Sunday, January 27, 2013

Aaron Swartz - From RSS to RIP

I feel I must weigh in on the untimely death of RSS founder, twenty-four year old, Aaron Swartz.

A young man, with so much promise who dared voice his concern against the government's attempts to control the Internet via SOPA and  PIPA.

Maybe an admirable attempt to control over the net piracy but did the government really think through the long-term ramifications of these two Acts or were they, once again, over zealous in presenting another piece of ill-begotten, ill-thought-out legislation?

In what I have read concerning Aaron's suicide it appears that he was unmercifully hounded by the government for downloading material from an MIT website in which this very same material was available to the public.

Something just doesn't add up, here.

This doesn't add up/compute other than considering that Aaron may have been so vocal, outspoken against  SOPA and PIPA that the government decided they would teach him a lesson.

I don't agree with hacking into a government website nor any website.

I'm not a fan of ANONYMOUS but I have to agree with their assessment that the United States has turned into a totalitarian country, overly-regulated and run by a bunch of tyrants.

I believe a full-scale, criminal investigation into this matter.

If the real reason Aaron took his life was because of hounding and harrassment by a bunch of government agencies and bureaucrats who did not approve of Aaron's opposition to SOPA and PIPA, then we all really need to take a step back and consider the dire consequences of what just happened.

I offer my condolences to Aaron's family and I hope they do not waiver in getting to the bottom of this matter.

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