Friday, June 28, 2013

We Keep Forgetting, God Has the Upper Hand

Thursday, June 27, 2013


They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing and the traditional caps, they looked almost as grown up as they felt.

Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.

This class would NOT pray during the commencements----not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.

The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.

The speeches were nice, but they were routine.....until the final speech received a standing ovation.

A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.

All 92 students, every one of them, SNEEZED !

The student on stage simply looked at the audience and said,

And walked off stage...

The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.


This is a true story.

It happened at the University of Maryland .

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Details on Michael Hastings

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

To All You Veterans, Please Note: Psychiatry as a Weapon of Tyranny

Latest UFO Sightings

Tyranny by Stealth

Fool Us Once, Shame On Us, Fool Us Twice, Shame on You

Faces of Global Terrorism

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Scandals Just Keep A-Comin

Closing the Barn Door After the Cow Got Out

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Palin Speaks

Journalism is Dead

WH Petition Reaches Critical Mass

FACEBOOK: Just a Slap in the Face


We're all ones and zeros now--Just a massive compilation of personal and private data.    

We're not Black, we're not White, we're not Left, we're not Right.

We're not an Asian on vacation, we're not Hispanic, Gay or Straight, but we sure are headed for  Hell's gate. 

We're Google, Facebook, NSA, we're Verizon and the TSA.  And let's not forget the CIA.

We're snooped on every single day.

But wait, there's Snowden, what a guy.  He's on the run and we know why.  He's a Whistleblower.

What happens to them?  They wind up in the federal pen (or worse).

Maybe even by a high speed chase.  The remains of which are all erased.  

The Hatchet Men, the Men in Black, who show no mercy, who show no slack, will try to silence.  But we  know that.
Is the Internet and Social Media sites really the last, free bastion of Freedom of Speech and Expression?

Seems like they're becoming just one giant database for the benefit of the bad guys.

Facebook claims that this new and mysterious release of data on 6 million of its members was a computer glitch, some type of bug hidden in the software they didn't know about.

I don't buy it.  Now we're finding out that Facebook has a darker side.  We know that Facebook has stored millions of bits of data in a shadow database.  Surprise, surprise.

A giant treasure trove of information on 6 million users.  Maybe the government would be interested?  Hmmmm.

Thanks Verizon, you too, AT&T, we all been laid and it weren't for free.

We've been tracked we've been hacked and now we've been whacked.

From Google to Facebook, to the FBI, we found out we're the target of government spies.   

It really IS beginning to look like George Orwell's "1984".


Terrorists Acting Like Terrorists - Could Someone Please Inform the White House?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Moon - June 23, 2013


We Don't Call 911

Friday, June 21, 2013


I heard the term "dispiriting" used the other day.  It doesn't matter who said it (I can't remember the name anyway).
What does matter is the context in which the word was used.     
The commentator implied that "Obama is dispiriting the American people."
I have to agree with this assessment.  Whether what Obama is doing is on purpose or by design or just a case of willful neglect, it's becoming more and more apparent that this guy doesn't have a clue as to the mess he's created and the fallout.  
Could it be that we're finally seeing the real Obama--A Legend in His Own Mind?

Could this new awareness of Obama sway many of those who voted for him?  Or, doesn't it matter?

Under this presidency, we're now in so much debt, we'll never be able to pay it back.  And if you argue that we can, I'd sure like you to spell out the steps necessary to regain solvency.   

Under this presidency, we've suffered a housing meltdown and yes, this housing meltdown was caused, created and made worse by those who came before Obama, and I believe one that could have been avoided,  but couldn't it have been handled a little better?  Maybe we wouldn't have so many people losing their homes.

The banks were also to blame but then weren't they being pressured by Congress to give loans to just about anyone, without even checking on whether or not they could make payments?

Again, who in Congress was held accountable for this outrage?  Did you see anyone going to jail? 

Then we had the banking scandals where they were scolded and paid a fine.  They're still in business but many other people are not.

The government overstepping, once again, by nationalizing part of the American automobile industry instead of allowing those companies to file for bankruptcy, getting their affairs in order and being given a new start.

