From the Boston Massacre to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya and the Obama White House thumbing their noses at the families of the slain, to stifling the investigation into what really happened, thus giving the finger to The Rule of Law and the American People in general, to the EPA "mistakenly" sending out millions of personal information: names, addresses and GPS locations of millions of American farmers and ranchers to Left Wing organizations, to the Justice Department lying through its teeth and sweeping the Fast and Furious Scandal and murder of a Border Patrol agent under the rug, to the Jack-Booted organization known as the IRS singling out certain political groups for harrassment to intimidating reporters because they were looking into the inner workings of the Obama administration, to the VA labeling our military vets unfit because of their returning injuries, thus using their PTSD as an excuse to deny them their right to even purchase a gun to defend their homes and families, to The Department of Homeland Security who continue to trample all over our rights and relish being able to do so to the latest Obama Scandal, the NSA's super-secret spying program on the American people, known as PRISM.
Well, this super-secret spying program ain't secret anymore, is it? Thanks to an individual who took it upon himself to step out of the shadows and into the light of day with information that has horrified, now enraged the American people.
To say I am angered at what my government is doing, behind my back, is a FUCKING understatement.
I called Congress this morning and the phone lines are jammed.
John Boehner, Speaker of the House, weighed in on this matter to let us all know that he feels Snowden should be prosecuted.
Not so fast Mr. Speaker.
At this point in time, with all the information coming forth, I am vehemently going to disagree with you.
Where were you, you members of the House/Senate Intelligence Oversight Committees, when all of this super secret spying crap was going on?
Were you informed that this was happening and if so, you should have known that this was unconstitutional in the first place and a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Isn't it time we take a good hard look at where the hell we, as Americans, and this country are headed under this administration?
And what the fuck our so-called "elected representatives" are really doing?
Does anyone in Congress, the News Media, know the definition or even care about ACCOUNTABILITY?
I am beyond angry.
I fucking demand an investigation into this latest scandal. I am fucking tired of Congress and especially, the President of the United States lying to me.
I demand the names of every single Congressman, every single Senator who voted for this piece of shit and those who continue to support it, knowing even now how angry the American people are.
This crap don't protect anyone. Just the ones who are behind it.
This is another blatant assault on our liberties. Gather as much information on your enemies as you can and make sure you do it in the dark.
Ever hear of Stalin? Ever hear of Hitler? Anyone? Anyone??????
In listening to the news this morning, the commentator suggested that Edward Snowden, the former NSA employee who made the choice to leak this secretive information on intelligence gathering on American citizens, through the Program known as PRISM, really had a choice to make. You take an oath to uphold the Constitution and you also take an oath to protect secrets but when faced with a choice, what trumps what? Do you protect the Constitution or do you protect the agency?
Mr. Snowden, who had documentation/information which was tracking Americans' every move, felt it necessary to forgo anything that might happen to him personally because he had concluded that this secret information gathering program was too important, its implications too far-reaching, too dire, and unconstitutional not to share with and make public to the American people.
And, if Mr. Snowden had not come forward with this information, Americans would still be going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened.
And I would not be venting via this post.
And, with all of this "information gathering ability the United States claims it has" why in hell did it take the Russian Federation, calling both the FBI and the CIA, MULTIPLE TIMES, to alert us to the Chechynan terrorist brothers in Boston, Massachusetts and our intelligence agencies still could not connect the dots.
The commentator also concluded that in going public with this information, Mr. Snowden was acting on behalf of protecting The Constitution of the United States and the American people.
The question was then asked, "and what do you think would happen to Mr. Snowden if he were to be brought back to Washington, D.C. for questioning?"
And the answer was, " I don't believe he'd even make it to Washington, D.C."
(Soule: Do you honestly believe that Andrew Breitbart suffered a heart attack? And his coroner died one week later? -- C'mon.... )
Since when does a United States President encourage and commit to such atrocities against the American people?
The scale of what this President will resort to, in order to stay in power, is off the charts.
Tell me, is this President really all about protecting American lives, securing our liberties and freedom or is Obama the one they talked about, riding in on that Black Horse, with Scimitar in hand, just another Islamist Jihadist (in hiding) positioning all his ducks (us) in a row, waiting for the day when he can stand before what's left of us and our country, smug and smirking as he realizes his goal has finally been realized. He holds up what's left of the Constitution in his hands and rips it from top to bottom while all of us are forced to look. He then proceeds to read from the book he is holding, the Koran.
You decide but you better do it damn soon.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."-- Benjamin Franklin
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