Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jack-Booted Thugs

soule:  this is a quote from the article:
“Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” said U.S. Attorney Tompkins. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country,” she added. “We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.” (Emphasis added.)
soule:  So, if I am reading this article correctly, anyone who might hold precious metals could possibly fall under the government's definition of "domestic terrorist?"  I think they've got this one backwards.  What about continuing to print worthless pieces of paper?  Ya don't think that ain't harmin the system?  Question:  With the dismal record of the Obama admin spending us into  economic armageddon aided by his loyal side-kick, Ben Bernanke, who is runnin the printin presses day and night, how the hell would you categorize them?  What a bunch of liars and this is a crock of shit. 

Job Creation

I am over 60 and the Armed Forces thinks I'm too old to track down terrorists. You can't be older than 42 to join the military. They've got the whole thing ass-backwards. Instead of sending 18-year olds off to fight, they ought to take us old guys. You shouldn't be able to join a military unit until you're at least 35.
For starters: Researchers say 18-year-olds think about sex every 10 seconds. Old guys only think about sex a couple of times a day, leaving us more than 28,000 additional seconds per day to concentrate on the enemy.
Young guys haven't lived long enough to be cranky, and a cranky soldier is a dangerous soldier. 'My back hurts! I can't sleep, I'm tired and hungry'. We are impatient and maybe letting us kill some asshole that desperately deserves it will make us feel better and shut us up for a while.
An 18-year-old doesn't even like to get up before 10 a.m. Old guys always get up early to pee, so what the hell. Besides, like I said, 'I'm tired and can't sleep and since I'm already up, I may as well be up killing some fanatical s.o.b.
If captured, we couldn't spill the beans because we'd forget where we put them. In fact, name, rank, and serial number would be a real brainteaser.
Boot camp would be easier for old guys. We're used to getting screamed and yelled at, and we're used to soft food. We've also developed an appreciation for guns. We've been using them for years, as an excuse to get out of the house, away from the screaming and yelling.
They could lighten up on the obstacle course however. I've been in combat and didn't see a single 20-foot wall with rope hanging over the side, nor did I ever do any pushups after completing basic training.
Actually, the running part is kind of a waste of energy, too. I've never seen anyone outrun a bullet.
An 18-year-old has the whole world ahead of him. He's still learning to shave, to start up a conversation with a pretty girl. He still hasn't figured out that a baseball cap has a brim to shade his eyes, not the back of his head.
These are all great reasons to keep our kids at home to learn a little more about life before sending them off into harm's way.
Let us old guys track down those dirty rotten coward terrorists. The last thing an enemy would want to see is a couple of million pissed off old farts with attitudes and automatic weapons who know that their best years are already behind them.
***How about recruiting Women over 50...in menopause!!! You think Men have attitudes!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my God!!! If nothing else, put them on border patrol...They will have it secured the first night!

And The Obama Saga Continues...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

If I Were President

1.      Raise military pay and provide them with quality health care.  If Congress can have it, why  can't they?  
2.       Slash taxes.
3.       Create jobs by cutting regulations; offer low cost loans and/or grants for new markets.
4.       Establish a law that jobs go to Americans first.
5.       Restructure our manufacturing base.  Offer tax incentives to companies encouraging them to relocate or locate here.
6.       Abolish government health care and implement a system of pay-as-you-go.  Create individual savings accounts.
7.       Make English the language of the land.
8.       For those who did not go through the immigration process and have lived here awhile, provide a dollar amount that must be paid back over a period of time.  The family/individual must pass the test that all persons are required to take in order to become a citizen.
10.   Abolish the EPA; allow for coal mining, drilling for oil and gas here and now. 
11.   Provide incentives/monies for communities in which they invest in their young people, creating good work ethics and morals. 
12.   Abolish the WAR ON DRUGS.    It isn’t working.
13.   Legalize Marijuana. 
14.   GET RID OF THE NEA.  Allow parents who want their children to go to private schools the opportunity to do so.
15.   Empty the prisons of those who have misdemeanors.   Prisons do nothing to rehabilitate; leave them for the hardened criminals.
16.   Redo our transportation system—bridges, overpasses, rail.  Invite private investors to design good, safe reliable transportation for people to travel. 
17.   Abolish the F.A.A.  Set up a private group to oversee this nation’s airline industry.
18.   Abolish the Department of Homeland Security.  Hand over oversight to a private firm. 
19.  Establish a flat tax. 
19.   The most important asset a country can have is its people.  Treat them with dignity and respect.  Do not use them like a blood bank.  A productive people equals a productive country. 

