Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Life Will Find a Way

soule:  and after the Great Flood, which purportedly destroyed many other DNA types (other races of people that no longer exist today) one can only ponder, wonder, what those ancient human beings may have looked like.

How they thought, how they behaved, how they integrated with others (if at all) or maybe their structure was more aloofness, more nomadic.

Maybe, during their time here on earth, they contributed to the advancement of humanity, in some way we haven't yet figured out.  I wonder what they looked like?  Maybe they thought differently; maybe they had a whole set of new ideas on how to solve problems; maybe they were very adept at tool and pottery making; maybe they followed celestial events very closely and worked off of star charts;  maybe they were artists; maybe they knew alot about science.  Maybe they took good care of their off-spring.  Maybe they were peace-loving.  Maybe they were vegetarians.  Maybe they had their own language (way of communicating).

We can only speculate.  

The sad part is...we will never know.  

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