Thursday, June 28, 2012

One Big Special Interest Group

i'm all about hope and change.  I'm still lookin for hope and boy, do we need a change!

no politician can fix the mess we're in.  George Soros will only get so far with his diabolical plans.  obama, who had so much promise for so many, is now viewed as the man of broken promises.

what is needed is a massive change of heart in all of us.

a transformation from within, for the planet to straighten out.

it's all about individual choice:  we can choose to make things right; we can choose to make things wrong.

now that we're all connected, we can see the magnitude of the truly desperate, dire straits we're in; not only do we have powerful forces bent on permanently silencing people, in opposition to their stranglehold, but now we have weather phenomena:

the sun is heating up (man is she hot, much hotter than even last year, i think); torrential flooding; massive wildfires that when you look at them, you think you're looking into the fiery bowels of hell; sadly we say, "California do you realize you've just been outdone by Colorado?"  These behemoth wildfires are devouring huge swaths of pine forests like a ferocious hungry beast, and consuming every thing and every one in their path:  people, animals, homes, businesses, ways of life, are all going down.

who can forget the Chilean Earthquake, the Haitian Earthquake, the Japanese Earthquake?

and who gives a damn about Africa?  Despots and hacked off limbs; murder and mayhem, droughts, famine and starvation. same ole, same ole.  - just another day in paradise.  

how do you reach those in the ghetto?  how do you reach kids strung out on drugs?  how do you reach the crackhead?  how do you reach the alcoholic?  how do you reach gang leaders and show them there's another way?  it's all about control, all about power.

when we give up our insatiable desires to seize control, when we give up our insatiable desires to wield power, to gain our own personal ends and agendas, then we'll be at the beginning of reclaiming our lost humanity.

how do you reach those who have just given up, with no reason to live anymore?

the United Nations is a joke.  One big special interest group - they were formed to be the world's helper, the world's leader, the world's guide, the world's strength.  An organization to call upon when people, countries were in desperate need of help.  instead all they do is scurry around, looking important, feigning common sense and a real desire to help any of us, except, of course, themselves.

the good, the bad, the ugly - they come in all shapes, all sizes, all colors.   The UN:  an all powerful entity whose original mission was very noble but turned from its true path allowing itself to be swallowed up by elitists, and some ugly, hidden political agenda of world domination, whose tenacious tentacles are reaching far and wide.

and we, as a whole, have willingly abdicated our G-d given natural nature to self-serving interests;
gang leaders; 
sexual depravity;
bath salts;
special interest groups

who would've thought that those harmless, lovely glistening crystals you pour into your bath water would turn somebody into a Zombie?  "Hey I got to git me some of them salts so i can go and eat someone's face off or maybe a dog, a cat...."

if i wasn't reading about this Zombie thing, I would not believe this was happening.

one thing I'm observing is that this world is getting crazier, and crazier and crazier.  I wonder if some wacky producer will now decide it's time to make a movie, "The Attack of the Bath Salts?"

are we becoming more delusional in our decision-making, our choices?  We just can't seem to get our act(s)  together.   shouldn't we:

> be caring for one another;
>solving problems together;

it seems that we can't do anything right as we keep messing up things, keep wanting to fight.

>syria is now on the brink, the entrenched and powerful, waging an all out bloody war on its own people. 

so why don't we just make a bad situation worse?  why not introduce something new into an already ugly  situation?  -like the country of Turkey who is now very ticked off because one of their fighter jets was shot down by the Syrians.  Turkey claims that their jet strayed into Syrian territory.  Syria says no.

>iran, whose President Amadinajhad, (did i spell that right) -  should be "Ahjuscanthelpbeinbad" is kin to the Jews (in fact they're all related) but does that stop him for wanting to annihilate Israel off the face of the earth?   

reminds me of a Bible verse I once read....when all around you is in chaos, when confusion reigns everywhere (why just look at the U.S. Congress if you really want to see a good case of confusion)  and there are rumours of wars...rumours of wars?  hell, they're happening all over.       

and you could put it another way, we are at war...with ourselves.

as Rodney King once waxed poetically, "can't we all just get along?"  Maybe he was on to something.

