge your taxes by renouncing your U.S. citizenship or never come to back to the U.S. again. In September 2011, Saverin relinquished his U.S. citizenship before the company announced...
soule:  I'd say that Saverin made the right choice.  Who wouldn't want to protect their investment from a bunch of government thieves?

Senator Schumer is whining because he didn't see this one coming.  So, to make up for his public humiliation, and the fact that the U.S. government just lost out on a whole lotta money, he's now gonna retaliate by making it harder for the rest of us who want to (leave, that is).  What a Schmuck.


Seiichi Yoshida and Comets
soule:  with kind permission from the author to post a link to his page...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Obama's One Success

I've been thinking about this for some time and becoming more convinced that the changes we are seeing, under this administration, are being done deliberately:  All to accomplish a very sinister motive and that is the further weakening of this country.  Make no mistake about this.

Just some of the "changes" we've witnessed during Obama's braggadocio:  
>massive fiscal debt of trillions of dollars in which we now find ourselves in a very troublesome and intimidating (to me, anyway) alliance with someone we really cannot trust, ...Communist China.    

I also have grave concerns as to the decision-making skills of our own State Department and DOD.  (Wonder if they're sellin us down the road--not that they've been all that great in the past).  But I digress...

>no jobs, no jobs, no jobs; and it appears Obama is doing all he can not to create jobs;  aka the Keystone Pipeline as a good example;  
>the govt. takeover of GM in which a private corporation now answers to the government, not its shareholders;
>new govt. regulations making it harder and harder for banks to lend;
>the on-going cover up of the number of brutal attacks by Blacks on Whites;
>the policies of the federal government that go against moral and religious beliefs; e.g., the President's attack on the Catholic Church; and elevating "Homosexual" rights.

Under the Constitution, we all are free to live our lives, free from fear, as long as we do not infringe or harm another.  But when we have the federal government interfering in our religious beliefs, sexual orientation and elevating that particular sexual orientation to one of importance over another, well, the federal government has gone too far.  This is not the role of government.

Coveting this group or that one, passing out favors, fawning all over ones self in an embarrassing display to court a particular group is just another way a voting bloc is nailed down as its most paramount use will be when it comes to amassing votes.

Aren't you tired of being assigned a number, manipulated and used to fulfill someone's agenda?  I think we're all getting tired of the deception.  And more importantly, I believe we're being able to see right through it.  Something we haven't been able to do before.  

> the attack on our right to free speech and to own guns to be able to defend ourselves;
> the amount of ammo and MREs the Department of Homeland Security is stocking; do they say why they are doing this when asked?  I haven't heard any plausible answer on this one, yet.
>the continued Nazi tactics by the TSA on American citizens that are obviously sanctioned by the DHS as they haven't done a damn thing to stop them.
>the use of drones and for what purpose?  Again, no one has provided a plausible answer.

I'd like to close with an many of us (black, white, asian, hispanic, other) are in favor of anything I just listed?  Do not these programs adversely affect each and every one of us, our children, our grandchildren, our futures?

Do we or do we not have the capability to change things for the better?

If ever there was a time for meaningful CHANGE in this country, I'd say November is looking like our date with destiny.  

And we can thank President Obama for this new cognizance, this new awareness, as he has awakened a sleeping electorate to the total ideological rot that has been gnawing away at the underbelly of this nation for a very long time.


A Censored Race War

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Google, "The Blog Buster"
soule:  Folks, if you haven't gotten it by now, all the freedoms we have enjoyed here, under the mantle of liberty, are under attack.

Google has now shown its true colors and in my mind they are more PC-oriented, not red, white and blue.

They have committed a shameful and cowardly act by shutting this blogger down.  

Under the Bill of Rights, Amendment I, Freedom of Speech is protected under the Constitution.  It is painfully obvious that special interests, whether they be behemoth giants like Google, an out-of-control Congress, a  Wall Street Big Shot or large corporations are attempting daily to thwart our individual rights.

