Republicans, and whatever Kennedy Democrats are left in Congress, must begin impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama. This man can no longer be entrusted to lead the nation and act Constitutionally.
He has acted both unilaterally and in concert with Middle East policies that have opened the entire region to radical Islamists who have already seized Libya and have taken hold in Egypt. He has nationalized American industries; he has subverted the rights of States; he has acted in concert with criminal illegal alien elements that are overrunning our country and bankrupting state infrastructures.
His involvement in Fast and Furious demands impeachment proceedings take place and that he be indicted for his role in that illegal, international gun-smuggling operation has led to the murder of Border Patrolman Brian Terry, ICE Agent Jaime Zapata, hundreds of Mexicans, and potentially countless numbers in other parts of the world, including quite probably more people right her in the United States.
Obama has used executive orders repeatedly to circumvent the Constitutional authority of Congress. He has said he will not wait for Congress–but will issue executive orders to essentially act unilaterally to bail out homeowners who cannot pay their mortgages and to make special arrangements to help college students with tuition and student loans.
There is a reason that the Framers of the Constitution established three independent branches of government. It was to provide checks and balances and to ensure a rogue president is unable to establish himself as a monarch or dictator. And yet, that is exactly what Obama is doing.
He is angry that Congress will not act as he demands of them–that is the prerogative (and Constitutional right) of Congress. Legitimate Congressional debate on issues for the purpose of legislating in a responsible and appropriate way, he calls “stalling.” It is not bad enough he has used the Oval Office to berate American citizens. He has used Congressional addresses to knowingly make up lies about our Supreme Court. He has called press conferences and issued special invitations to specifc Congressmen, and then he has berated and humiliated them before the nation for simply doing their job. On Memorial Day, he cruelly and sadistically exercised his power and denied entrance to the Vietnam Memorial to Vietnam veterans, Veterans, families and friends, of the brave men and women enshrined on The Wall.
soule: the last part of Mr. Massie's article I find especially and personally appalling. Maybe the only restraining order we will have is in November in which I am fervently hoping and praying for this sorry excuse of a President of the United States to suffer a humiliating defeat at the polls. I am ashamed and embarrassed for my country that we stooped so low as to vote this piece of flotsam into office. How much dumber can the American electorate get?--by voting him back into office. .
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