Friday, May 31, 2013

And The Plot Thickens

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Our Incredible Star

Monday, May 27, 2013

Rolling Thunder - A Marine's Vigil - Memorial Day 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Friday, May 24, 2013

Defend the Constitution,AAAAPLMIP6E~,BRrRHTAljlF40NofMDxsColEK-8KEsxy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

An Irrelevant President

 So many scandals, so little time...

I submit that the many scandals now coming to light, the President's luxury jaunts away from home and away from the work he was elected to do, instead, opting to play golf and continue fund raising, in spite of the fact that we have an economy in shambles, millions of Americans out of work, the IRS Gestapo Goon Squad trampling all over people's First Amendment rights, the Benghazi Coverup, the DOJ illegally wiretapping journalists and news organizations, the DHS buying up extraordinary amounts of hardware and ammo and then having us all believe they are using this for "training" purposes, (training/target practice on whom?) will eventually bring this president and his administration down. 

The Truth will eventually come out on who is lying and why.

I submit that Jay Carney's remarks recently in which he used the word "irrelevant" in answer to a question being asked at a White House Press Briefing as to the facts of what happened in Benghazi, Libya, was really a "slip of the tongue."

I believe Carney was unwittingly referring to his boss when he used the term "irrelevant" because this President, in my opinion, is guilty of an unconscionable act:  a lack of responsibility, an indifference, an indolent and negligent unwillingness to act when it comes to tackling this country's problems.  Under this administration these important issues are considered irrelevant along with the Constitution and the American people.  The term IRRELEVANT fits Obama very well.   

We could even liken Obama to a welfare recipient.  Refusing to work and being paid for it, living the good life, flying all over the country and partying it up at the White House, all at the expense of the American taxpayer.  

You talk about audacity.  

Question:  How can a President be deemed relevant when he's nowhere to be found?  

Question:  Where in hell is Obama when scandals suddenly erupt and explode all around him?  

Obama's MIA when hard questions are asked or Obama claims he doesn't have a clue or go ask someone else.  

Obama's not in the White House Situation Room and feigns ignorance when asked his whereabouts during the events taking place in real time, all while four Americans are begging for help and then brutally and needlessly murdered in Benghazi, Libya. 

He knows nothing about the IRS stepping all over the First Amendment.   

He "just found out" about his own Justice Department illegally wiretapping journalists and news organizations. 

C'mon, how much more swill are we willing to swallow?

These diversions, these scandals, I think were orchestrated/planned to overwhelm government and keep everyone so busy that we are being prevented from getting to the Truth, the heart of the scandals.   

Doesn't it seem strange that so many scandals, with nary a peep (well, maybe one or two) from left-leaning organizations and journalists continue to swirl around Obama and his administration without a huge journalistic backlash calling for this guy's head?

These scandals shouldn't be dismissed by a bunch of politicians or journalists simply because they are trying to protect someone's ass (the President's or maybe one of their own?) but doing their damn jobs.   

In a Republic or in any country, for that matter, when you have those who turn their backs on reporting the facts and the truth of a matter, because they are politically motivated, we are in deep trouble.  

Just think where we would be at this juncture if a Republican President had been involved in all of this stuff?  The Left would have already drawn and quartered him with his head on a platter but not so with their favorite guy, Obama.

To Chris Matthews of MSNBC, one of the sorriest excuses for a "journalist" I have ever witnessed, an obtuse, blubbering, blabbering, slathering, jabbering, obnoxious and arrogant spokesman, to Jay Carney, a cardboard cutout mouthpiece for the Obama administration's talking points, who acts like a drone as he stoically defends words printed on a piece of paper handed to him that have been scrubbed clean of any relevant facts.

I am a Patriot, a Tea Partier, I believe in and support the United States Constitution, small government, the Free Enterprise System, Capitalism, God and I am Pro-Life.

This is not the time to retreat but the time to stand up and be counted.

And I like Trump's solution to this atrocity that is called the Obama Presidency--


God Bless America.

And God Bless our Veterans.  Happy Veterans Day (Memorial Day) comin up.

Finally, the DHS Has Found a Use For All Those Bullets

The War on Our Veterans

Monday, May 20, 2013

To the News Media and Congress - Quit F*****g Around and Do Your Job - Investigate the OBVIOUS

This is a picture of Two Criminals posing as the POTUS and the AG

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Obama's Abuse of Power

Adam Kokesh Gets Arrested - For What???

Saturday, May 18, 2013



The Ugly

Friday, May 17, 2013

Asteroid Fly By - May 31, 2013,0,548201.story

Out of Control

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


>How can a President go before the American people and continue to lie without blinking an eye?
>How can Jay Carney, WH spokesperson, sleep at night?
For even the lowest amongst us know when we're continually being lied to.

My take on the scandals happening in Washington--scandals are nothing new except this time the events rapidly unfolding in front of all of us, from the needless murder and coverup of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, to the astounding failure of the FBI to pursue the leads provided to them by outside sources pursuant to the Boston Massacre to the IRS bugging phones of American citizens and wire services is giving many in this country a new and broad sense of betrayal.

Is this latest IRS "scandal" a deflection to divert attention from the ongoing investigation of Benghazi?


Remember, the main goal is to stay in power. 

Have the American people begun to lose faith in their government?  I'll let you decide that one for yourselves.  

Are these three events, somehow, unbeknownst to all of us, a precursor to an event that will eclipse all others?  A real "game changer" so to speak? 

It's not just the Obama administration as suspect in all of these nefarious activities, although they are at the top of my list.

But it's the other nameless, faceless entities lurking in the shadows who really concern me.

They are the ones really pulling the strings.

Obama is just a puppet.  He's like a dog on a leash.  He was elected and given a mandate to do  exactly what he's done--destroy a country.

But we all know what happens when a dog pulls too hard on its leash or a puppet gets all tied up in its strings. 

Could it be that some now view Obama as a useless commodity?  That these scandals are all unfolding now at just the right time for just the right purpose?  That Obama has used up his "usefulness" and is now becoming an obstacle, a distraction to them?    

Could it be that these three scandals were really not the fault of the WH at all but the direct fault of others who orchestrated and interfered to gain exactly the results we are now witnessing? 

To Obama:  "You've accomplished the mission we set before you.  You've done your job.  You've successfully screwed up a country so much that it will never recover.  But after meeting with the others we've come to a conclusion--we don't need you anymore--bye bye".

Could it be that these scandals will force Obama out of the White House only to be replaced by?

Are we on the cusp of something else that will take us completely by surprise?  An even greater threat/event that will eclipse anything this President or any President before him have succeeded in accomplishing?
Time will tell but I have to tell you.....
And remember, you get what you vote for.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

This is beyond shameful.  The Lefties have dominated the news for years.  What was it the Communist Manifesto boasted...infiltrate mass media, academia, etc.and do everything you can to stifle, humiliate and discredit your opponent, thus discrediting what he or she has to say (whether it's the Truth or not).

Liberalism is a disease.  It's been left untreated for many years and now we can clearly see the results.

In trying to uncover the Truth of anything, you are undoubtedly going to run into obstacles, based on who and what wants to keep it covered up.

But I'd say that with Benghazi the press here in America has reached a new low.

Four Americans dead.  No one knows exactly why.

And here we have a CBS journalist trying to uncover the facts and CBS is trying to shut her up.  

I wonder, how would CBS have treated a story in which four members of their own team had been ruthlessly attacked and murdered?

I bet they'd be doing everything in their power to get to the bottom of it.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Legion Extraordinaire