Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Tells It Like It Is

Friday, July 27, 2012

I Want a Divorce

the essence of a relationship is the respectful, close and mutual bonding that can unfold as two complete strangers come together, unite together and take a vow to become one.      

we could further ask...does bonding occur in business partnerships and/or between you and your Doctor?

can bonding occur between the leader of nations and the people he or she governs?  

the answer is Yes and No.    

before you make the decision to engage in anything meaningful or worthwhile, is it not imperative upon you to learn as much as you are able about the person you are contemplating marrying, the Doctor you plan on visiting, the business associate you are considering, the college degree you are pursuing or, perhaps a  candidate running for office?     

this quest for information or knowledge, is known as doing Due Diligence.

it's the amount of study, time and effort we put forth in order to get that GED, a college degree, or win an Olympic Gold Medal.

who knows better about doing due diligence then our own military?  After investigating the committment and  making the decision to sign up,  six weeks of intense, gut-wrenching boot camp lies ahead; miserably shivering, shaking in numbing cold as they push their minds and bodies further--going without food and water; giving this effort their very best because their goal is to make it through to the very end.  They want to succeed; they want to overcome; they want to win.

and in the end they are rewarded with acolades from their peers as to what they have earned, what they hoped and did achieve, and a unique identity that no one can take away from them.  

a singular sense of who they are because of the change they made in their lives (for the better) and a deep sense of accomplishment for having succeeded.  They are the Brightest and the Best of us and always will be.      

a disabled vet who lost his limbs because of a roadside bomb in Iraq or Afghanistan and is now confronted with the reality that he will spend the rest of his life without the legs he was born with.  He now faces a daunting I willing to sink or am I going to muster the resolve to swim?  He now is confronting the height, width and breadth of due diligence that will be required of him in order to put some semblance of order back into his life.  

and this, my  Fellow Americans, is no easy task.

should we not apply this study, this deep quest for knowing about something or someone, this due diligence to those who aspire to the highest office of this land?  I am talking the Office of the President of the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama, a proxy candidate who was propped up, heavily funded and underwritten, vied for and successfully became the President of the United States, using just a mantra of Hope and Change.   

Many Americans swooned before him as they were convinced that his words somehow held special meaning for them.  But did anyone bother to ask just why we needed this hope in the first place and what the heck kinda change we were going to have to endure?    

I, along with many other Americans, are painfully aware that due diligence is not only MIA among our so-called American Free Press, aka the MSM, but is only employed by them when a candidate surfaces that is  positioned squarely in their cross hairs as one they love to deride and hate.  

Then and only then will they willingly go to any and all lengths to dig up dirt, lies and spin the information they have obtained.  No facts, no facts, no facts.

But why this concerted effort to conceal the facts?  And why was Barack Hussein Obama given a clean pass?

These are some national security questions if ever there were some.

In order for a free people to thrive and to able to live freely, they must employ due diligence, in many areas whether it be work, home or otherwise.

and a Presidential election is no exception.  This sometimes means we must do the work that others simply refuse to do.  

I believe this country is in deep peril and at destiny's crossroads.  We're either going to continue down Obama's path of complete and utter insolvency, with this rudderless leader at the helm, resulting in a destitute nation eventually going the way of the dinosaur.

I, for one, do not want this to happen.

And I believe the President is sensing something...he's getting a whiff of new change that is coming down the pike.  And it is downright scary as we watch the President's antics becoming more and more desperate--witness WH spokesperson, Jay Carney, when asked the question, "what is the capital of Israel?" as his response turned to outright embarrassing and glaring gibberish.  

now the President just today authorized the release of $70 million dollars to Israel.  Isn't it ironic that Mitt Romney just happens to be visiting there?  I believe the reason Mr. Obama released this money is because he does not want to be perceived as an enemy of our only mid east friend, but a dear, dear friend.

I think we can all see through his subterfuge.    

It's been four years of outright pain and anguish, learning to try and live with this narcissistic, soidisant sycophant, having to endure his faux pathos, watching him day in and day out freely sticking his hand in my pocket, stealing and squandering my hard earned money, pissing it away to all those who could care less about getting up off their lazy butts, finding a job, bettering themselves, let alone what it really means to be an American, and how blessed we are to be able to live in a country whose ideals are liberty and freedom for all.

So I've arrived at a decision.  And I didn't want to.  But I was forced into it--

"I WANT A DIVORCE" along with a nice settlement, of course.  

My Settlement?  -- I'll settle for this guy being soundly booted out of office, with his tail squarely between his legs, as a new office holder takes the reins of this country on November 6, 2012.  

The hope I lost awhile back will be restored as I will now be able to look forward to some meaningful change.


Carney Unable to Identify Capital of Israel

Monday, July 23, 2012


much to consider these days.

every day can (and more often is) fraught with obstacles and problems we are forced to deal with  
                                                                       Such is Life.  

But some events, such as the tragedy that just occurred in Aurora, Colorado, cannot be categorized into an everyday life event.  

