We wake up and get up. We put on our clothes. We comb our hair and brush our teeth. We smell the coffee wafting from the kitchen. We say "good morning". We turn on the news. We hug our kids. Then it's off to work or school.
This is an everyday occurrence. It is called existence. It is a state of being.
Realistically, sadly, I am very much aware that this is not occurring in other parts of the world.
Nor is it occurring in many homes here.
Have you ever been so hurried, so worried, that there is no room inside you for hope anymore, for some type of relief, for some type of rescue? That you've pretty much given up on everything, everyone, yourself included?
You are throwing things around, and very angry...you are now filled with a what's the sense of it all type of resignation, and then out of the blue a feeling hits you, penetrates your mental state, and you experience an immediate and soothing awareness, a realization that everything is going to be okay?
We have many unseen guides who surround us. Who are here to help us, want to help us, if only we will give them permission to do so.
Many of you will laugh at this. "How do you know?" Because I've seen them and spoken with them or rather, it's been the other way around.
No, I'm not some sort of wizard, guru...just a person who meditates, listens for answers and continually prays for the world and its planetary inhabitants (all of them).
Contrary to popular belief, we are not here to be traumatized by events and people yet we all fall prey and experience these things.
Not one of us leaves this life unscathed, in some way(s).
This is the great lie...that we all must endure these things. This is the way of ignorance and deception.
We are here to find a new depth of understanding and deepen our awareness of who we are and where we fit into the Grand Design of the Universe for we certainly do fit in somewhere.
To find our spiritual footing, identify and root out the rot and trample down the thorn bushes so a velvety carpet of green grass can grow. It's the "getting there" part that is diffult.
We are angels and demons. We are good and evil.
It doesn't matter that we're here but what we do with the life we've been given, while here.
We have choices.
We can try and "make a difference" or, "it doesn't make any difference to me".
We can fight the good fight or refuse to become engaged, crumple up and fade away.
Life is a constant struggle, a constant battle between two opposing forces.
We are continually being shoved and pulled, swayed and tugged between doing something good or doing something harmful or evil.
I believe in Kharma..."What goes around comes around."
I believe in Reincarnation. How can you not believe in Kharma without believing in the other?
I believe that Man is inherently Good, not Evil. But evil inclination(s) often get the best of him.
I believe that there are, presently walking among us, (and for thousands of years) humans of the most evil sort who are bent on and most desirous of inflicting pain and suffering on their fellow human beings.
And these people (demons if you will) are hellbent on continuing their spiritual warfare and mayhem on us until the elevated vibrations from the Ancient Ones, and the Illuminairies, who exist among us today, become so strong that they overcome the cruel, foul and incessant shrill shrieks of the Black Noise.
This battle between good and evil will continue until a new awareness of Peace and Harmony takes hold on ths Planet...as the collective mind begins to vibrate more powerfully and begins to operate on the same frequency, as our hearts and minds become one.
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