Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Faerie Goodmother

fairy godmother
She gazeth upon You and knoweth the Meaning of It All. Each Soul is open to Her, You cannot hide, for She Hath All Knowledge of It. Accompanying Her are Truth and Beauty. Her creature companions reside within Her protective care. She is a coterie of Compassion and Clarity, Conscience and Circumspection. A Majestic Being of Knowing and Light. Sweet dew covers the ground and magically transforms into small diamonds that dazzle and burst forth with her clairsentience. Stars magnify their brilliance at Her behest and cast their radiance down upon Her, surrounding Her. Whoever is in need of protection, find their way to Her. No One need fear who dwell within Her realm, not man, nor beast, for All is well in this Faerie Kingdom....

Postive vs. Negative

This world is in much turmoil. Negative energy is at an all time high. It's like watching an ant hill after its been attacked. Franctically fanning out in all directions, the little creatures run this way and that, struggling mightily against their invaders, desperately trying to protect their nest, their young, their lives. Matter gives off energy....trees, plants, ants, animals, people. Other objects also....cities, towns and communities; this planet. Have you ever driven through a town and felt that it would be a nice place to live, a happy place to raise a family? Or a place you would like to hastily speed away from? Thoughts are energy. When they say our thoughts can affect our health and outlook, they are right. The medical community is slowly finding out that prayer is a powerful healing mechanism. The Learned Men of The Ages Past were very aware of these many vibrational levels and energy fields. In fact they diligently studied them. Emotions are another energy source and give off very powerful vibrations, depending upon their severity and depth. If you have a room full of joy, that is what is occupying the space. If it is one of sorrow, then the room is full of sorrow. There are those who are very sensitive to these vibrational fields and can feel and absorb the energy being emitted. They can also be strongly affected by it, both positively and negatively. What if a thousand people were to stand together and pray for world peace, day in and day out? Do you feel that this would make a difference? Say this number grew to 500,000? If we were to believe that the above is true, that positive thoughts conjure up positive energy, then wouldn't it be fair to assume that these 500,000 people would be able to bring about some type of positive change in the world? Quite possibly in some leader's thinking and ultimately in his/her decision-making? I believe this is quite ponderable if not entirely possible.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jizo Bodhisattva, A Beloved Figure in China, Korea and Japan

Praise, Seek, Worship, Trust, Thank

Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, thank God

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Across The Americas, Squash And Gourd Bees Are Superb Pollinators

This Has Been Scientifically Proven

Six Truths in Life
1.. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time. . . a physical impossibility.
2. All idiots, after reading #1, will try it.
3. And discover #1 is a lie.
4. You are smiling now because you are an idiot.
5. You soon will forward this to another idiot.
6. There is still a stupid smile on your face .

I sincerely apologize about this but I'm an idiot and I needed company.

You now have 2 options...delete it, or send it along to put a smile on someone's face today....:)
soule: I forwarded this to myself as I am definitely in the "idiot" category...thx for clearing that up.....


