Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Wisdom from the Lubavitcher Rebbe", Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of Blessed Memory

"Our generation is the final generation of Galus (End of Exile) and the first generation of the Geulah (Redemption).."The Rebbe has stated that we are in the Age of Redemption and the End of Exile for the Jewish Nation. This is also the age of Moshiach (the Messiah) and that the Jewish People have done the work needed (merited) in order to bring Moshiach down from Heaven to enter their hearts, leading them into that new day in which all nations will live together peacefully. This message is not for Jews only. It is also embraced by others known as "Righteous Gentiles" or "Noahides" who followed the Jewish People out of Egypt after Moshe (Moses), acting on G-d's behalf, brought the seven plagues down upon Egypt in order to show Pharoah (the Anointed One) that G-d and not Pharoah, was in charge. Because Pharoah was hard of heart, (used to having everything he wanted..power, control, etc. and doing things his way) not being acquainted with the Hebrew G-d, it took seven tries to finally convince Pharoah that G-d was the One in control, not him. Then and only then did Pharoah relent. From my perspective, what I am seeing happening here in America, with the financial meltdown, and globally, rogue states (Iran et. al.) aspiring to wipe a tiny nation (Israel) "off the face of the earth," lawlessness, perversion, the unprecedented murdering of the unborn or the babies who are born but then chopped up, dismembered and tossed into a garbage can, the rise of homosexuality, a complete lack of courtesy and respect by our young people, untold groups and organizations determined to flaunt the laws of the land, this race or that race pitting itself against another race, corruption, deception, lying, thievery, debauchery, decadence, the troubling attacks on religious freedom here, it's any wonder we are in the trouble we are. We have lost our way. We have chosen, as a Nation, to turn our backs on a Righteous G-d as other gods have replaced Him. When we have a President and a Congress who lack the mettle, are more into tearing down, dividing, creating confusion and chaos, then calming and uniting, turning their backs on the Law of the Land, it's any wonder the turmoil that is engulfing us. This is not to say that this hasn't been coming on for years because it has. It's just that at this particular time in history, all of this has finally come to a head. What do we do about this? We need to get back to G-d. Get down on our knees and confess our transgressions, not only personally, but as a nation, and ask for forgiveness. We need to pray for our leaders, even those who are grossly misguided, and ask G-d to bless them with courage, wisdom and guidance. I believe that if we do not do these things, then we will continue to spiral out of control.

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