Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Definition of "Political Correctness", Its Origins and What It's Doing to Our Country
soule: excellent article

Friday, November 26, 2010

Can We Get Our Act Together in Time?

August 25, 2010: If one were to view this planet from above, it would be like peering through a looking glass. It’s teeming with an exuberant, unbelievable, colorful, vibrant, kaleidoscope of life. How did all these different life forms come into being? Was it an unseen hand that divined a prescient mathematical formula that started life’s chain of events eons ago? This unfolding of life has been ongoing for years. From the beginning, scientists have speculated that millions of years ago, microscopic life forms appeared and multiplied and through years of transformation… insects, amphibians, the towering Dinosaurs and finally, mammals (us) appeared on earth. Just like a giant steam engine, this planet keeps chugging along, continuing to sustain a plethora of life. Whether we were “seeded” here, as some scientists have suggested or, by Divine intervention, the fact is that over time, this creative process has never stopped. This balanced, harmonic ongoing process is like a one-of-a-kind precision timepiece. Picture a wizened, old white haired wizard peering protectively over this timepiece. His fragile, worn thin wire spectacles balanced precariously atop his nose, and with utmost care, bent fingers gently, deftly, positioning into place, its innermost working parts.
First, the scientists tell us that microscopic life appeared on planet earth. Could it have been brought here hiding inside the many meteorites that blasted into this planet during the early part of its creation? Climactic changes have been considered as playing an important part. Producing, altering, changing and, in many cases, destroying certain life forms, thus paving the way for new species. Even now, creation continues its slow drumbeat of evolving, adapting, reshaping, restructuring. Should we be surprised anymore at Life and her creativity, resourcefulness, resilience? Question: Why are we here? We could debate the answer(s) to this one for a long time. What achievements, what improvements, what notable accomplishments have we contributed to this planet’s health (and in so doing ensuring our own survival, the continued health of this planet and quite possibly the survival of other planets and other life forms?)
Is it just me or do we humans take more than we give back? Do we think about the long term consequences of our actions to this small planet that we call home? From countries hell-bent on orgies of destruction in all out vendettas to wipe out their neighbors, committing mass murder using nuclear weapons, biological warfare, or (fill in the blanks) to a plain lack of understanding of this planet we live on and the care it must be given, man is sliding backwards.
Thousands of years ago it was all about survival, seeking shelter, food, fighting off hunger and disease. Sadly, for many this is still the case. So just how far have we come? Just how far have we advanced? Are we really a civilized society (collectively?) Could we pause for a moment and take a step back and reflect on where we came from to where we are now? Can we think on some things without name calling or finger pointing? From a biblical point of view man was created by God. But what if this weren’t really the truth at all? What if we were, as some scientists have suggested, “seeded” here by those meteorites that hit the earth eons ago? Meteorites containing small clusters of microbes and bacteria, capable of surviving, growing and adapting into more complex life forms?
Here’s something else to consider. Perhaps we were “created” by another race of “beings”. Maybe they knew, in advance, just how we would eventually turn out and didn’t like what they saw. Maybe we were an experiment and they goofed. They used a little “more” of this instead of a little “less” of that. We turned out just a little too toxic for them. A little too headstrong, a little too violent and they decided they didn’t want us “infecting” their world and thus created this planet for us to inhabit. Or, maybe they ripped around the universe in a frenzy trying to find a planet to dump us all onto and Voila! they bumped into Planet Earth. And just maybe, “they are watching us right now” as we continue our headlong rush back into the stone age where it may be about survival all over again…seeking shelter, food and fighting off hunger and disease. Is this where we are ultimately headed? Is it possible that we could be coming full circle? I’m not an eco-freak or anything like that but I am becoming more and more of the opinion that we are taking more from this planet then we are giving back. We’ve lost respect for and take for granted the things we wake up to each and every day. And it is becoming more and more apparent that mankind is sorely lacking in its ability to settle anything peacefully. This world has produced some wise and noble beings, who guided mankind for a short period of time, teaching us to set aside our differences, teaching us to learn to live peacefully side by side, regardless whether we be Christian, Jew, Muslim or other. But, sadly, this message became lost over a period of time and ended up being swept into a corner with the rest of the dust. These “wise men” were few and far between. And time and again we have seen that the world seems more interested in promoting the troublemakers and limiting or permanently ending the role of peacemakers. I believe, at this point in time, we are in very grave peril. And I believe we are fast approaching an epochal time in world history.

In my humble opinion I believe we may be faced with an “event.” Not necessarily something bad, some End of the World event that some predict may occur in 2012, but an event of another kind. An “Out of This World” event in which someone or some group, will drop out of the sky and pay us a visit. I do believe it has finally come down to this as we have shown that we are incapable of collectively working together toward the one goal required from all of us - and that is to make this world a better place for all mankind.

The Timeth Approacheth

1987: In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside force, a universal threat to make us recognize this common bond we all share. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish- if we were faced with an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask, is not alien forces already among us? It is a clear fact there are only a handful of people who know the truth about this. The truth should be here for all of humanity."
-Ronald Wilson Reagan-

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Faith, Hope and Charity

I was thinking this morning that this world is like one of those deflated rubber balls turned inside out; things are going backward instead of forward; it's like viewing the front side of the coin but not being able to see the back; standing before a mirror and gazing intently into it but all that gazes back at you is murkiness; full speed ahead but right in front of you is a concrete wall; knowing the songbird is singing but not being able to hear her song. We are, at breakneck speed, all of humankind, stampeding straight off the cliff. Respect, merit, integrity, humility, courtesy, patience, kindness. What ever happened to those virtues? I know they are still around but it seems they've been buried away somewhere. Are they being taught in our schools, our homes, our churches, synagogues,? I happened to go and renew the tag on my vehicle at the local licensing office. While there, two young women, I'd guess in their early twenties, worked the counter while an older woman was at the other end. One of the young women waited on me and in the course of doing so, delighted in making fun of the older woman who could not hear her remarks. I, a perfect stranger, in to do some business, and this young woman's actions caught me completely by surprise. I thought to myself just how many more of these young people are growing up acting like this? Then several months later, when applying for a job, I showed up at a small business with my application in hand. I walked in and was greeted by a woman who pulled my application out of the envelope and after quickly scanning over the information, promptly "interviewed" me on the spot. The manner in which this woman conducted the "interview", in a public place, instead of privately, in full view and earshot of her other employees, and clearly with some "axe to grind" as some of the questions asked of me and her body language made it quite clear I was fired before I even left her office. Again, what is it about some people who believe they have free will with how they treat other folks? This country has many problems but some of them can be easily cleared up by teaching our young people, and a few adults, how to handle their fellow human beings with more kindness and courtesy. Maybe even Congress will catch on.