Instead, this was a good excuse for another government takeover.  

Haven't we learned our lesson?  Government is not the solution.  Government is the problem.

And where are the jobs?  

Fast forward to DOJ and Fast and Furious; the now infamous NSA spying on the American people; drones flying all over the place and the FBI admitting that they (the drones) are also spying on the American people.

Then the nefarious IRS who takes our money, then runs roughshod over American citizens, all because they belong to a certain political group or have a certain ideology, different from the Obama administration, of course.

Then Mr. Rosen, Fox News, who was charged with a possible case of espionage and the AP being wiretapped.  All under the Obama administration--Intimidation, lies, scandals, deception. 

How about a State Department that either through just plain ignorance or outright didn't give a damn about the plight of our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans when they were requesting protection and help but instead allowed their compound to be overrun and the four of them slain.

What is happening, under this administration, is unconscionable and unfathomable.

And where is the American media in all this?
They continue to remain mum, hiding in the background painting the people reporting on these  atrocities as some type of nut case.
Will anyone in this administration be held accountable for ANYTHING?
If anyone is to be blamed, even more than the President, for the mess we're in, it is CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN because by their silence, they have sanctioned and approved what this President is doing and all by remaining silent.

Scandal after Scandal after Scandal.

Seriously, though, I'm really beginning to wonder just who is in charge of this run-away country.

It certainly doesn't appear to be the President--He's never home.

And when you ponder the implications of this, isn't that more than a little scary?

Maybe the commentator was right on the money.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Do You Believe in Angels?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No Regard for Human Life

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Standing Tall in Turkey

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Washington Times: Assad Used Chemical Weapons on the People

Hackers? Give This Number a Call; Bet All You Get is a FAX

soule:  if anyone can come up with any info on where this number originated, would appreciate an email.

Quit Google, Facebook

Senator Rand Paul vs. the NSA

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Heil to the Chief: Obama and His Brown Shirts

The noose is tightening.  The problem is the noose is around the wrong neck.  The word "outrage" just doesn't cut it anymore.

From the Boston Massacre to the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya and the Obama White House thumbing their noses at the families of the slain, to stifling the investigation into what really happened, thus giving the finger to The Rule of Law and the American People in general, to the EPA "mistakenly" sending out millions of personal information:  names, addresses and  GPS locations of millions of American farmers and ranchers to Left Wing organizations, to the Justice Department lying through its teeth and sweeping the Fast and Furious Scandal and murder of a Border Patrol agent under the rug, to the Jack-Booted organization known as the IRS singling out certain political groups for harrassment to  intimidating reporters because they were looking into the inner workings of the Obama administration, to the VA labeling our military vets unfit because of their returning injuries, thus using their PTSD as an excuse to deny them their right to even purchase a gun to defend their homes and families, to The Department of Homeland Security who continue to trample all over our rights and relish being able to do so to the latest Obama Scandal, the NSA's super-secret spying program on the American people, known as PRISM.

Well, this super-secret spying program ain't secret anymore, is it?  Thanks to an individual who took it upon himself to step out of the shadows and into the light of day with information that has horrified, now enraged the American people.

To say I am angered at what my government is doing, behind my back, is a FUCKING understatement.    

I called Congress this morning and the phone lines are jammed.

John Boehner, Speaker of the House, weighed in on this matter to let us all know that he feels Snowden should be prosecuted.  

Not so fast Mr. Speaker.   

At this point in time, with all the information coming forth, I am vehemently going to disagree with you.     

Where were you, you members of the House/Senate Intelligence Oversight Committees, when all of this super secret spying crap was going on? 

Were you informed that this was happening and if so, you should have known that this was unconstitutional in the first place and a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

Isn't it time we take a good hard look at where the hell we, as Americans, and this country are headed under this administration?

And what the fuck our so-called "elected representatives" are really doing?  

Does anyone in Congress, the News Media, know the definition or even care about ACCOUNTABILITY? 

I am beyond angry.   