Celestial Navigation

Urantia, January 16, 2011.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “A Lesson on Light.”
Received by Lytske.
Teacher: “Greetings. Since you purposefully opened yourself up to receive, I will be more than happy to oblige. It is not every day that Teachers such as I get an invitation to speak, so I shall endeavor to converse with you, and clear up in your minds what is so threatening in your world at this moment in history -- the pending changes in the evolution of your planet, which have already been set in motion.
“These changes are a natural part of living on an evolutionary planet such as this, still busy evolving and stabilizing herself, which has not been easy due to the creatures living upon her – especially with all the drilling and the gashes inflicted upon her tender surface, which so far has only benefited few.
“Her riches are meant for each generation of the creatures who live and breathe upon her. The planet itself is a living breathing being and she suffers much travail at present, so therefore my request to present to you a lesson on Light.
“You mortals need to understand that you do not own this planet, but are responsible for her welfare. You are sojourning here only for a short while, and you will sooner or later be confronted with the choice of carrying on in eternity, which is what the Creator’s original, and only ascension plan for mortals calls for. You will all be asked the same question, to be answered in all honesty and in full: ‘How did you conduct yourself during your sojourn in the flesh?’ and ‘Did you make a difference by bringing in Light, or did you add to the dark and confusion?’
“Hopefully, although slowly you all are realizing that you are offspring of the One Creator God, who holds all affairs in His hands, never mind what ‘little-mortal-creature scheme or plan’ exists in human minds, as all works which are not of the Light will eventually pass away, some of them sooner than expected.
“It is advised and really quite essential that one would seek the Light within, which exists in each thinking person. There is much to be gained by this search as you are meant to, since your birth, become light-beings. It has been so ordained by the universal Creator, and his plans will not be thwarted.
“However, besides the Gift of life He gave you, He also gave you the Gift of free will of choice. So it is up to you to either spurn the Light by walking in unconscious darkness, or wake up to walk in the Light. The Creator’s greatest Gift indwells you from on High as your everlasting Guide and Partner, to lead you into all Light to the heights of Glory, by enticing you to do God’s will and walk the path representing the most love and respect for others.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Lytske’s book, “The Guiding Light Within” can be found on
soule: reprinted with permission from the author

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Gold Report - Senators Introduce Bills to Repeal Form 1099, Opposed by Gold Dealers

Forget Gold...This Coin's Message is Priceless

A father walks into a restaurant with his young son. He gives the young boy 3 nickels to play with to keep him occupied. Suddenly, the boy starts choking, going blue in the face. The father realizes the boy has swallowed the nickels and starts slapping him on the back. The boy coughs up 2 of the nickels, but keeps choking. Looking at his son, the father is panicking, shouting for help. A well-dressed, attractive, and serious looking woman in a blue business suit is sitting at the coffee bar reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee. At the sound of the commotion, she looks up, puts her coffee cup down, neatly folds the newspaper and places it on the counter, gets up from her seat and makes her way, unhurried, across the restaurant. Reaching the boy, the woman carefully drops his pants; takes hold of the boys' testicles and starts to squeeze and twist, gently at first and then ever so firmly. After a few seconds the boy convulses violently and coughs up the last nickel, which the woman deftly catches in her free hand. Releasing the boy's testicles, the woman hands the nickel to the father and walks back to her seat at the coffee bar without saying a word. As soon as he is sure that his son has suffered no ill effects, the father rushes over to the woman and starts thanking her saying, "I've never seen anybody do anything like that before, it was fantastic. Are you a doctor? "No," the woman replied, "I'm with Internal Revenue Service".
soule: brought to you courtesy of the I-AR-REST

