there is a discernible pall hanging over today. even though the sun is shining brightly and the sky is a lovely blue with white fluffy clouds, you somehow feel that something is different. it's like an invisible, subtle weight hanging over the day.
the human race cannot escape conflict. we have story after story of one country invading the other. it appears it is part of our DNA.
after reading stories from those who rescued the victims of 9/11, the many heroic acts people performed that day, not giving any thought to their own well-being, the different groups of people from all walks of life who drove the ambulances and police cars, climbed the ladders and fought the fires, manned the call centers, the many hospitals that treated the injured and dying, there is just no way to wrap your brain around the magnitude of the event that happened other than to acknowledge an incredible occurrence that brought humanity together as a whole unit to fight a terrible tragedy.
how does one go about planning such a thing? how is it that we have those who have willingly shed their miserable souls for a piece of human flesh, murdering thousands of innocents and all in the name of Allah? Of course, using religion as an excuse to exterminate entire populations is nothing new. it has been going on for decades. the new part about what we are experiencing now is that it is becoming more evident that we have
one group not content with targeting their own citizens but determined to wipe out a number of countries, mostly western.
as i type this, the room is fading from view and slowly darkening as long shadows creep across my desk. i cannot make out the clock on the wall nor the computer screen. i am feeling nauseous and have tunnel vision, just contemplating the utter horror that was perpetrated on a group of people whose only sin was going to work that day. it turned out it was their last day on this earth. they were unknowingly sentenced to death by a group of single-minded religious fanatics who were solely possessed by the erroneous belief that those who believed differently than they should be marked for extinction. well they succeeded but only in the sense that they accomplished what they set out to do. in doing so, i believe they made a very grave error. that is, they awakened the rest of us to the horror that can be brutally and evilly administered by a group of brain-washed zombies, absolutely, with no warning and with no remorse for what they did. in fact they felt they accomplished a great deed.
The inhumanity, the utter brutality, the shock and horror of it all.
And we still have those who are willing to take up where these ravagers left off. Who, we are told, are planning more attacks, maybe even more violent, more brutal than the one on 9/11.
Do we understand this? President Bush coined the phrase
The War on Terror. Are we naive enough to think that this
War on Terror is over? Are there those of us who never believed in a
War on Terror? Some kind of political gimmick, some kind of trick?
The government is not telling us everything we need to know in order to fully equip ourselves emotionally for any further attack(s). We've been told that they (the government) really have no info so we're left wondering if it will be nuclear, biological, a dirty bomb or a combination. When and where will it happen? And what will our response be?
Will we be prepared as a nation? will we suffer more horror and just forgive and forget?
Many of us would like to put 9/11 behind us and not think about it at all. That's because most of us weren't there when it happened. Most of us didn't live through the horror, gasping for breath as we stumbled through the dense smoke and ash, dodging debris and body parts.
We don't have a President Bush anymore. And I believe we do need to hear from someone who is willing to tell the American people the truth. The truth is that this war didn't just start with 9/11 or a few years started thousands of years ago. And it hasn't stopped since. In fact, it is heating up.
Is this the War of Armageddon that the Christian Bible speaks about? Is this the End of Days? I don't know. But I do know one thing...these fanatics are on a mission. A mission of destroying something they don't believe in. They have a right to their religion, Islam, but the rest of us don't. These ideologues are now engaged with not only subjugating and controlling their own populations but going after ours. They mean business. Do we?
We have so many good, wonderful people in this country. We saw them in action after 9/11.
They never get a shot at being featured on the "nightly" news other than once in a while but so many other sordid, vulgar and evil ones do.
I firmly believe that it is time to form bonds with one another. In fact, I believe this is one of the ways we are going to survive the days ahead. Like-minded people with a variety of solutions for how to handle the turbulent times that are coming.
I believe we need to be prepared, as best we can, for any eventuality. Being prepared is better than being caught off guard.
I must emphasize that only a small percentage of Muslims are willing to go out and murder innocent people because of their Western values. The majority of Muslims are peace-loving. But I only see one or maybe two Muslims who are standouts today in the crowd of reason. They need help. They are asking their Muslim brothers to stand with them.
If a country is filled with people who do not understand freedom and liberty but look the other way when it comes to defending it, then we have a problem. "It's okay I live here but I can't be bothered to take to task those (of my own faith) who are openly and aggressively spewing hatred and violence against others". I'll just remain silent.
A country, a nation, will not survive long when good people are not willing to take a stand against evil and do something about it.
There is an enemy out there who is quietly mobilizing. We must not act like ostriches with our heads in the sand.
Who is willing to stand up?