So, what's it gonna take for us to coalesce?

>A giant solar flare - an X-Class CME that is so far off the chart they have to rewrite the chart?

>An earthquake(s) whose powerful tremblors exceed the Fujima scale, even beyond the Japanese earthquake, dropping all of us to our knees? - which is where we should be now, BTW.

>a string of volcanoes going off all over the planet?

>the sea turning red?

>the moon falling out of the heavens?

>why don't we throw in a brown dwarf (just for the heck of it) whose orbit around the solar system is every 3600 years.  You do know about Planet X, Nibiru, or, as the ancients referred to it, "The Destroyer".  And guess what, it's due to appear again, right about now.

so maybe, just maybe, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Hopis, the Egyptians, the Incas, the ETs, the Learned Ones, the Noble Ones, the Ancient Ones, had it all right.

Might be a good idea to start reading up on Planet X or Nibiru or whatever you want to call it and this 3600 year cycle.

A good book I suggest is "Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide.".- you can take my suggestion or ignore it.  remember, it's all about choices - yours.  

You may come away with a new sense of urgency, a new sense that oh my gosh, maybe I should be preparing, for some thing.  and maybe i should be connecting with my Higher Source.

If you're the type that wants some type of notice, some type of sign, some type of warning, that something big is about to happen...well, i'd say all you have to do is look around you.    

all you have to do is feel it within.  it's like that flee or fight thing; it's that still, small voice that alerts you to something is wrong, i'm sensing some type of danger.  it's your sixth sense kickin in (remember the movie?)   

so better hone up on our prayer skills, and it might help to regain a little bit of that humility we threw away, and pray for wisdom and clarity as to what is comin down the pike, so to speak and preparing,  before the next big sign is upon us.      

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clerk loses job over stand - Local News: electronic benefit transfer, ebt, debit card, cigarette, jackie whiton

Clerk loses job over stand - Local News: electronic benefit transfer, ebt, debit card, cigarette, jackie whiton: PETERBOROUGH — Jackie R. Whiton of Antrim had been a six-year employee at the Big Apple convenience store in Peterborough until a single trans…
soule:  a little late for this country to start speaking out on this nonsense, but better late than never.  This lady stands tall in my book.    

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Most Arrogant Man in the World

The Latest on Sirius

iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen>
The Million Lights - Sirius Update #4 from Amardeep Kaleka on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 23, 2012



The Defining Factor of Darkness - The willingness to impose one's will upon another Being

Jerry Sandusky, former assistant coach, Penn State University, convicted on 45 of 48 counts of child molestation/sexual abuse.

From the beginning, this case didn't interest me and I didn't follow it other than to hear a few quips from t.v. anchors as to the latest news.  

But last night, after watching Sandusky's verdict being handed down, the reaction of the crowds on the steps of the courthouse after hearing Sandusky was GUILTY and then watching Sandusky in handcuffs being walked toward a waiting police car, like some stone-faced statue, having to endure a police offiicer bending over to buckle him in his seat belt well, it finally sunk in.

Unfathomable just how long this guy had abused kids, just how long this guy had managed to get away with acting out his dark side, even though there were warning signs being totally ignored.    

His wife appeared as if made of some piece of stone, also.  Dutifully, like back in the 40s, she smiled politely as she held his hand.  The two of them walking up the steps of the court house to hear the verdict (and I believe, in her heart of hearts, this man she thought she knew, would be found innocent, not guilty) after all, how could he be?  She had lived with him for many years, had been intimate with him.  This man she was married to was a good and decent father and husband.  

How cunning Evil is; how easy it is for Evil to mask its true face.  No wonder on this planet we have the powerful few who can control the many--dictators and tyrants and thugs and despots and perpetrators of so much misery, so much heartache, so much pain.   

After the verdict was rendered, Sandusky's wife will now have to come to grips with what he was doing, behind her back, without her knowledge, to all those young victims who had no power over his covert, overt and gut-wrenching acts.  I wonder if she will opt for a lifetime of denial rather than face up to the truth that her husband was a monster?