I fucking demand an investigation into this latest scandal.  I am fucking tired of Congress and especially, the President of the United States lying to me.

I demand the names of every single Congressman, every single Senator who voted for this piece of shit and those who continue to support it, knowing even now how angry the American people are.

This crap don't protect anyone.  Just the ones who are behind it.

This is another blatant assault on our liberties.  Gather as much information on your enemies as you can and make sure you do it in the dark.

Ever hear of Stalin?  Ever hear of Hitler?  Anyone?  Anyone??????

In listening to the news this morning, the commentator suggested that Edward Snowden, the former NSA employee who made the choice to leak this secretive information on intelligence gathering on American citizens, through the Program known as PRISM, really had a choice to make.  You take an oath to uphold the Constitution and you also take an oath to protect secrets but when faced with a choice, what trumps what?  Do you protect the Constitution or do you protect the agency?

Mr. Snowden, who had documentation/information which was tracking Americans' every move, felt it necessary to forgo anything that might happen to him personally because he had concluded that this secret information gathering program was too important, its implications too far-reaching, too dire, and unconstitutional not to share with and make public to the American people.

And, if Mr. Snowden had not come forward with this information, Americans would still be going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened.

And I would not be venting via this post.  

And, with all of this "information gathering ability the United States claims it has" why in hell did it take the Russian Federation, calling both the FBI and the CIA, MULTIPLE TIMES, to alert us to the Chechynan terrorist brothers in Boston, Massachusetts and our intelligence agencies still could not connect the dots. 

The commentator also concluded that in going public with this information, Mr. Snowden was acting on behalf of protecting The Constitution of the United States and the American people.  

The question was then asked, "and what do you think would happen to Mr. Snowden if he were to be brought back to Washington, D.C. for questioning?" 
And the answer was, " I don't believe he'd even make it to Washington, D.C."

(Soule:  Do you honestly believe that Andrew Breitbart suffered a heart attack?  And his coroner died one week later?  -- C'mon.... )

Since when does a United States President encourage and commit to such atrocities against the American people?

The scale of what this President will resort to, in order to stay in power, is off the charts.

Tell me, is this President really all about protecting American lives, securing our liberties and freedom or is Obama the one they talked about, riding in on that Black Horse, with Scimitar in hand, just another Islamist Jihadist (in hiding) positioning all his ducks (us) in a row, waiting for the day when he can stand before what's left of us and our country, smug and smirking as he realizes his goal has finally been realized.  He holds up what's left of the Constitution in his hands and rips it from top to bottom while all of us are forced to look.  He then proceeds to read from the book he is holding, the Koran.   

You decide but you better do it damn soon.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."-- Benjamin Franklin


The Politics of Fear

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Listen to Coast to Coast AM - NSA Spy Network

Obama IS the Scandal

Instead of the most powerful intelligence gathering organization, the NSA, blanketing millions of Americans using secretive, intrusive and unconstitutional measures, all in the guise of identifying would-be terrorists or terrorists, why not turn your attention to the one individual who is hiding in the background and ensuring he is left unscathed (just blame someone else or doesn't have a clue) while the country is spilling its guts out all over the ground, dizzily spiraling out of control and all because of the number of scandals coming to light?  --The President of the United States.

Please don't fawn the words that nothing really bad or harmful is happening to this country, during this unconscionable breach of faith with the American people;  that they will just "all blow over"--there is no problem.

I can't stomach listening to those telling me they are working out the details, that they have many more people to contact to interview and then say, "it will  take months to get to the bottom of all of this."


Why is no one investigating him?

Obama is the President of the United States, for G-d Sake, privvy to highly sensitive and secretive information.

The question I have is, "exactly what is Obama doing with all that information?"

I believe we have the answer.

You cannot convince me that Obama did not know about any of these scandals, and that he did not have a part(s) in all of them.  

What is really scary is the humongous scope of what I see playing out. 

No one is taking responsibility.

How can you function as a free nation, with a set of laws, when the perps keep getting away with committing crimes?

Well the answer is, you cannot.

