Death on Horse
More and more information is surfacing regarding Obama and his presidency. The liberals in Congress and the MSM are desperately trying to keep a lid on this. They want Obama to run the course, making way for another Clinton. God help us. It is truly disheartening to watch a chameleon Americans fell for in 2008 slowly revealing his true colors. A man who offers one hand but conceals the other. A man who talks out of both sides of his mouth. A true politician? Yes, but I believe Obama to be more than that. Obama has deeply ingrained psychogenic issues. He is a conflicted individual. He came from a dysfunctional family and acts the dysfunctional President. Because Obama could not resolve these issues he punishes those he despises by acting out his own personal unresolved grievances on them. Thus, Obama the man: Contorted, detached, maladapted and maladjusted, irresponsible, a home wrecker, corrupt businessman, power monger, charlatan, thief, liar and scoundrel. There's no telling how much more damage Obama will be allowed to do. The House of Representatives is the body to start impeachment proceedings. The evidence to support impeachment must be overwhelming. When you add up Obama burying the details on our murdered Ambassador to Benghazi, Libya, DOJ's Fast and Furious Scandal in which Brian Terry, a Border Patrol agent was murdered, Obama's far-reaching health care legislation entitled The Affordable Care Act (are Americans that stupid?), his takeover of the banking, automobile and housing industry, his war on Christianity, guns and gun rights and his total lack of respect for the Constitution and America's middle class and veterans, I think we're on to something. Obama has shown that he is no friend of Liberty but a liar and schemer, a cunning reprobate of monumental proportions.
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