Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Plunk Your Magic Twanger Froggy"

Maybe some of you are old enough to remember the kids television program many years ago (1940s -1950s) that featured a feisty frog and this plucky saying. Fast forward to the present. Maybe we could apply this same saying to Congress and they would all just magically disappear. Now wouldn't that be nice. Hopefully, by November, many of us will have grown enough new brain matter that this situation will be taken care of by a stampede as we all head to the polls. I am almost embarrassed to watch the shenanigans going on with this bunch as they ramrod through "their" version of Health Care for America while sitting back and drawing their paychecks. It would be downright funny if it weren't so downright serious. The February Health Care Shammit was a waste of everybody's time. The Leaders of the Pack already had their minds made up and it was just another opportunity to grandiose and grandstand and rub the opposition's nose into the dirt. Who gave them the right to mess around with our health care anyway? I don't remember anyone callin me on the phone or showin up at my front door. And, its been workin well so far. Yes, we have problems but we can fix them, not sink the entire system. This isn't for the good of the country, or the poor, or anyone or anything else but just another all out frontal power grab and nothing more. It's damn the torpedos and full speed ahead, "we're coming to get you Margaret", no matter what. They're determined to sink the ship of state with all hands on board. I really have to wonder if these "public servants" have any problem looking their wives, their children, their grandchildren in the eye when they talk to them. Especially when we all know that they've sanctioned pieces of legislation they haven't even read, (it's too time consuming and they have staffers so figure that one out) talked endlessly about how good it is, how it will do this, how it won't do that, and then continue to lie to us when we ask pointed questions. This is an Orwellian Nightmare. How do these creeps sleep at night? And of course they will exempt themselves from the quagmire they are creating for the rest of us, the Doctors, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, medical students, Medicare, Medicaid, young, the elderly, etc. And they know what they are doing they just the hell don't care. You Congressmen, and especially you Ms. Pelouzey, it sure must be nice to fly back and forth on People Air and hand us the bill. It sure must be nice to be able to afford a couple of nice homes in lieu of the fact that so many American families are losing theirs, and make what...$180K a year, with all the perks, and then add the piece de resistance, vote yourselves an annual automatic pay raise. But I do have one question.... with all the hoopla, fanfare and attention being given to National Health Care, who is minding this nation's National Security? Hmmmm

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