I am angered when I see Obama stand up and speak as if he was one of us-he isn't.  When he addresses us as The American People.

How can you be one of us when you're shredding the Constitution at every conceivable opportunity?  

We are finding out now, that while Obama's been mouthing words to reassure us that he will get to the bottom of all of this, while he continues to give speeches dripping with honey that many fall for,  all Obama is truly interested in doing is hobbling us, stripping us of our freedoms.   

It's turning out that this President is a pathological liar.   

I wonder what other information he is witholding from the American people that may have dire consequences for our nation, for ourselves in the near future?     

They say that the NSA Leaker, Snowden, had a low security clearance and wonder how he was able to access the information he has come forward with.

I would ask, how is it that a virtual unknown, Obama, who consorted with known radicals, has admitted to drug use, also been implicated/accused of using someone else's Social Security Number purportedly to gain favors, been given funding and accessibility to organizations and people that enabled him to rise to the highest office in the land, was not even vetted as to who he was, his questionable background his drug use, and whether he was even fit to aspire to becoming a Presidential candidate, the definition of which is found in the United States Constitution?

If we are questioning Snowden's security clearance, then why not Obama's?  

We have a Black President.  The first Black President this country has had.

And I must admit, that this Black President has been a miserable failure.   

We are now worse off than at any other time in our history.

I do not want to see those in the media, or on the Left or anyone else, for that matter, daring to raise the issue of Obama's Blackness and flaunting it in my face and then calling someone "rascist" for criticizing Obama and the dismal job he has done as President. 

We will get to the bottom of all of this.

And if it comes to light that Obama, had a hand in any of this, it don't matter his color.

What does matter is the Rule of Law and holding people accountable.

If the NSA is supposedly analyzing data from people who have communicated with, associated with terrorists in any fashion, why not analyze a President who has openly consorted with a known, un repentent terrorist, Bill Ayers, who participated in blowing up a New York Police Station, a pastor whose religion is Black Liberation Theology? 

If Obama had applied for a security clearance (not being President) he wouldn't qualify for a Confidential, with his background, let alone anything higher.

And yet here we have a situation where Obama is privvy to the most sensitive and secretive information.

This just don't make sense.

To the NSA:  I hope you caught every keystroke.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Take Action

To all you politicians
To all those in favor of aborting babies
To all those terrorists whether you call yourselves Hezbollah, Taliban, Al-Qaeda or some other name
To all you dregs of humanity who prey on the helpless, the unborn, the weak, the ignorant, the impoverished...

You are a scourge on the human race.

You have no right to dictate to humanity who lives and who dies, based solely on a belief system or because your organization, is all about "protecting the life of the mother."

You make me puke.

Have we, as a society, arrived at the point where we are slowly descending into hell?  Maybe we're already there. 

Where are you, when you see wrongdoing, deception, treachery and lies playing out, right before your eyes?

Do you ignore what is happening?   

Do you refuse to become involved and just walk away?

Where are you when you see someone being bullied? 

Where are you when you know who the local drug dealer is and you do nothing to stop him from delivering his poison?  

What about the ravaging effects of his actions on your communities, your homes, your families, your lives, your kids, your grand kids?

If you are unwilling to take a stand, who will?   

Where are you when millions of unborn babies are ripped from their cocoons, slashed and trashed in black plastic bags and garbage cans? 

Do you remain silent?

What will it take to make us see what we are doing to one another, the results of which affect ALL of us? 

What will it take to change our ways of thinking?

Will it take some type of monstrous, global catastrophe?


Woe to you oh Evildoers for your time is coming to an end. 

For the Forces of Light have lost their patience. 

And, so have I.

Did A UFO Shoot Down the Chelyabinsk Meteor?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Toyota RAV-4 Commercial

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How Many Coverups Do a Coverup Take Dat Rime with Slime and Venom of Snake?

Many Parts But One Whole

 Violets.  Loved these as a child......use to pick them and bring them into mom.
  Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. - Mark Twain

Monday, June 3, 2013

They Honored Their Oaths