My parents and ancestors went out and fought for the freedoms you and I enjoy today along with Google's freedom to start up in some obscure, unknown, friend's garage, branching out in all directions as it grew in magnitude and influence.  This was the direct result of living in a Capitalist society.  Not a Communist one.

Google seems to have forgotten that.  Maybe they got too big for their britches, eh?

Instead of standing up for this blogger's rights to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, they just decided they didn't like what he wrote and shut him down.

What a bunch of sissies and what a cowardly act.

Opinions and ideas are the hallmark of a free society.  When you have people, companies that forget that, you, your country, your livelihood are at risk.

It is time to stand up and be counted on the side of acknowledging:

1.  We have a Constitution of the United States that is the framework of this Republic and is the Law of the Land
2.  Taking the time to read it and understanding what the Framer's intent was in drafting it.
3.  Respecting it.
4.  Standing up for it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Fed Allows Chinese Banks to Acquire a Purse in U.S. Banks
soule:  This is interesting and I find the timing questionable.  We are in debt to the Chinese, to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Let's just get it out in the open, okay?  THEY NOW OWN US.

This, BTW, is just one way a country can take over another.  And you don't think this isn't China's aim?  --  Aided and abetted by a very willing Obama administration.

If we were able to pay off this debt (which is highly unlikely as Congress continues to spend without reining in entitlements) each and every American would owe a whopping $50,000.00.

In addition, the Chinese have now managed to swizzle their way into our banking system in such a prominent manner thanks to the Federal Reserve who, in my opinion, has mismanaged and procreated taxpayer money to such an extent that this organization should be dissolved.  This situation kinda reminds me of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland...sitting there all neat and pretty with that wide, wide grin on its face.  And it ain't even opened its mouth to show us all them razor sharp teeth yet.

Before, China was just hanging out there, in the background, watching us from thousands of miles away, little men hunched over with black rimmed glasses salivating over all them U.S. dollars they'd eventually be raking in, counting each and every one lovingly and with a measured hand.  Now they're in our own backyard, warmly invited and warmly welcomed by our own Central Bank.  Yikes!

So, they will be subject to U.S. banking laws which, um, means they can borrow from our own Federal Reserve, right?  So, what if they need a bailout?  Hey, don't laugh.  Everyone else has gotten one.  Why not our friendly Asian Banker?  Let's see how this would work, the Yuan is being kept artificially low so the Chinese can get the biggest bang for the buck (no pun intended) meaning the Yuan goes further.  And right now the interest rate in this country is what, 2.5% or is it lower?  I think it is.  So, hypothetically, the Chinese could borrow from us at a very low rate, turn around and raise the amount to re-capture the trillions of dollars in debt we owe them.  Maybe this is one way the Obama administration feels it can keep good on its promissory note to the Chinese.  Or, could it be that someone strong-armed the Federal Reserve into letting the Chinese invade our banking system?  Hmmmm, can someone smell something just a little bit fishy here?

I mean, who trusts their own government anymore, especially after this one, when all they're doin is takin from the poor and givin it to the wealthy.

And on a more somber note, how about this new decision by the Central Bank, a downright dangerous one.  


Seek the Truth in All Things

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fight or Flee?

Why do i sense a "fight or flee" situation right now?  It's a nagging feeling I've had for months.  I know that there is this some one thing out there (aside from the fact that there are many things going on in the world but somehow, this some one thing is going to be different).  Picture this some one thing as a giant snowball that is perched on top of a hill and is inching its way forward.  It's almost to the point where the slightest breeze or vibration will push it over the top.  It's almost there and when it does start to roll downhill, it will only pick up more and more speed, gaining all the momentum it needs to hurtle down the slippery slope and smash itself into a million pieces when it hits bottom.  Then what?  All I can say, is "oh boy."    
Why do i feel that somehow, we're being "set up" (maybe a better description would be "we've already been set up" for some kind of a huge, huge fall?  Something that is almost unfathomable.  Something that is going to be very, very hard for us to wrap our brains around.)  It's like watching dominoes that are neatly stacked together and all it takes to get them moving is a sleight of hand.  The eye is mesmerized as it watches this once neatly stacked array completely unravel in a few seconds.  Is this a future out of this world event I am feeling?  Or is it a government thing?  I believe the two will be intertwined.

