Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Good Little Communist

Well, it's finally being used...the "C" word, I mean, albeit by very few.  Except of course by the mainstream media (MSM).  They have been in lock step with Obama from the beginning and, I believe, participated in one of the greatest cover-ups of all time.
Forget Iran-Contra
Forget Watergate.  This one is the biggie.  And because of the media's insatiable quest for getting a Communist  elected to the highest office of the land, they willingly, gleefully, sold their souls to the Devil.  Never mind the fallout for the country and the rest of us.
The President of the United States is not a supporter of our free market system but a foe.
The President is not a defender of the Constitution but a detractor.
The President's policies are all about dismantling Capitalism and turning this country into a Socialist one.
Hasn't Obama and his comrades witnessed the sorry results of imposing Socialism on a country, on a way of life?  Of course they have.  But that never stopped those that came before and won't stop those that come after who continue to believe in this false, dangerous and Marxist Utopian Mindset.  For them it's full speed ahead and damn the torpedos.
You do realize that this is why we went to war in the 40's - to fight Fascism and Communism?
1960's:  American soldiers fought in the Vietnam War to thwart a Communist takeover.
You do realize that Communism is anathema to Capitalism?
You do realize that Communism is our Enemy, not our Bed Mate?
The question is, will the same individuals who voted for Obama in 2008 vote for him again in November?   Or, has an "about face" taken place in which many have wised up?

Or, will the hopeless and hapless pieces of brain matter that suck off this country's teat, who care nothing about what someone stands for, but only about what Big Government can do for them, eagerly mark their  X in the voting booth?

Will we again have massive voter fraud and intimidation to get a certain individual elected to office?      

Yes, it's all about color for some and for others all about ensuring they get theirs, no matter what the cost to the country or to the rest of us.  

What a shame we do not educate our kids as to exactly what is going on in the world...what is evil and what is good.  How to recognize it.  How to fight against it.  How to have respect for things like freedom, liberty and the right to happiness, that were fought for and secured with blood, sweat and tears.

WAKE UP AMERICA.  For many of you, depending on someone else to make your decisions, to feed you, clothe you and even THINK for you is something you take for granted.

Government has reduced you to a pile of rubble whom they realize they can placate with handouts, bailouts.    What good little soldiers.  Just keep them happy and that circle won't be broken.

And remember one thing, Words Do Matter.  Hope and Change for the Better?

I dare say, NOT.

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