Google Reportedly Pays $500M to Feds

We Need to Slash Our Spending--Why Not Start Here?

Salary of retired US Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE
Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,00​0 FOR LIFE
Salary of Speaker of the House ............$223,500 FOR LIFE
Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ...... $193,400 FOR LIFE

(And the average salary of a soldier deployed in Afghanistan...$38,000)
soule:  Somethin wrong with this pictureMany military families can't even afford to pay their bills and are forced to look to the federal government for help; aka food stamps--yet Congress continues to enjoy a six figure income.  Shameful.  

AccuWeather.com - Weather News | Irene: New York City, Mid-Atlantic Put on High Alert

Solar Winds, CMEs, etc.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grizzly shooter garners support - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News

Grizzly shooter garners support - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News: COEUR d'ALENE - A man charged with unlawfully shooting and killing a grizzly bear had so many supporters at his arraignment
Tuesday in federal…

New Technology

What a Beautiful Concept


G-d created the Universe out of Nothing 
Nothingness....an unestimable void

The T.V. show, "The Outer Limits", where the t.v. screen would flash and then quickly revert to a straight line--the same straight line that's displayed on an electronic heart monitor, positioned above the head of a patient in a hospital room, seconds after they've passed away.        

If you can imagine for a moment this same straight line, nothing above it, nothing below it.  It seems to be just a senseless mark of some kind; maybe a place holder--yet it is so much more.  It is ready to unleash its vibrant energy.  It is an immense formula pregnant with possibilities.  It has concealed, congealed and coagulated and is in a "holding" pattern until some one or some thing sparks it into motion. It is a starting point for something great to happen--something beyond any human being's wildest imagination.  Something so magnificent, so monumental, so momentous, so profound, so unfathomable, so indescribable that its mystery is better left unknown.  It is like a ball of yarn that falls off Grannie's lap and quickly unrolls across the floor.  It knows where it's going.  Granny was just the catalyst for getting it started on its journey (or maybe the cat).

It is the absolutism of perfection.  A starting point, an entry point for something to happen.  All it needs is the spark and that would be a singular thought to start the process of putting things in motion.  Thoughts are energy.  Everything in the universe is energy.  

When you decide you want to start a business you pour alot of thought and investigation (energy) into just the right product you want to market and sell.  

There are many questions as to how our universe was created.  The Scientists will never find out.  I believe they weren't meant to.  They'll just have to be content with probing and equating and making small baby steps as the answers they do stumble upon, when put all together, would make them go mad.  Maybe that's why so many scientists look weird...hair that's all dishevelled like they stuck their fingers in a electric socket.  Interesting faces, all lines and frowns, that haven't seen the light of day for years because they  willingly entombed themselves in the dark recesses of an ancient vault, buried within an old building with ten foot thick walls.  They are working feverishly trying to decipher worn out writings of a myriad of scientific formulas on disintegrating yellowed pieces of paper.  
When we look up at the night sky, no matter who we are or where we are, we all look up at the same sky.  Wouldn't it be nice to consider that this is an unspoken bond between all of us?  And this same sky is filled with the same stars, and the same constellations that we are all looking at.  Nothing has changed.   And if it does, we are all witnesses to the event.

We are all parts of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle.  Separately, we cannot see where we fit into this cosmic pattern.  But as a whole, it will all become clear.  

When I think of the human condition, which has never changed since the days of the cave man, (in fact, I believe it has grown progressively worse) it  helps me to refocus on other things.  Like how and why we are here.  Who and what contributed to our getting a start on this planet?  Did we start out as a microbe and gradually, over millions of years, evolve into the human bodies we now inhabit?  Or, were we seeded here by others?  Aliens.  Our celestial ancestors who have never forgotten who and what we are. 

There is an interesting saying...we are human beings inhabiting a spiritual body.  Hmmm, that is vastly different from the old saying...we are spirit beings inhabiting a human body.  Gives one pause to think.