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


An interesting thought occurred to me just recently. What if this planet we inhabit is, ....(goin for broke here) Oh My Gosh, she's lost her marbles......a hologram? Okay, I've gone over the cliff and need to check in with the local shrink. But we can all agree that individually we can touch a tree, touch a person, dip our hands into water, look up at a blue sky and see puffy white clouds sailing by. We see the sun, watch the moon rise at night, smell a rose, pick up an infant, pet a dog. These are all part of everyday life. But what if these images, these physical manifestations were just that? Manifestations? Kinda like a mirage. What if they appeared to be real but actually were just a projection, a figment of our imagination? "Maybe a small piece of undigested meat" says a puzzled Scrooge, from the movie, "A Christmas Carol", as he is being drawn into a realm one can only describe as "otherworldly." I'm generalizing here and certainly am not one to sort out all the details with this. But the scientific community continues to debate how did this planet come into being? Why does it have so many different life forms and is so proficient at sustaining them? I don't believe the scientists will ever figure this one out. But being the curious beings we are, we continue to strive for answers. Definition of a hologram: A 3-dimensional image created by photographic projection. If you are a follower of Star Trek, maybe you remember the Holodeck (check out Wikipedia's definition) in which Captain Jean-Luc Picard calls upon the computer to create (or maybe it's recreate) a scene from the 1940s. People instantly appear, standing by a bar, the bartender mixing drinks, laughter and talking is heard. Picard takes one step forward and instantly finds himself back in the '40s. The present no longer exists...or does it? He's listening to Glenn Miller, smelling the stale smell of the bar room, womens' perfume, cigar and cigarette smoke, and watching people dressed in the clothing of that era. He's even donned some of his own. And then he goes over and mingles. No big deal for Picard, as the Holodeck creates these images all the time. But, doesn't this give one pause for reflection, something to think about? Of course the ship's computer did all this but what about computers we don't know anything about (that do exist) that are so smart that they are actually capable of, in a manner of speaking, being alive? Able to communicate, able to feel, able to think and were created solely for the purpose of projecting images onto other worlds? And in so doing, creating other worlds? Picture a smooth, round billiard ball with someone projecting an image onto it? Wouldn't it be something to find yourself at the present moment, minding your own business, watching your favorite television program and the next second you're propelled away only to find yourself on top of a hill overlooking a valley, pushing away the flora and fauna and peering down upon a herd of dinosaurs? I'm no scientist but aren't we finding out more and more about things we never even knew existed? And that just maybe, anything is possible? I'd prefer to keep an open mind. Because, I believe, right around the corner is coming mankind's most profound experience of all time and that is the affirmation that we are not alone in the universe. We are just one planet among many, with many, many different forms of life inhabiting them. Maybe you believe in reincarnation, Big Foot, that crop circles are a form of extraterrestrial communication, UFOs, and other life forms existing on far away places that communicate through thought, have mastered time travel, as I do. Then why can't we simply contemplate something like this? Maybe scientists are studying this right now, they just haven't told us. Now, wouldn't that be something? Of course, if you do not believe in any of these things, then I imagine it would be very difficult or nearly impossible for you to wrap your brain around what I am suggesting. A "holographic" earth--one minute we're here in this reality and the next minute we're in another. Suddenly, everything, as we know it, has been turned upside down. In the blink of an eye we're some place else, some where else, far far away. It's another dimension, or is it? Maybe we're still in that living room watching our favorite t.v. show.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Google Will Be Driving Business Away, Not Generating It

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Faerie Muse

Memories Fairy
Memories Fairy">MemoriesFairy


Friday, January 21, 2011

Left wing climate of hate and assasination
soule: We all heard about Gabby Giffords, right? Well how come we didn't hear anything about this? jus wunderin....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Freedom, What A Beautiful Word