An unbelievable act of savagery was seared into our minds by someone who obviously resided in the lunatic fringe of society.

Unbeknownst to his chosen targets, aka, the movie goers:
   ...with no warning
   ...with no time to prepare
   ...with no time to act to protect themselves...
they were confronted with a situation they had no control over as one individual, bent on unleashing an  act of barbaric savagery, burst upon their quiet little worlds in an unprovoked and feral attack
uninvited and with nary a word, this maniac methodically opened fire on men, women, children

this could just as easily have happened in another country, another place, another time.

but, unfortunately, it happened here

time for deep reflection.

just what has become of us as a people, as a culture, as a nation?

what was it that compelled this person to go out and murder a bunch of people without blinking an eye?   

how long was he planning this?  

how many people...acquaintances, friends, co-workers, family members, law enforcement, knew or suspected that something was wrong with James Holmes--that he was not all he appeared to be?

How do you know someone is going to commit a violent crime?  Are there warning signs and do we bare a responsibility to solicit help, contact someone?

let's not get caught up in a blame game.  But I believe there are some telling motives.

after this terrorist act took place, the producer of the movie proclaimed that "the theater is my home".  Well, I can relate to that as that is his job, what he does for a living.  but, you could also argue that he, to some extent, has to accept partial responsibility for what transpired in Aurora, Colorado.  

according to a UK article report, this movie was full of unbelievable sadism, from the very beginning.  And that there is a scene in this movie which depicts a movie theater being attacked.

could there be a connection with what happened in Aurora, Colorado and the scene being portrayed in the movie?

in addition, it is deplorable that several news broadcasters were quick to condemn some groups in this country for the unspeakable violence that occurred.

too many times we have sat silently by, listening to the propagandist news media gleefully rushing to condemnation of groups, things and individuals they do not like, do not agree with, all because of politics.

It is time we took a stand.

it is time we start demanding accountability and not just in the news media.    for too long the lunatic fringe has had control.   

it is high noon for this country if we want to get it back on track.  

and this horrific event is another wake up call that it is high noon for all of us if we want to preserve what we have left.    

Genesis 4:9
"Am I My Brother's Keeper?"  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Relaxing in Deep Space
Dark Deep Space Background With Planet
Close Your Eyes.  Imagine Floating High Above this beautiful Planet we call Earth...the only sound a soft whispered murmer as you find yourself ascending higher, higher.  No  spacesuit, no capsule.  You look around in amazement.  The stars are so close you can reach out and touch them  They hang  suspended like dazzling dewdrops in the deep, dark Void.  Their brilliance both mesmerizes and astounds.   The aloof Moon turns her head and smiles knowingly as she follows your ascent.  You always felt the Universe would be cold and indifferent, but you feel none of this.  Instead, it has welcomed you and wrapped you in a warm, soft blanket.  You don't want this experience to end, but to go on, forever.       
Enjoy the Ride

Thursday, July 12, 2012 - Astronomy | What Exactly Is a X-Class Solar Flare? - Astronomy | What Exactly Is a X-Class Solar Flare?
soule:  Folks we just had an X1.4 Solar Flare, which is predicted to launch a CME (coronal mass ejection) at earth and the effects of the radiation from this flare and resultant CME will impact our planet this coming Saturday.  There are good sites to visit such as and for more info.  

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Five Stages of "The Awakening"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

His Holiness, The Dalai Lama - "Live One Day at a Time and Make a Masterpiece"

* A void negative sources, people, places & habits
* B elieve in yourself
* C onsider things from every angle
* D on't give up and don't give in
* E verything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear
* F amily & friends are hidden treasures, seek them & enjoy their riches
* G ive more than you planned to
* H ang on to your dreams
* I f opportunity doesn't knock, build a door
* J udge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it
* K eep trying no matter how hard it seems
* L ove yourself
* M ake it happen
* N ever lie, cheat or steal
* O pen your arms to change, but don't let go of your values
* P ractice makes perfect
* Q uality not quantity in anything you do
* R emember that silence is sometimes the best answer
* S top procrastinating
* T ake control of your own destiny
* U nderstand yourself in order to better understand others
* V isualize it
* W hen you lose, don't lose the lesson
* X cellence in all your efforts
* Y ou are unique nothing can replace you
* Z ero in on your target & go for it ... A to Zen of Life

Growing the "Self"

Michigan, US of A, May 13, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Spirit Finance.”

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about investment and recognizing the greatest value there is – the time-value investment in the growth of the self. There are many experts on your world who know nearly everything there is about making money – how and when to buy stocks and securities, when to sell, ‘when to hold them and when to fold them.’ It has become a well known science that is studied much and a great deal of resources are allocated to knowing how to generate wealth, yet so few of these financial experts, and amateurs alike, spend any time on personal growth – knowing the self, growing the soul, or investing in things of eternal value that accrues and grows exponentially here and hereafter.

“‘What profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul.’ This statement by the Master over 2,000 years ago says much about the state of humanity in the world today, and much of the trouble on your world comes about by the lack of strategic planning for the future estate of the soul.