Did it ever occur to anyone that we might be the real aliens?  That we might have this alien thing all wrong?  That the Greys and the Insectoids and the Reptilians are the ones who have managed to put aside their differences, coming together for the good of all, learning from each other and growing together in the vast reaches of space? 

We definitely cannot count ourselves in that column.  

Religion has had a major effect on controlling people and their way of thinking.  Religion is a serious flaw in man's ability to get past certain things.  To accept certain things.  Not so much for the common man, but for the control freaks in charge.    Religion has contrived, connived and been the root cause for so much bloodshed here on Planet Earth.

We, as a species, are evolving toward what?  We are more technologically knowledgable, but what else are we?  We have Kindles and I-Pads, I-Phones and Blackberrys.  We text and talk.  But we still have not outgrown our voracious appetite for more and more devices in which to blow each other off the face of the earth.  And we still haven't learned to accept one another.  

Fifty years from now where will we be?  A hundred years?  

We are moving toward something, as a whole, but what is it?  Is it a universal awakening of some kind?  That we will, once and for all, be forced to face ourselves in the cosmic mirror, showing us for what we are?  A miserable, comic, squabbling, lustful, hateful, warring group of beings who refuse to embrace the universal cosmic message?
Years ago, turbulence and change were single-minded.  One country could be in crisis but the rest of us just kept going along, unmindful of the other person's pain.  

Today, everyone and everything on this planet is seemingly undergoing some type of turbulence and change.  No one is exempt anymore.  The old is giving way to the new. 

But what will this "new" be?  And will it leave a vacuumk?  If so, what will fill it?  

Is it time for some one to franctically yell "Tilt" and pull the lever?

How are great men and women made?  How is it that we only see these giants of spirit appearing every now and then?  Does it take a certain set of circumstances for them to spring forth to lead and guide humanity forward?  And hopefully, toward a new and more enlightened path?   

If so, where are they?  Are they waiting in the wings?  Because we certainly need them now.

Are we all collectively on the road to becoming just one big smelly mass of organic matter?  An undulating gelatinous blob, bobbing up and down like corks on on the ocean, having no clue as to where we are going, nor even the slightest interest in where we're going to end up?     

Or will some one take up the reins of directing us?  
I am so tired of those in power who just don't give one whit about anyone but themselves.  It's all about me, me and me.  The more power I can amass the happier I am.  To hell with the rest of you peons. 

And the really sad thing about these people is that they are given the green light to invade our lives, take all that we have (leaving us with virtually nothing) and move on. 

The Universe is crying..."NO, NO, NO".  But they don't listen because in their very warped minds, they don't belong to any club but their own.  

Do we carry with us any ounce of responsibility for doing anything worthwhile and good, for the benefit of all?  --YES but we're not demonstrating it.

Maybe we humans are getting close to being hooked up to that hospital monitor.    We are gasping our last breath as the Drs. and nurses, who have been keeping us alive for eons, now have  made the decision to abandon us.   

They tired long ago of our lame excuses for not caring about where we were going.  Not giving one thought to the well being of our fellow creatures nor where we fit into the cosmos.

Conclusion:  We've used up all our chances--we weren't that important enough to save.   

Oh, but it was a great run.  But did we really have a purpose here on this planet or were we just an experiment that went awry, producing a bunch of bumbling ignobles, our only sorry legacy that of being able to reproduce, consume and kill each other off in fits of manicial frenzy?

I believe there is no way on earth that we are all going to be able to accept one another.  The differences between us are just too vast.  Maybe an out of this world visit would do the trick.  But wouldn't it help if we heard from those who spoke of what unites us as a whole instead of constantly pointing out our differences?

What unites us?  We all have one head, two ears, two arms and two legs.  We have ten toes and ten fingers.  We need food and water to sustain us.  We all have needs for security and warmth, friendship and kinship.  The majority of us want peace, not war.  We love our families.  We want stability.  

Another straight line may be coming.  And everything will cease to be.  The Universe will heave a sigh of relief as the Supreme Being does a re-boot. 

The mouth of the star gate will close, for awhile.   

The Dr. has pronounced humanity dead.  He looks at our lifeless bodies and and with a solemn face says to the empty space, "Sorry, for your loss."

