What we see playing out in American politics today is very disheartening. It's not about fixing problems. It's not about fixing our enormous debt and reining in spending. It's not about what's best for the American people nor the country. It's definitely not about fair play.
It's a power struggle between two sides with the American people caught in the middle. It's about a Marxist ideologue on a one-way mission who takes no prisoners. .
I personally believe that Obama was carefully groomed for just this point in America's history. Maybe I'm wrong but then, maybe I'm right We can debate this subject till hell freezes over.
Obama baited his honey trap with words oozing out of his mouth, the exact words millions of Americans were waiting to hear. Promise me anything.....
Millions of Americans cast their country aside in 2008 in favor of casting a vote for Obama. They swooned, by the millions. Then lo and behold, they went right out and did it again in 2012. Ah, but this is another subject that could be debated till hell freezes over. With all the scandals and fraud that has invaded our voting system, the argument could be made that Obama wasn't elected at all--it just appeared he was. You get the point. At this point in time, it doesn't make any difference. He's President.
But what should matter, to all of us, no matter if you voted for Obama or not, is the damage he is inflicting on this country, which will come back to
haunt you as well. This is still your country, is it not? You may not openly say so, and demonstrate just the opposite in word and deed but in the end you have to face the fact that you physically reside here.
It stands to reason that ideologues, after having their way with the masses, will ultimately discard them without even batting an eye. That's just what they do. And many of you are not being taught about history in school so you undoubtedly cannot, will not or will just plain refuse to believe this fact.
I remember Joseph Stalin, I remember Adolf Hitler, I remember Benito Mussolini, I remember Pol Pot, the Cambodian Murderer who massacred millions of his own people. Look up the book, "The Killing Fields." I remember this because I was born back then. My parents went out and fought during WWII--They were and still are called "The Greatest Generation." Thank God today most of them are leaving this earth.
Once a beguiling (treacherous, cunning, skillful deceit) despot achieves his goal(s), after having his way with you, you are no longer of any use to him. Do you not understand that you are only a vehicle to someone amassing more and more power? Do you not understand that because of the decision you made back in 2008 and then in 2012, you've been had, along with the country? Do you not understand that, because of greed and selfishness, you played right into someone's hands, allowing them to continue on their path of destruction?
So, this leads us to exactly where we are right now. With the House digging in and refusing to negotiate with a non-negotiable President the question is, who will cave? But there are some other things you should know. I listened to a Constitutional Scholar the other day who provided me with an account of how and why we have arrived at this point in our country's history and where we're headed.
As I stated above, what we are witnessing is a power struggle but oh, this power struggle is so much more. And it boils down to one thing. Obama is unwilling to negotiate
because Obama, Reid, Pelosi, et. al. will not cut spending, period. They will only negotiate when the other side gives up and gives them what they want. As to spending, they only want to
increase it. If you are running a $17trillion dollar debt and refuse to whack some unfunded mandates to stop the bleeding, what do you think will happen?
Obama's end game is to increase spending, while keeping all the unfunded mandates going. And it don't matter one whit to these tyrants if they bankrupt the country to do it. What happens then? Your welfare check, your goodies, your house, your job, your family, your way of living, well it's no more. It's gone because the country is bankrupt. There ain't no more money, honey.
If we do not hold our elected leaders responsible and remind them that anymore spending, by either party, is a no no unless of course it's for good of country, we're either going to spiral up to hyperinflation where no one will be able to afford anything or down into a deep depression. Either way, it's going to be catastrophic.
So what do we do? Well, one thing is to increase the pressure and heat on Congress.
Let them feel your pain. Let them know that their job is on the line if they don't toe the line. And that starts with the President. We're simply not going to tolerate your behaviour anymore.
Call, write, demonstrate. Join activist groups that stand up, support and defend the Constitution.
Understand that by doing this you are saving your own ass along with your country.
QUESTION: Who owns this country?
Your answer will determine which way we go.
Look at the WWII Vets who were just shut out of their own WWII memorial. And yet they defied the barricades, they defied Obama's thugs.
Look at the Vietnam Vets who were arrested in NYC for demonstrating peacefully.
Again, I'll ask the question, "Who owns this country?
Look at the Truckers who are on a mission--arrest as many Congressmen they can who do not support and stand up for the law of the land--The Constitution.
Again, I'll ask the question, "Who owns this country?"
Yep, you're right--IT'S WE THE PEOPLE.
Well then, start acting like it.
Definition of unfunded mandate:
Wikipedia: An
unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a
state or local government to perform certain actions, with no money
provided for fulfilling the requirements. Public individuals or
organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.
As of 1992, there were 172 federal mandates that obligated state or local governments to fund programs to some extent.
[3] Beginning with the
Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as the
Voting Rights Act of 1965,
the United States federal government has designed laws that require
spending by state and local governments in order to promote national
During the 1970s, the national government promoted education, mental
health, and environmental programs by implementing grant projects at a
state and local level; the grants were so common that the federal
assistance for these programs made up over a quarter of state and local
[5] The rise in federal mandates led to more mandate regulation.
[5] During the
Reagan Administration,
Executive Order 12291 and the
State and Local Cost Estimate Act of 1981 were passed, which implemented a careful examination of the true costs of federal unfunded mandates.
[6][7] More reform for federal mandates came in 1995 with the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA),
which promoted a Congressional focus on the costs imposed onto
intergovernmental entities and the private sector because of federal
[8][9] Familiar examples of Federal Unfunded Mandates in the United States include the
Americans with Disabilities Act and