Freedom, how do you define it? The dictionary says, Freedom is "the condition of being free; independence." So, can you hold it in your hand? Can you taste it in your mouth? Can you feel it in your heart? How many people will never experience it? How many people long for it and are willing to die for it? How many have already died for it? Our American soldiers, of course, by the millions, who travelled to faraway lands and never came back. Our own Founders who willingly knew, when they took the quill in hand, they were signing away their lives when they penned their signatures on the Declaration of Independence. How I miss those men. Right here, on our own soil, we had brother against brother, righting an agregious wrong; slavery. Millions, black and white, died fighting in this bloodiest of battles, called the Civil War. "Free"dom is a heavenly gift, given, by the Almighty, with no strings attached, to all humankind. So, then just who gave tyrants, governments, dictators and thugs the right to curb it, censor it or eradicate it? Answer: No one. How many in Congress so bloated with their own arrogance and self-serving interests could care less about signing away our freedoms? I'd say there are many. Another example of a brave people willing to put everything on the line are the Iranian freedom fighters. They took to the streets to protest the outcome of an election and were simply gunned down. They resisted an authoritarian government and a heartless Dictator and paid the ultimate price. My heart goes out to them. I know in my heart that the resistance goes on and I can only hope and pray that it grows stronger. Could what happened there happen here? How about the thousands, maybe in the millions, (will we ever know?) of North Koreans who are cruelly under the boot of Kim Jong-IL? How many have died by his hand who just want to be free, to live their lives away from his death camps, starvation and torture? You represent a threat to the government as you are brave enough to challenge their 'authority', ask questions, stir the pot. And the price you pay? Death. Is Freedom something to be feared? Is Freedom something to be controlled? Is Freedom something to be contained? Is Freedom something to be regulated? The answer is yes but only when it becomes apparent that freedom is going to get in the way of some one's insidious agenda. And if you're paying attention to what is currently happening here in the U.S., you can see how government is slowly tightening the noose around our necks, how we are slowly losing our freedoms. The freedom to own a home; the freedom to get a job (there aren't anymore); the freedom to get a loan (banks aren't lending); the freedom to worship who and where we want is being challenged; the freedom to mourn openly for a loved one because a certain Church group has a demonic curse come over them; the freedom to cast a vote in some parts of the country being threatened because of certain groups openly intimidating and brazenly standing in the way of voters. And witness what the President and Mr. Locke just proposed...why they would like to track all of us who blog, comment, do online transactions and visit our favorite websites. Government wants to issue us with their very own (gee I'm so excited) government I.D. I can hardly wait. We already have TSA (TOTALLY SENSELESS ASSES)and now we're supposed to just go along with being personally I.D.'d by a government who has admitted #1they don't see any drug cartels or drug smuggling; the murdering of American citizens, or any other mayhem going on along the border; #2 they can't figure out how to deal with it (okay, maybe I can help on this one ...CALL IN THE MARINES, YOU MORONS); #3 can't or won't deal with it because it's not a big issue (huh???) and #4 heck, the situation can't be controlled anyway. So I'm supposed to let some government bureaucrat stamp me on the forehead with my own personalized I.D. number? Don't think so. We're being tracked, bagged and tagged. Haven't you had enough? This is called Totalitarianism. Please look it up. It is sinister. We now have these Totalitarian guys running all over the place. They specifically like government jobs. They want what you want. They want what you have. They want to take away your freedoms. And they're getting away with it because we're letting them. It was a start to see some common sense make its way down the aisles of Congress in November but we still have a loooooong way to go. So, if we are aware of this new government I.D. that is on the table, then what about all the "other" stuff that's been done, behind our backs, without our knowledge or consent? And I'm talking former administrations also, not just the current one. It's far, far, far into the night, folks and We The People need to grab the reins and grip them firmly in both hands before we lose more stuff. There is that old saying, once something is lost you can never get it back. Lost Horizons, Lost in Space, All is Lost, Loss of Freedom. Think about it. From here on we need to make the right choices: For freedom's sake; for country's sake, which BTW enables us our freedoms in the first place, through the United States Constitution, and for our sake, the sake of our children and our grandchildren. Or, we'll find ourselves hurtling down the road, at breakneck speed, furtively glancing in the rear view mirror at a country we once knew but is now disappearing in a cloud of dust. Maybe we're already there. I hope not. For then it's too bad for me, too bad for you. And what will we be facing? Answer: what we brought down upon our heads. What Brave New World lies ahead for a bunch who didn't give a damn and could care less about a country who had given them so much? I'd say a good whoopin. But, too late. Look to the signs for they are there. I hope the Almighty has some room to spare.

American Family Association - Action Alert
soule: whatcha afraid of, Mr. President? You got somethin against free speech? Enough with that sly smile and all the phony politeness and don't give me all that crap that it's all "because of national security." Isn't that the excuse they keep givin us when we ask about Area 51? Keep on shedding the snakeskin Obama, we're just now getting a good look at who you really are...