Inside all of us there is a monster waiting to be unleashed.  We all have the capability of doing bad and harmful things.  

Is it a choice we are confronted with?  Then why is it that some run with doing harm while others hold back?

Evil lurks among us and is always on the prowl for the weakest in us, the weakest of us.  It wears many faces and is deceptive as it noiselessly hides in the shadows and lurks in the far corners of our minds.  

But when light is radiated upon it, it quickly recoils in horror, its yellow eyes piercing through us like a frozen icicle as it hastily slithers away.    

We have an ongoing War on Terror.  It is all about acting vigilant against those individuals who willingly did the entire world grave harm on September 1, 2001 but also against those who still wish to do us harm.    

Could we take that one step further and encompass all those persons who have bowed low to evil, silently assigning themselves to this pernicious poison, thus granting a conceptual union between themselves and it along with their mutual consent for it to become the major controlling factor in their lives, as also being included in this ongoing War on Terror?

I not only think we bear a responsibility to do this but also an underlying obligation to do so. 

Evil has many faces:  an assistant coach of some prominent university, the janitor who tidies up the school room after the children have left for the day who keeps a list of those young ones he finds most appealing, the neighbor who watches child pornography incessantly on his home computer or the terrorist from some far off land.  

We are all behind the eight-ball on this issue as the only time we seem to be able to peer into the face of evil is after the evil has been done.  It's very rare that we are able to throttle evil before it unmasks and unleashes.  

We find a small child's body hidden under some fallen leaves; the cops break into a home in which the father has just murdered an entire family; a rape victim is violated so horrifically that not only is her body splintered, but her mind, also.  

We all are all victims of evil; the evil doer along with the rest of us who have to endure the excrutiatingly horrific, haunting and vivid details of the crime.  

But how do you spot evil?  How do you stop it?

There is no easy answer but maybe a few thoughts.  And it does not involve becoming a vigilante nation but becoming more vigilant.

Psychologists have linked abuse with crime whether it be a youngster that delights in mutilating helpless animals or someone (usually at a young age) that is sexually molested repeatedly by a father a mother, a  close neighbor.

This behaviour then leads to more violent criminal behaviour in later years, alcoholism and drug use.

Do you agree with me that we all have a moral duty, a moral obligation, a moral responsibility,  to become a little more observant in the little things that can add up to the big things--in order that we live in a more peaceful and safe world...together?

I think I have a lot of company out there on this one (those of you who agree with this) and Thank All of You.  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama asserts executive privilege over 'Fast and Furious' documents - Washington Times

Obama asserts executive privilege over 'Fast and Furious' documents - Washington Times
soule:  Fast and Furious - The Smoking Gun:  Stall, stall, stall, lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny.

The injury being done by the Attorney General and the President of the United States (wink) to our constitutional safeguards, in order to cover up the details of this operation, is alarming.    

Scorched Earth

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Redneck Solution: Got a Leak? Simple, Wrap it in Duct Tape

SCTYL - Why a Foreign Company SHOULD NOT Count American Votes

Shameful - but then the MSM doesn't even know this word let alone its definition

Thought Provoking

Americans for Sheriff Joe

Scrooch the Pooch

Bedford County dead dog receives voter registration forms
soule:  Hmmmm, this sounds familiar.  Didn't I just read somewhere about dogs showing up on voter registration roles, in Florida?  Albeit this wasn't Florida and this was a dead one, but ah, what the heck.

This owner should be worried.  If his dead pet received voter registration papers in the mail, doesn't  it stand to reason (if anyone has that virtue/capability anymore) to be a little nervous?

I'd be watching for the next shoe to drop...a letter stating he owes back taxes (with penalties and interest, of course).