“How many actual minutes in your busy day do you spend working on self improvement (self-mastery), communicating with spirit, praying, healing, or uplifting your fellows? For the average person on Urantia, it amounts to as much as the interest on a savings account – very little! For you students on the path who are learning to ‘save your treasures in heaven,’ you are adding to your wealth by investing more time in the growth of the soul, and this my friends, is the highest earning interest there is.

“Spirit finance is quite different from monetary finance – one is eternal, one is finite and short lived. If I were to show you a presentation on the ascension path of two souls – one who spent most of his terrestrial life immersed in the illusion of accumulating material wealth, and one dedicated to the growth of the soul, both would easily recognize the value in the investment of the soul as the greater value.

“Both would see, given the opportunity to see into the future, the difficulty in the afterlife of how investing poorly in eternal values can produce a weak soul that may not understand the importance, the meanings and values of continuing the ascension and achieving the greatest prize there is – eternal life as co-creators of the universes.

“What is the difference between these two souls? Faith – the hope in things unseen. For one demands proof and is unwilling to explore the larger half of his true nature – the soul, and the other accepts by faith the temporary estate of the material world and the eternal estate through the increasing awareness of the growing soul. How do you increase the awareness of your souls? By feeding them with love, mercy, compassion, understanding, kindness, trustworthiness, loyalty, self-forgetfulness, and all virtues that lead to growth and progression.

“Spend more time investing in the self today, my friends, and you will enjoy blissful tomorrows here and hereafter.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday America! July 4, 2012, - Justice and Liberty for All

Puppy Love

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell.  He painted a sign advertising the 
4 pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.  As he was 
driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls.

He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.

"Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "These 
puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."

The boy dropped his head for moment.Then reaching deep into his pocket, he 
pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer.

"I've got thirty-nine cents.  Is that enough to take a look?"

"Sure," said the farmer.And with that he let out a whistle. "Here, Dolly!" he 

Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls 
of fur.

The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence.His eyes danced 
with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence,the little boy noticed 
something else stirring inside the doghouse.

Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp 
it slid.Then in a somewhat awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward 
the others, doing its best to catch up...

"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt.The farmer knelt 
down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy.He will never 
be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."

With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began 
rolling up one leg of his trousers.

In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg 
attaching itself to a specially made shoe.

Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well 
myself, and he will need someone who understands."

With tears in his eyes, the farmer reached down and picked up the little pup.

Holding it carefully he handed it to the little boy.

"How much?" asked the little boy... "No charge," answered the farmer, "There's 
no charge for love."

The world is full of people who need someone who understands.

It's National Friendship Week.
One more occasion for all of us to forget our differences and embrace our similarities....

On This July 4, 2012, of America's Independence, Help a Wounded Warrior Today

With Comments Like This, One Is Left Wondering Who is the Real Threat to Our Constitutional Liberties?

Monday, July 2, 2012

The World Wide Web: The Last Bastion for Freedom of Speech and Expression

Harlem Couple Branded 'Professional Agitators' in NYPD 'Wanted' Poster - New York

Miracles Happen

I have a prayer request:
There's a lady I've known forever 
   She is very sick
On top of that, she's being abused by those to whom she's given everything
   and it's breaking my heart 

It seems there's nothing I can do alone but maybe, just maybe ...
   if we join in and lift her up together, God will heal her
She's well over 200 years old but way too young to die
   Her name is AMERICA.....and I love her 

Google to allow censorship of Blogger content - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Google Censors Weapons and Ammo
soule:  Google can stuff their new policy up their ass.  If they want to knock me off Blogger, because I happen to disagree with it, by all means, go ahead and give it your best shot.  

There are plenty of other avenues for one to get their message(s) out.

I don't need you, Google but you sure as hell need those who advertise via your services.

And if you keep pullin this shit, I believe you're gonna find your tit in one helluva wringer - one of your own making.

I believe that this policy infringes on the Second Amendment, by limiting what a company can and cannot advertise on your site, based on a "new" and "revised" policy.

And I love the part where you state, "This new shopping experience is called Google Shopping.   As part of this transition, we’ll begin to enforce a set of new policies for Google Shopping in the coming weeks."

In case you missed it, the American people are the ones who have the power in this country, according to the United States Constitution, not a friggin bunch of high-falutin technocrats who have been swallowed up, are being controlled by and bowing to the wishes of PC elitists.

So GOOGLE that...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, PPACA

Chief Justice Roberts: “It Is Not Our Job to Protect the People From the Consequences of Their Political Choices”

Below are two quotes from Chief Justice Roberts on the Supreme Court’s responsibility in handling the health care law.
“We do not consider whether the Act embodies sound policies. That judgment is entrusted to the Nation’s elected leaders.”
“Members of this Court are vested with the authority to interpret the law; we possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgments. Those decisions are entrusted to our Nation’s elected leaders, who can be thrown out of office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices.”
soule:  There's an important message contained within these words, folks....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

German Ingenuity