Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Nation Can Survive Its Fools But It Cannot Survive Treachery From Within

A Tyrant can get away with as much as the people allow him to.
We now have the IRS able to track people's emails without a warrant.
Such is just one of the many legacies that Barack Hussein Obama will be remembered for.  
We had Bill Clinton's sexual "bravado" which shocked the nation.

But that episode pales in comparison to the wrecking ball we now have in Barack Hussein Obama.
Never before have I seen such callous disregard, a very lethal, a very dangerous, wholesale assault on a nation's infrastructure.
And yet, Barack Hussein Obama was, somehow, "elected" to a second term.
(I have questions about his "first" term).
No where do I see any concerted effort by anyone or any organization to vigorously stand up to his  continued onslaught. 

Question:  How do you re-educate a portion of an electorate who do not even know the history of the country they reside in, nor even want to?  
Question:  How do you re-educate a portion of an electorate who willingly consented to outsourcing their personal lives, futures to a callous government and mindless bureaucrats?

This is a form of slavery.

I thought we had ridden ourselves of slavery?

If not, then why did we have 750,000 Americans leaving their homes, their families, their livelihoods to go to war to end slavery during the American Civil War?  Am I missing something here?

If you cast a vote for Obama in 2008 and again, in 2012, in my opinion, you voted to opt in for slavery.

And, if your ignoble decision lead to adversely subjecting myself and my family to the same fate, that is not fine. 

There are many Americans still living who remember the sacrifices made (by their parents) during WWII.

There are many Americans still living who remember the sacrifices made during the Vietnam War.

There are many Americans still living who have given their all to make this nation the greatest on earth.

But it seems we have a great disconnect here because, at the present time, we have a President who is not interested in any of this but only in destroying it.

I would say that we, as a people
as a nation, are mercillesly being driven
    at breakneck speed, toward a national breaking point
      by a bloodthirsty tyrant
         aided and abetted by ignorance and greed


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