The "Light Warriors"

When understanding departs here and flees there  When people are frightened, run everywhere
No longer a fun game of musical chairs  When chaos, confusion, blots out the sun
When we’re puzzled and fearful  at such a conundrum
When all that is good is being undone  When our moans are heard at the Gates of Heaven
The clock face will resonate “11:11”  Old ways are crumbling  But New is arriving
On camel, on horseback  By Jeep 4-wheel driving
Fall down on your knees  Look up to the sky
For the angels descending  Are quite comprehending
Take hold of your daughter  your son and your wife
Together form bulwark  to shield against strife
The stank air is heavy with myriad curses  As money is looted from government purses
The Dark Force emerges  As we scramble around
Rears ugly head  Yet we all stand our ground
For we’ve been assigned  Celestial help from Above
They’re called the Light Warriors  And they'll take off the gloves
This Light Being Force will return us to Source
This Light Being Force will show no remorse
Together, this battle they are agreeing  A breakdown of things that we all are seeing
They’re already here, quietly at work  And this is one battle no Angel will shirk 
They're here to eradicate sludge bacteria  and slime
Who’ve possessed all of us  For a very long time

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Racism, Why Do Liberals Keep Bringing it Up?
soule:  I used to think this guy was funny.  Now all I see is another liberal over-achiever; a rancid, caustic piece of self-engrossed, overpaid foible who is not the least bit embarrassed to show us all just how really vapid he is.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Presidential Fiat

While I do agree with President Obama that something needs to be done about our immigration problem and that Congress (yawn) has done absolutely nothing, the way he approached the matter yesterday, by granting immediate amnesty (and that is all this is) to 800,000 young illegals doesn't exactly pass muster.

It would be noble to want to believe that Obama was paving the way for Congress to finally get off its dead duff and address this important issue.

But the fact that we have an election right around the corner, the Hispanic vote is very important, and that Senator Marco Rubio, Republican, Florida, who just happened to be in the process of unveiling a book and a plan to address this very problem, makes one suspicious.  Is this all about politics, again?  

And will this Executive Order have a negative impact on those American citizens who are looking for work while franctically staving off the clutches of this deep financial recession we are in?         

Charles Krauthammer, Fox News Contributor, last night summarized what Obama did yesterday, through Executive Order, as "unlawful."    He's absolutely right.  

But Obama did elevate an issue that's been simmering on the back burner of this country for far too long.

Will what Obama did light a fire under Congress' a**?

On the other hand, for a President of the United States to brazenly and continually ignore the United States Constitution, which frames what he can and cannot do as President is, as Mr. Krauthammer stated, "unlawful."

In other words, UNCONSTITUTIONAL as Mr. Obama DID NOT consult with Congress about instantly granting amnesty to 800,000 illegals.

Mr. Obama again did another "end around play,"  thus bypassing Congress, which isn't setting too well with many.

Congress makes our laws, not the President.

It is painfully evident that Obama thinks Obama can do whatever Obama wants.

So what's a Congress to do?

In a strong bi-partisan measure Congress needs to send a very strong message to the President that his willful disregard and disrespect will no longer be tolerated as Congress has already voted on an immigration measure and the votes fell short.

But, isn't it vitally important that Congress tackle this issue again?  

In retrospect, as we've painfully witnessed the hugger-mugger uncloaking of this stealth President after almost four years in could/should reasonably deliberate the factual evidence surrounding the President and his persistent, recalcitrant and rebellious dismissal of our laws.

In doing so, Mr. Obama has posited and asserted that he is a self-acclaimed, self-proclaimed and a self-ordained Monarch who is in sore need of a national dethroning.

This country has no place for a President who is above the law.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The History of Flag Day - June 14, 2012

How the Election Is Being Rigged Before You Vote - Godfather Politics

Who Needs Al Qaeda?

“Who Needs Al Qaeda”? 

What a mess we’re in.  We have an economy in shambles.  The middle class is disappearing.  A whopping number of Americans are on Food Stamps. 

We have mobs of thugs running around, all over this country now, beating up on innocent people, just for the “fun of it.” 

What is being done about that?

We have an Attorney General who conspired in a gun-running operation, “Fast and Furious,” that ended the life of Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry. 
Yet Eric Holder continues to stall and outright lie about his role in this covert op, thus contributing to the continued heartache and grief for Agent Terry’s parents.    