The Amidah - My Jewish Learning

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Art, Kabbalah and Healing

Revised Blog:

Art Inspired by Kabbalah Teachings

Dov Lederberg and Yael Avi-Yonah
44 Diskin Street, POB 7143, Jerusalem Israel 91071
tel: 972-2-5618303, tel/fax: 972-2-5611411
The artists will be visiting the greater NYC & Boston areas from beginning of March to early April 2011 before the opening Thursday March 24th of their major duo exhibition: Transcendent Transformations at the Great Neck Arts Center in Long Island and would be looking for other venues, even a lecture or house party or fund-raiser for a charity. With the current economic situation they do not expect too much in the way of sales. But perhaps for some people, and if it is not too expensive, it may be a psychological perk to have their works as a meditation anchor in their home, emanating positive energies.
They can offer several interesting lecture options, using some of their works to illustrate the concepts.

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The "Collective"

It's dusk and a soft sweet hush is coming over everything outside as another day comes to a close. I am looking out my window, contemplating the tragedy in Tuscon, AZ. One thing I find very apparent is that we as a nation and as a people, do not need any more divisive rhetoric from politicans or others. Whether it be Republican or Democrat, this is not the place for political oneupsmanship or the news media shouting some stupid headline or a sheriff grabbing for the spotlight. How irresponsible and utterly shameful to point the finger at this group or that, this individual or that one and accuse them of being responsible for an indiviual who, in a deranged state of mind, took it upon himself to murder and maim innocent people at a public gathering? And we don't even have the facts of the matter. Now we hear talk from some that more regulation is needed to prevent this from happening again. The sorry truth is, no amount of regulation is going to succeed in stopping someone from going out and deliberately hurting another. Apparently there were many signs that this young man was not functioning on all four burners. His classmates and friends were aware and also law enforcement. What about his family? Saturday, Tuscon, AZ where the shock and horror of this savagery brought all of us together in a collective consciousness of incredulity, pain, suffering, sadness and remorse. But did our leaders get the message? I read Sarah Palin's thoughts on this. I found her wording to be eloquent as she described her feelings on what had happened. It was evident to me that she had chosen her words very carefully and her message was one of healing, not only for ourselves, but for the victims, the families and this nation, as well. Are others similarly capable of leaving behind their own personal, political garbage and start talking as she did, comforting and giving us a message of hope that we all will get through this and and that our nation will continue to go on? This country is in desperate need of leaders who, in times of crises did as she did. Calm, comfort, heal and offer hope and guidance. In so doing, we will be bringing all the people on Planet Earth together in one collective consciousness. Not one of political agendas and irresponsible and inflammatory rhetoric. Are you aware that the universe is one big collective? There are many beings but with one heart. We are being called forth to overcome our differences and join them. But we humans still haven't gotten the message. Now more than ever we need to recognize this and work on a solution. No more dividing and conquering for the time is upon us to cast out the old and embrace the new. And Tuscon, AZ needs to be gathering all the facts of how and why this young man came to such a tragic end with so many looking on and doing nothing.

G-d's Cosmic Plan

It’s time, G-d said
To move around
To turn this old world
Upside down
You are here,
But now you’re there
All of you are everywhere
Tsunami of changes
The earth tumults
Humanity is in revolt
Confusion, panic
are widespread
The unknown greets
With fear and dread
But some of you chose
Faith instead
And G-d said:
For I will bring you Certainty
Even though you’re in a fog
I will loose you from the bog
My “Cosmic Plan”
For all to see
Is Mine not yours
No place to flee
And is unfolding
By Divine Decree

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This is Worth More Than Just "Two Cents"

I received an email from a friend containing information and a perspective on where the U.S. is headed. Some of the points made in the email:

>Get ready for no more Post Office - they are broke.

>Checks: Britain is laying the groundwork to do away with checks by 2018 because businesses, financial institutions are finding that they are too costly to process. Which will no doubt affect the Post Office as there are a number of people who still opt for paying their bills with a postage stamp.

>Newspapers: The younger generation doesn't read them anymore. And for being able to access the news online, get ready to open your wallet. Some major companies and cell phone companies are working to develop models for paid subscription services.

>Books: The author says he never thought he would see the day when we would have a choice: (1) we can now give up a physical book that enables us to turn each page individually and "browse" books online. (2) And, he discovered he could buy albums for half the price without ever leaving his home.

