we could further ask...does bonding occur in business partnerships and/or between you and your Doctor?
can bonding occur between the leader of nations and the people he or she governs?
the answer is Yes and No.
before you make the decision to engage in anything meaningful or worthwhile, is it not imperative upon you to learn as much as you are able about the person you are contemplating marrying, the Doctor you plan on visiting, the business associate you are considering, the college degree you are pursuing or, perhaps a candidate running for office?
this quest for information or knowledge, is known as doing Due Diligence.
it's the amount of study, time and effort we put forth in order to get that GED, a college degree, or win an Olympic Gold Medal.
who knows better about doing due diligence then our own military? After investigating the committment and making the decision to sign up, six weeks of intense, gut-wrenching boot camp lies ahead; miserably shivering, shaking in numbing cold as they push their minds and bodies further--going without food and water; giving this effort their very best because their goal is to make it through to the very end. They want to succeed; they want to overcome; they want to win.
and in the end they are rewarded with acolades from their peers as to what they have earned, what they hoped and did achieve, and a unique identity that no one can take away from them.
a singular sense of who they are because of the change they made in their lives (for the better) and a deep sense of accomplishment for having succeeded. They are the Brightest and the Best of us and always will be.
a disabled vet who lost his limbs because of a roadside bomb in Iraq or Afghanistan and is now confronted with the reality that he will spend the rest of his life without the legs he was born with. He now faces a daunting decision...am I willing to sink or am I going to muster the resolve to swim? He now is confronting the height, width and breadth of due diligence that will be required of him in order to put some semblance of order back into his life.
and this, my Fellow Americans, is no easy task.
should we not apply this study, this deep quest for knowing about something or someone, this due diligence to those who aspire to the highest office of this land? I am talking the Office of the President of the United States.
Barack Hussein Obama, a proxy candidate who was propped up, heavily funded and underwritten, vied for and successfully became the President of the United States, using just a mantra of Hope and Change.
Many Americans swooned before him as they were convinced that his words somehow held special meaning for them. But did anyone bother to ask just why we needed this hope in the first place and what the heck kinda change we were going to have to endure?
I, along with many other Americans, are painfully aware that due diligence is not only MIA among our so-called American Free Press, aka the MSM, but is only employed by them when a candidate surfaces that is positioned squarely in their cross hairs as one they love to deride and hate.
Then and only then will they willingly go to any and all lengths to dig up dirt, lies and spin the information they have obtained. No facts, no facts, no facts.
But why this concerted effort to conceal the facts? And why was Barack Hussein Obama given a clean pass?
These are some national security questions if ever there were some.
In order for a free people to thrive and to able to live freely, they must employ due diligence, in many areas whether it be work, home or otherwise.
and a Presidential election is no exception. This sometimes means we must do the work that others simply refuse to do.
I believe this country is in deep peril and at destiny's crossroads. We're either going to continue down Obama's path of complete and utter insolvency, with this rudderless leader at the helm, resulting in a destitute nation eventually going the way of the dinosaur.
I, for one, do not want this to happen.
And I believe the President is sensing something...he's getting a whiff of new change that is coming down the pike. And it is downright scary as we watch the President's antics becoming more and more desperate--witness WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, when asked the question, "what is the capital of Israel?" as his response turned to outright embarrassing and glaring gibberish.
now the President just today authorized the release of $70 million dollars to Israel. Isn't it ironic that Mitt Romney just happens to be visiting there? I believe the reason Mr. Obama released this money is because he does not want to be perceived as an enemy of our only mid east friend, but a dear, dear friend.
I think we can all see through his subterfuge.
It's been four years of outright pain and anguish, learning to try and live with this narcissistic, soidisant sycophant, having to endure his faux pathos, watching him day in and day out freely sticking his hand in my pocket, stealing and squandering my hard earned money, pissing it away to all those who could care less about getting up off their lazy butts, finding a job, bettering themselves, let alone what it really means to be an American, and how blessed we are to be able to live in a country whose ideals are liberty and freedom for all.
So I've arrived at a decision. And I didn't want to. But I was forced into it--
"I WANT A DIVORCE" along with a nice settlement, of course.
My Settlement? -- I'll settle for this guy being soundly booted out of office, with his tail squarely between his legs, as a new office holder takes the reins of this country on November 6, 2012.
The hope I lost awhile back will be restored as I will now be able to look forward to some meaningful change.
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