The federal government is suing the State of Florida for ensuring that people who do not have the right to vote, you know illegalsdead people and dogs, don’t end up on Florida’s voter registration roles. 

This suit by the federal government, against the State of Florida is, I believe, all being done to ensure that Florida is hampered/stopped in its efforts, thus ensuring more votes being cast for the President.

We now have security leaks that have frightened even Democrats.  And wouldn’t you know it, the talk in Washington is that the WH is involved.  But neither party can agree on what type of prosecutor will conduct an investigation.   

And now Congress wants to gut the military’s budget.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff publicly spoke out on this matter just recently, saying that the trillions of dollars set to go into effect will imperil America’s ability as a first rate fighting force across the world, not to mention what it will do to our troops. 

Then we have the ridiculous circus by Congress summoning the CEO of Goldman Sachs to Congress for losing $2B dollars (not taxpayer’s money, BTW) and interrogating him as to why and how this occurred.  We all know that this lost money was recouped. 

What was that all about? I’ll tell you…it was a display of absolute arrogance and finger pointing (and a total waste of time by Congress) by Democrats who only wish to place the blame on someone else while making us all forget the trillions of dollars in debt that President Obama has racked up.   

It’s to make all of us forget the fact that Obama has ruined this economy. 

At the rate we’re going, will we even have a country left, in the next few months?

In addition to all of the above, Congress has refused to pass a budget for the last three years. 

Legislation is piling up, waiting to be voted on, but if it doesn’t pass the “smell” test for a particular party, it ends up getting shoved in a corner. 

We have millions of Americans out of work who have also lost their homes.  The anguish and despair they are going through is very painful and was absolutely unecessary.

And yet, there is no plan by anyone for getting this economy back on track and putting Americans back to work.

We have a President who smugly states that the private sector is doing just fine; that the whopping debt incurred under his watch is someone else’s fault, not his.

Politics is dirty, we all know that.  But what I see going on now, is way beyond that. 

We are being sucked dry, the people, and the lifeblood of this country, by a bunch of criminally deceptive bureaucrats who care only about their jobs, their bank accounts, their homes and their private little worlds.    

So how about it this November we see to it that they are out of a job, that they are out of a house, that they are out of money and their private little worlds all come to an end?   

Because, clearly, they are not doing the job we elected them to do.

We don’t need Al Qaeda to do us in.  This President and this Congress are doing the job for them.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Superlative Definition of "Wisdom"

December 8, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Wisdom”

Teacher: “Any study about wisdom will be incomplete if the presence of God within human beings is not considered. Since the very beginning, both religion and society have valued wisdom and extolled its attributes and benefits to the group. Throughout history human beings have always searched for a ‘recipe’ to achieve wisdom, and to basically learn to think in a more productive way that would bring personal and collective improvement.

“The attributes of wisdom have much been defined and re-defined, many times being corrupted depending on the intellectual and spiritual level of a particular period in history. Some features, which at a particular time are considered appropriate for wisdom and intelligence, are at other times severely criticized or completely ignored.

“In a few words, wisdom is the ability of men and women to use their resources -- physical, intellectual, and spiritual -- to live in this world while preparing for life in the next. The results of a life lived in this fashion are evident in those who live such lives. In this definition of wisdom there is no mention of intelligence (IQ), or the social or financial status of the individual. Often people thought to be ‘important’ due to their careers or influence, are thought to be wise. When judging the value assigned by society to these individuals you should always ask, ‘How have they prepared for their lives in the next world? What have been their contributions to eternity?’

“This simple definition of wisdom clearly illustrates where effort should be invested during a human life. Wisdom helps us to live in this world. Human beings should learn how to adapt to their environment and live in a way that preserves their physical existence and emotional balance. A life limited to survival is not a life of wisdom. The time dedicated to work, and contribution to society, must be balanced with time for enjoyment, to stop for a while and contemplate the road traveled and make decisions about the future. The efforts for survival should be mitigated by the contemplation of existence, knowing that there is a reason for the sacrifices and there is a purpose for what we do.