>Lan Line Service: It's getting too expensive and people are paying double. They have a lan line and a cell phone. Many are discontinuing phone service and choosing just their cell phones.

>Music: The author believes that this is really sad as the music industry is "dying a slow death." Not just from illegal downloads but also from greed and corruption and offers up a book to read, "Appetite for Self-Destruction" by Steve Knopper.

>T.V.: More and more people are choosing to access their entertainment through Netflix, etc. and shunning the t.v. channels. The programs have slowly degenerated and he feels that it's "good riddance" to television.

>Things We Own: He is equating solid objects as being a thing of the past as they are now accessible via the computer. For example, when we turn on our computer, our pictures, music, movies and documents are stored in "The Cloud." They are accessible but we cannot hold them physically in our hands. Author goes on to say that he feels uncomfortable with this as your information could all be erased in the fraction of a second. He likes to be able to hold something tangibly in his hands.

>Privacy: What privacy? We are being tracked, tagged and bagged. There is NO privacy anymore. It's a thing of the past.


Email Author's summation: America is losing its prominence in the world as a great power and the "world's leader." He points to our manufacturing losses, businesses, factories and jobs leaving the country at a record pace. Dell, Inc. has plans to dramatically expand its operations in China and will be closing its plant in Winston-Salem, NC in November. The U.S. trade deficit with China continues to expand. The Ford Motor Co. will be closing a plant in Minnesota because, his words, "it does not fit in with Ford's new 'global' manufacturing theology." The U.S. spends approximately $3.90 on Chinese goods for every $1.00 that the Chinese spend on American goods. The U.S. Census Bureau has reported that we have the highest number ever living in poverty - 43.6 million. He says that we are a nation of consumers now and not producers (like we once were). His words.."any great nation throughout history has been great at making things but if we continue to allow our manufacturing base to erode at the rate it is, will we still be a great nation? We have created the biggest debt ever recorded and what happens when we can't pay it back?"
soule: I forwarded this email on to friends and family but then got a good smack (excuse please, I met BONK!) :-) on the head from one of the people who read it, to whit:

"I am working my butt off; we're in the middle of a huge snowstorm and I'm expected to be at work on the midnight shift to do my job. Yeah, I'm getting paid but just how do you expect me to deal with all this information you just emailed? So the P.O. sails off into the sunset...I have no control over this. And no longer being able to use checks?? Let's just take a "wait and see" attitude. And if books are going to be a thing of the past, "how come so many towns are building libraries?" And how come my local Music School is filling up with so many new students? As for privacy, I believe you still have some control over this issue and that's why I shy away from Facebook and if you shouted your social security number in the middle of a room full of people, well then you can pretty well be assured of what the result would be. I was at our local coffee shop on Saturday. In the shop were members of the National Guard...white, black, enjoying breakfast. Not one of these young people paid for their meal or tip. When one of them said "thank you," the people in the coffee shop said, "No, we should be thanking you for your service to this country." Some of these young people actually left, in tears. We had some thugs break into a storage bin filled with Toys for Tots. All the toys were stolen. This was quickly picked up by the local media and by 5:00 o'clock there were truck drivers, sanitation workers, nurses, cops, people with good hearts, that re-filled the bin. There are bad, bad, people in this world...but not the whole world. Recently, I was watching "COPS" and it was filmed in Cleveland. One of the cops said, "if they took 10% of the bad away, we'd be out of a job." That means the other 90% are good people. -J - These are my two cents.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The "Birth Pangs of Moshiach"

