Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The "Collective"

It's dusk and a soft sweet hush is coming over everything outside as another day comes to a close. I am looking out my window, contemplating the tragedy in Tuscon, AZ. One thing I find very apparent is that we as a nation and as a people, do not need any more divisive rhetoric from politicans or others. Whether it be Republican or Democrat, this is not the place for political oneupsmanship or the news media shouting some stupid headline or a sheriff grabbing for the spotlight. How irresponsible and utterly shameful to point the finger at this group or that, this individual or that one and accuse them of being responsible for an indiviual who, in a deranged state of mind, took it upon himself to murder and maim innocent people at a public gathering? And we don't even have the facts of the matter. Now we hear talk from some that more regulation is needed to prevent this from happening again. The sorry truth is, no amount of regulation is going to succeed in stopping someone from going out and deliberately hurting another. Apparently there were many signs that this young man was not functioning on all four burners. His classmates and friends were aware and also law enforcement. What about his family? Saturday, Tuscon, AZ where the shock and horror of this savagery brought all of us together in a collective consciousness of incredulity, pain, suffering, sadness and remorse. But did our leaders get the message? I read Sarah Palin's thoughts on this. I found her wording to be eloquent as she described her feelings on what had happened. It was evident to me that she had chosen her words very carefully and her message was one of healing, not only for ourselves, but for the victims, the families and this nation, as well. Are others similarly capable of leaving behind their own personal, political garbage and start talking as she did, comforting and giving us a message of hope that we all will get through this and and that our nation will continue to go on? This country is in desperate need of leaders who, in times of crises did as she did. Calm, comfort, heal and offer hope and guidance. In so doing, we will be bringing all the people on Planet Earth together in one collective consciousness. Not one of political agendas and irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric. Are you aware that the universe is one big collective? There are many beings but with one heart. We are being called forth to overcome our differences and join them. But we humans still haven't gotten the message. Now more than ever we need to recognize this and work on a solution. No more dividing and conquering for the time is upon us to cast out the old and embrace the new. And Tuscon, AZ needs to be gathering all the facts of how and why this young man came to such a tragic end with so many looking on and doing nothing.

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