“It is during these times of contemplation that the second aspect of wisdom can begin to be explored: to prepare for life in the next worlds. Human beings enjoy the presence of God within their being. Life on this world is only a step on the long path to eternity. However, it is an important step that will be the empirical foundation for the activities of the future. If humans shortsightedly choose to dedicate their lives to the physical, a great opportunity that will not be repeated, is wasted. A life lived this way would be like a dream that is forgotten upon awakening -- just wasted time. Living with wisdom is taking advantage of the experiences life daily offers to build a new, higher, brilliant and truer being from the present human embryo.

“Living with wisdom is living with one’s feet firmly on the ground and one’s sights steadily on celestial realities. Like Michael said, ‘It is living in this world without being of this world.’ A life of wisdom is a life that is really enjoyed, because the things that to some are troubles or obstacles upon the road, are opportunities sent from heaven to the wise. Wisdom in the end is a refreshing, original and courageous way to see life, which is stimulating and attractive to those who have the chance to witness a life wisely lived.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
The 11:11 books and 11:11 meditation CD are available here:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Look Within

We fell the stately tree
In our brash, unmindful spree
We plane it
Turn it into a door
Or piece it together to form hand-hewn floor
How sad
But have you ever bothered to take a look
At the engravings concealed in its nooks and crooks?
They’re embedded deep in this wood-grained art
Forgotten mosaics of some broken heart?
Quirky spirals peering out at you
We silently observe, but still have no clue
These bashful phantoms are everywhere
When we’re tucked into bed
When we’re combing our hair
Also, when sitting upon the throne
In that small little room, quite all alone
But no, we’re not
We're under their spell
Watching and waiting for whom the toll bells
Because that door,
   the one we've closed a thousand times before
Is staring us down and now we see
A snarly dragon, a cup of tea
Could it be they’re prodding us
To get off the couch, get off our duff?
Get out of that easy chair
Take head out of book
You have many friends if you’ll only just look

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our Rights Are Being Violated

The United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Amendment IV:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized."

soule:  That being said, why is it that the Transportation Security Agency, an arm of the Department of Homeland Security, continues to conduct unreasonable and unwarranted searches, harrasses and seizes personal property/belongings from American citizens?

Why is it that no one in Congress has referred to Amendment IV of The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution  and the papable and blatant fact that this fascist agency is stepping all over American citizens and trampling on the U.S. Constitution?

It is unconscionable that we continue to be subjected to this salacious treatment.


Definition of unconscionable:  adj:  1.  not guided or controlled by conscience; 2.  not in accordance with what is right or just; 3.  exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary or normal.

How much more clearer can it get than that?

And, I have to ask, am I the only one who is speaking out on this travesty?

I'd like to hear from a representative, a Senator, anyone in Congress who sees what I see and more importantly, their plan to put an end to this.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Water Source

Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers

Senator Asks DOJ to Investigate SWAT-ting Attacks on Conservative Bloggers: A number of conservative bloggers allege they have been targeted through the use of harassment tactics such as SWAT-ting (fooling 911 operators into sending emergency teams to their homes), in retaliation for posts they have written, and now Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., has stepped into...

D-Day - June 6, 1944

President Obama, a Man For All Seizures

Republicans, and whatever Kennedy Democrats are left in Congress, must begin impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama. This man can no longer be entrusted to lead the nation and act Constitutionally.
He has acted both unilaterally and in concert with Middle East policies that have opened the entire region to radical Islamists who have already seized Libya and have taken hold in Egypt. He has nationalized American industries; he has subverted the rights of States; he has acted in concert with criminal illegal alien elements that are overrunning our country and bankrupting state infrastructures.
His involvement in Fast and Furious demands impeachment proceedings take place and that he be indicted for his role in that illegal, international gun-smuggling operation has led to the murder of Border Patrolman Brian Terry, ICE Agent Jaime Zapata, hundreds of Mexicans, and potentially countless numbers in other parts of the world, including quite probably more people right her in the United States.
Obama has used executive orders repeatedly to circumvent the Constitutional authority of Congress. He has said he will not wait for Congress–but will issue executive orders to essentially act unilaterally to bail out homeowners who cannot pay their mortgages and to make special arrangements to help college students with tuition and student loans.
There is a reason that the Framers of the Constitution established three independent branches of government. It was to provide checks and balances and to ensure a rogue president is unable to establish himself as a monarch or dictator. And yet, that is exactly what Obama is doing.
He is angry that Congress will not act as he demands of them–that is the prerogative (and Constitutional right) of Congress. Legitimate Congressional debate on issues for the purpose of legislating in a responsible and appropriate way, he calls “stalling.” It is not bad enough he has used the Oval Office to berate American citizens. He has used Congressional addresses to knowingly make up lies about our Supreme Court. He has called press conferences and issued special invitations to specifc Congressmen, and then he has berated and humiliated them before the nation for simply doing their job. On Memorial Day, he cruelly and sadistically exercised his power and denied entrance to the Vietnam Memorial to Vietnam veterans, Veterans, families and friends, of the brave men and women enshrined on The Wall.