Taxmageddon: Massive Tax Increase Coming in 2013

The coming of an American Reichstag?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Keep Your Eye on the Sun

Democrats withdraw Trayvon amendment

Mob on the Quad

Friday, May 4, 2012

Rare white buffalo slain and skinned, sheriff says - Dallas News |

It's All Coming Together

I am reading an account in which a Being, who walked this earth thousands of years ago, was recently channelled and the information he provides on how our own universe was created, and that there are millions of other universes and galaxies (not just our own Milky Way Galaxy), planets and stars.

>That there are many dimensions to existence and that different forms of life reside within these dimensions.  

>That our planet is a 3Dimensional planet and that we human beings have been stuck in the Dark Ages of ignorance (evil) for eons but help is on its way.  

>This help is coming from those who are called "The Light Workers" and they are here to raise our consciousness to a higher level of understanding so that we will finally know, once and for all, that we are not just some blue ball suspended in space but that we have a lot of company out there.  And they are reaching across the miles to us.

>The Omniverse is what this Being defines as this gigantic collection of universes that we are a part of and that Prime Creator is the force behind this.

I also happened to read a post this morning that coincidentally resonated the very same message that this Being was sharing and one I have previously posted that...we are all one.

Even though there are millions of other universes, the message is that we are all connected.  And that the inhabitants of these other planets only want what we want...peace and happiness.

Oneness - what exactly does this mean?  And how is it that this Truth only resonates with very few?

It is a fact that there are those on this planet who continue to do evil, continue to delight in doing evil...making people's lives miserable, amassing all the power and money they can, while those in their presumed care are ravaged, subjugated and reduced to suffering in the most horrible and brutal manner from neglect, disease, crime, abuse, starvation.

This Being stated that there will be consequences assigned to those who continue to commit these acts against others.

Oneness - how in the world do you get this message across to those whose bodies and minds are so poisoned with drugs and who have known only violence as a normal way of life?  They show neither remorse nor regret as they unleash their fury on some poor innocent soul(s) who happens to unknowingly stumble across their path.

The answer is you cannot.

These are the ones who have made their choice; these are the ones who have committed themselves to ardent wrongdoing; these are the ones who are so far down the dark path there is no help for them as they will not and utterly refuse to turn back from their abhorrent behaviour.  

Know that these souls will be identified, rounded up, and their records of accountability will be sequestered and thus read by those Universal Elements who were created for just this task....sifting out the bad from the good.

The Universe will have its day of reckoning.

I believe we are headed for earth changes of great magnitude.  Not man-made but normal events, albeit, not witnessed by any human being before.  I believe this is all a part of the process in which our earth is slowly ascending, being raised to a new, purer and higher level of vibration in which our human frequencies will all be attuned to whole of Creation.

We all fear the unknown.  The unknown is what we cannot see.  But I believe a path to less fear and acceptance of what is to come is one of prayer in which we humbly submit ourselves to a higher authority, a Prime Creator, a Being of such Supreme Intelligence, that we are only beginning to perceive.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Avery 2008 Crop Circle Formation
soule:  This is important.  Please take to heart what I am about to share with you..."take the time to watch this video".  The information contained herein may be very difficult for some to absorb and to even understand.  Indeed, there may be those who will turn their backs (and minds) on the information provided in this documentary video, and which (I personally believe) is being gifted to us from our celestial neighbors, as to an event of extraordinary planetary consequence, a Singularity,  that is unfolding right in our own backyard.  

Whatever it Takes to Get Re-Elected