Thanks to G-d's Wisdom and the men who recognized and acted upon it, this country was founded. Not an easy task, but one fraught with many problems, uncertainty and danger. Yet, after much heavy thought and debate, they willingly took that chance, after having suffered aggregiously at the hands of an English Despot for many a year. "Enough is Enough," they agreed in unison. "We shall no longer tolerate, allow, or permit any more suffering under his oppression, his ruthlessness, his economic tyranny. We shall, this very day, take matters into our
own hands. We shall draft a Constitution of these United States, a Declaration of Independence...a severing of the heartless bondage to which we have been mercillessly yoked, and subjected to hardship and toil year after year. No longer will we be called
"British Subjects" but
Americans and this new nation will be called The United States of America". With little specks of dust suspended in the still air, and these courageous men standing nearby, the sunlight was fading faster and faster. Heavy, dark blue drapes gently slouched on the planked floor as each Founder gathered round the table on which a precious piece of parchment lay. Previous to this meeting they had met, they had gathered, they had talked, they had prayed, they had argued, they had, at last, laid the entire matter at G-d's doorstep. Each man earnestly, and with firm determination etched in the furrows of his brow, steadily took the quill in hand, and with no hesitation, eloquently signed his name, thus breaking the Olde and giving way to the New--breathing new life into a new nation.
We as that nation and that people have so much to be Thankful for. So many things we take for granted. Walking the aisles of a nearby grocery store, our eyes search for that special something to satisfy a "sweet tooth." Milk, butter, eggs, fresh fruit, veggies, meats, and so many other items, all brought to us, courtesy of this nation's
Not the consumers, the
Producers. For without them their wouldn't be any "consummerism" goin on. Dairy Farmers, Livestock Producers, Store Owners, Poultry Farmers, Grain Farmers, Vegetable and Fruit growers, Manufacturers, Automobile workers, Bakers, Candlestick makers, etc. And a great big thank you to the truckers who tirelessly traverse from East to West picking up these goods for us to enjoy. For without our transportation system we wouldn't be eating, or picking out that nice tie, prom dress, refrigerator/freezer or wide screen t.v. There are many, many others who complete the circle and their contributions and sacrifices are so appreciated and never ending...Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Educators, Priests, Pastors, Rabbis, and of course, our military, who choose to "put their lives on hold" for us as they go off to fight to keep us and this nation free. A special thank you to the parents with children who so lovingly tend to them day in and day out. Thank you to our Seniors who have given so much for this country. Thank you...Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, Hospices, Nursing Homes, for the care you give our sick and elderly. All of these things happen because we are a free people, a caring people, and a
free society. Our way of doing business has some flaws, yes, but our free enterprise system, limited government, libertarianism, in which we are free to pursue our own happiness without having to watch behind our backs, entrepreneurism which creates jobs and enables so many leaps in technology, and other wonders that propel man further and further to maybe, hopefully, one common goal>Peace for All Mankind is something to cherish, protect and fight for. Thank You America, Thank You Americans, for without your enterprising and inspiring spirit none of us would be sitting down this Thanksgiving to a sumptiously stuffed turkey, a sweetly glazed ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes smothered in brown sugar and mini marshmallows, cranberry sauce, Mincemeat Pie and Pumpkin Pie. Thank you all for our freedoms which we enjoy so bountifully at this time of year. Liberty, Freedom and Justice For All. Let's keep fighting for these blessings because, as our Founders knew (very up close and personal) and all too painfully, in the blink of an eye these blessings can be wiped out by another Tyrannical Despot if we don't mind the store. Blessings to you all and a Very Happy Thanksgiving.