soule:  the last part of Mr. Massie's article I find especially and personally appalling.  Maybe the only restraining order we will have is in November in which I am fervently hoping and praying for this sorry excuse of a President of the United States to suffer a humiliating defeat at the polls.  I am ashamed and embarrassed for my country that we stooped so low as to vote this piece of flotsam into office.  How much dumber can the American electorate get?--by voting him back into office.  .  


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Senate Democrats blast national security leak on Iran cyberattack - The Hill's DEFCON Hill


The EPA - Another Government Agency Abusing its Powers

A Self Less Act

Monday, June 4, 2012

Void of Course Moon Calendar/Table - 2012

Human, Demon or Just Misguided?

You're going to be presented with opportunites, challenges and temptations in this life.

How do you handle them?  Well, the opportunities are simple but challenges and temptations, they're another thing entirely.

One thing is certain - We All Fall Down.  

First I believe you need to decide just why you're here in order to better handle what comes your way.

Was your birth an accident or for a purpose?

Do you believe in just hanging out in this life, with no direction, no planor do you believe you are here for the express purpose of becoming a better human being and trodding the spiritual path?  

How do we define someone who murders just for the pleasure of it?

How do we define someone who tortures just for the pleasure of it?

How do we define a Serial Rapist?

How do we define someone who continues to abuse children?      

Are they Human, Demons or just misguided?  

We all have two faces:  one we show to friends, neighbors, and the other one we hide.

We are all a mixture of bad and good.  So why do some of us embrace the bad and turn away from good?

How can we possibly come to terms with the horrific situation we find ourselves in, with bloodbaths taking place all over the planet?   How long does it take for all of us to admit that we're (collectively) in much trouble.

Do we have the wherewithal to make a difference?  You bet we do.

One of the most beautiful places on this earth is Africa and yet the people who live there are continually at war with one another.   The brutal slaughtering of entire groups of men women and children happen at mind-blowing speed.  And, much too often.  

Starvation and disease are rampant, brought about in part by the weather, but exacerbated by the hand of man.

Right now in the country of Mexico, the amount of killing ongoing on is almost unfathomable.  Drug cartels fighting for control of narcotics which infect the mind, infect the body.  But oh the money is so damn good.

Even with all we are seeing, I believe we're on the verge of a profound spiritual awakening--in that the physical and psychological shackles that have bound all of us for so long are falling off.

Evil likes control.  And it purposely hides in places where you can't find it.  It's tucked away in the nastiest, dirtiest recesses of the mind, where it feeds upon itself.  Kinda like a parasite that attaches to a host and gorges itself with blood.    Trouble is, we don't know it's there until it makes its serpentine presence known.

I believe we have an obligation to make this planet a better place, no matter how small our contribution is.

I also hope that Hollywood has gotten at least part of this message and that some producers/directors are  focusing now on making movies that show the goodness inherent in human beings.

Movies that empower us and ones we walk away from with a new and fresh perspective on how many things we have in common.  These movies would be a breath of fresh air.  We all have been subjected to enough of the bad.

We may look differently, we may talk differently but in the end we all want one thing and that is:

To get along and to live in peace.