Thursday, May 21, 2009

Panning for Gold

Today, at the I-HOP Restaurant, my husband and I sat down to breakfast we were indeed looking forward to, after finding out just how much it was going to cost to have the diesel engine "replaced" in our Dodge 2005 3/4T Pickup Truck.

An elderly gentleman was seated to our left and as usual my husband and I were engaged in animated conversation. We ordered breakfast and then noticed some customers around this elderly gentleman who took the time to shake his hand and wish him "a good day." The waitress hovered around the gentleman, ensuring that his "ribs" were done the way he wanted, and returning several times to make sure that he had just the "right" barbecue sauce.

The restaurant seemed to be filled with a "light" of just pure kindness and hospitality. After all, "we're only here to enjoy a meal".

No one was upset; angry--it was aweome: delightful. And so very much appreciated.

The point I'm making is: there are two dimensions we are dealing with here on earth: one is the material--this earth plane we live on; the other is the spiritual plane (the one we cannot see but at times we feel).

Today was one of those "spiritual" days when everything in the Cosmos was in order. Everyone, no matter who they were, were all there for one thing--enjoying breakfast. No politics, no heated discussions, no arguments, no angry looks. Gosh, it was great.

After we finished breakfast, we, turned to the elderly gentleman and wished him a good day. His eyes brightened as he, in turn, blessed us. He told us that he had lived in Michigan for 40 years in order to make retirement and boy, "does it get cold there." He was raised in the Sherman, TX area and it was plain to see that he was very happy to be back where he started. I'd guess he was in his eighties.

Today was G-d's day but then EVERYDAY is G-d's Day. This elderly gentleman was just a reminder to us all that we are not alone (individually or spiritually) in the turbulence of today> we are united, through a common bond, a spiritual bond.

Just, please, STOP. Just STOP doing whatever it is you are doing at the present time and LISTEN.....for in the turbulence of today it is becoming more and more difficult to just plain listen. Sit down in a quiet room; meditate; connect with who you REALLY are; focus on your problems and ask the Creator for answers. They will come.

But you must find the time for Him for He is there, waiting for you to do exactly that.

It's like "panning for gold." It may take some time but after you've just about given up, a beautiful, gosh! what is that, could it be...a gold nugget appears. If it's only one, take that gold nugget and "run with it."

Remember that we live on a material plane but it's only superficial. G-d, on this "material plane" provides us the opportunity to return to our "spiritual roots." Meaning to develop our relationship with G-d. But we can run into so many obstacles to that goal. Keep going. Don't Stop until you "reconnect."

I believe in Reincarnation. If we don't get it right here, "growing" our relationship with G-d, then we are destined to repeat it.

We all have sins to bear. I do. You do. We all do. We can choose to ignore them while here but at some future date and time, they will re-surface again to challenge us--so we can confront and overcome them.

Glory to the All. The Holy of Holies. The Creator of the Universe. At some time we will all bow down to Him. All nations; all peoples; acknowledging Him and this "gift of life" he's given to us. And what have we done with this gift? Turn our backs; transgress His laws; do it "our" way; choose our own self interests over His.

He has laws and no doubt He has limits and we have exceeded them.


Anonymous said...

It appears to me that you have been given some insight for a reason. Continue to seek the truth, authentically, and it will always come.

Soule said...

I deeply appreciated your remarks. It isn't always easy, as you know. How do I know? I just know.