If ever there was a time for prayer, it is now--Repentance--Prayer is our connection to G-d, to The All, to the Master of the Universe, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. If you really want to know the truth, prayer is the only thing that is going to get us through all that lies ahead we cannot possibly fathom. Prayer is all that matters now. Nothing else. Things are spiraling dangerously out of control. Isn't it human nature just to ignore a problem and, oh well, I'll deal with it later? It's not that bad...ya da, ya da, ya da. Well, the "later" has caught up with us. Too bad we let things go so long and get so bad. Instead of putting our faith in G-d, where it should have been, we put our faith in ourselves. We can handle anything, right? Our egos looked for happiness in Wall Street and in Hollywood, in Target and in Sam's Club, in SUVs and fancy homes, in gadgets and in trinkets. And we darn well made sure we picked out only the best thick, juicy steaks for the Saturday barbecue. Delusionally happy and oblivious of where we were going, we charged......full speed ahead. We always knew the corner grocery store would be there and chock full of groceries. How 'bout the strip mall down the street? Cheap gas? A home where we could be safe and raise our kids? A job we could count on? What about Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security? The numbers are staggering as to their losses. Would you agree that things are a-changing? That unbelievable events are happening that leave us scratching our heads? Leaving us very angry? That guy in Tuscon AZ who just shot all those innocent people. And all the rest of the weird headlines where bad things are happening and people have seemingly just "lost it." Has the world gone mad? Just like the golden calf, the Israelites soon learned they had made a big, big mistake by replacing G-d with an idol. They had transgressed one of G-d's Commandments and were soon to find out they were about to learn a very painful lesson. I believe we could equate our situation right now with that very same event. They learned, albeit a little too late, (sound familiar) that they had just positioned themselves for an arduous correction from the Almighty. Well we, as a nation and individually, have done the same thing. We have lost our way because we chose to put our "hope and change" in false idols. There are those who will shun this post and couldn't care less about its message. There are those who have no "faith" in anything and never will. Makes no difference. Right in front of all of us is a big "correction" coming from the Almighty. No one will be left untouched. There is no place to run to and no place to hide. No one is going to escape what He has in store in order to get "His house in order". That means down here, on Planet Earth for that is where He longs to be. Sound a little too dramatic? That's okay, you are entitled to your own opinion(s) interpretation(s), feeling(s). I only hope and pray that a merciful G-d reconsider how hard He is going to lower the boom on us in order to get our attention. May the cries (prayers) from the Righteous fill the earth and reach His ears. For we have forgotten the one thing that is most important to our happiness and contentment--Him. It's going to be the Golden Calf all over again. I just hope we all get the message this time, and soon. What is happening here and globally are the beginning birth pains such as a woman experiences, while giving birth. All that is happening is as it should be. The Final Redemption and End of Exile for the Hebrew Nation. The coming of Moshiach (the Jewish Messiah). The Christian's call it "End of Days". We are in the beginning of shedding off the old world and entering a new one. The Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson) did not know for certain whether this "transformation" would be an easy one or a hard one. But take heart....what we are experiencing was pre-ordained. This re-shuffling, transformation, metamorphisis, an awakening, a new perspective and awareness on why we are here and getting acquainted with our Creator. Just like the Butterfly emerging from its cocoon, so we are going to do the same. This new world that the Age of Moshiach is ushering in will be totally different. This will be G-d's "New World Order" and man will finally learn one important thing: that we can all live together peacefully as one and all worship together as one, The One True G-d for All Mankind.

Prophecy 2011 - Is America Dancing with Devils? - Rev. Michael Bresciani

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No More Complaining, OK?

Stimulus is working. I think everyone should lighten up on President Obama. Why, just one month ago, he got jobs for 63 Republicans.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

NIA: National Inflation Association - Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation
Definition of Hyperinflation: extremely rapid or out of control inflation

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Happy to Meet You," Dr. Bruner

The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander
Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta . She knew of Dr Bruner's remarkable Surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt Univ Med Ctr in Nashville , he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb. During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed Hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger. Dr Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile. The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity The editors titled the picture, 'Hand of Hope.' The text explaining the picture begins, 'The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life.'
Little Samuel's mother said they 'wept for days' when they saw the picture.
She said, 'The photo reminds us pregnancy isn't about disability or an illness, it's about a little person.'Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful.