But after a while the experience dims and becomes just "another" memory. You start to feel your ole self again.
You start kickin up your heels and laughin at the world. You are fast forgetting that Life just taught you a bitter lesson, and you learned wise ways (hopefully) to avoid another one. These are things that should never be forgotten. But then you start acting silly again, maybe a little more feckless.
You don't know it yet but you are fast closing the circle. That painful circle you just left behind. Remember looking at it in your rear view mirror, as you sped away, in a cloud of dust?
Again, you are fast approaching another point where you are needlessly exposing yourself to another painful experience. Maybe a repeat of the last one and all because maybe you really haven't learned your lesson.
The Lesson is this...remember to give thanks to the Universal Authority that you emerged relatively unscathed from your experience. That you gained a glimmer of knowledge as to how you got into this mess and how not to repeat it again. Even though it was painful and distasteful, possibly quite long, you learned that by controlling your own behaviour, discipline and hard work, and showing reverence for something higher than yourself is extremely important if you ever want to avoid the experience again.
This means: Set aside some time every day to give thanks for the blessings you have been granted in this Life, and for wisdom to keep you out of hot water in the future.
We can't do this alone. And if we think we can, we are fools. This is where that pesky arrogance comes into play. Thinking we are the best at what we do; the sun rises and sets only on us, along with not taking the time to recognize and acknowledge that we need help to constantly keep our butts out of trouble.
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