Ah, but all is not lost.  As stated before, everything starts from nothing. 

So maybe next time around, we will willingly seek each other out, not to conquer and subjugate, but to learn from and grow. 

Then we will know the true meaningful essence of the word "evolution".


Scorpion-shaped UFO seen in the skies over Los Cristianos, Spain [photos]

Obama, "A Living, Breathing Nightmare"

Sunday, August 21, 2011

We're Being Set Up


soule:  This Prez is doing everything he can to "stir the pot."  Why is that?   

Instead of acting Presidential and uniting us during our economic miseries, by his very inflammatory rhetoric he is doing everything he can to divide us. 

"DIVIDE AND CONQUER"--another step in the Rules for Radicals Manifesto?   

This is a very dangerous precedent.  This is a very dangerous President.

Never before have I witnessed a President of the United States openly calling middle class White Americans, 'terrorists'.  And we have the Goon Squad (DHS) following in lock step.

What, may I ask, is the definition of a flash mob of black youths attacking white people at a county fair in Wisconsin?  Are they just a bunch of poor, black, mistreated, uneducated, poverty-stricken, disenfranchised bunch of kids that we all need to feel sorry for?  And should we all turn a blind eye when they openly mobilize together for the express purpose of deliberately going out to harrass, intimidate, assault, threaten and scare ordinary people who are just out for a day of fun with their families and kids at a county fair?

Shut up Obama.  YOU BE THE PROBLEM--And the goons who are working for you.  That Be the State Department, the Department of Justice (what an oxymoron) and the Department of Homeland Security, (another oxymoron) to name a few. 

You and Your Comrades-In-Arms are turning this once peaceful country into a police state.  And you are doing it on purpose.

I am angered by your impudent, arrogant, mouthy disrespect for this country and the people who make it work. 

By your words, you are openly creating an atmosphere whereby you are encouraging crimes against innocent people, open disobedience and defiance of the law.

You are a sorry excuse for a President.  You are an embarrassment and a failure.  

You have done more to harm this country in the three short years you be President than all the damn wars put together.

You ever hear the saying "LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY"?

Well, you sure as hell cain't lead.  And you sure as hell don't seem to want to follow so I say, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.

Let someone else take up the reins of putting this nation back together.    

Come 2012, God willing, you will be out of office as the voters (if they've wized up before then) will vote in a new President who will quickly take up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.  

And I for one will not miss your sorry ass one bit.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

H.R. 2847 The HIRE Act, FACTA (Foreign Accounts Taxation Act)

I urge you to read this.  This bill was signed into law by the Prez on March 18, 2010.  
This law becomes effective January 1, 2013.    

I Thought We Were OUT of Money

soule:  we have frickin millions of Americans out of work, we're not doing one damn thing toward creating jobs and we're still givin money away.  Piss Poor Politics.

What's Up With the Sun??

Mohammed Bouazizi, Tunisian Hero

State Gestapo - She is a Real Threat to Society, "Ve Must Shut Her Down"!

soule:  They can do one of two things:  (1) either look the other way or (2) change the f****n law.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nero in the White House

Subject: Nero in the White House
by Mychal Massie
Three significant historical events have been eclipsed by Obama: 1) Jimmy Carter will no longer be looked upon as the worst president in American history; 2) Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton will no longer be recognized as the greatest liars in presidential history; 3) Clinton's stain on Monica's dress, and what that did to White House in general and the office of the president specifically, will forever pale in comparison to the stain and stench of Obama.
I need not spend much time on the failure of Obama as president. His tenure has been a failure on every measurable level. So much so, in fact, that some of the staunchest, most respected liberal Democrats and Democratic supporters have not only openly criticized him - some even more harshly than this essayist - but they have called for him to step down.
Richard Nixon's words "I am not a crook," punctuated with his involvement in Watergate, and Bill Clinton's finger-wagging as he told one of the most pathetic lies in presidential history, in the aftermath of Obama, will be viewed as mere prevarications.
Mr. Nixon and Clinton lied to save their backsides. Although, I would argue there are no plausible explanations for doing what they did, I could entertain arguments pursuant to understanding their rationales for lying. But in the case of Obama, he lies because he is a liar. He doesn't only lie to cover his misdeeds - he lies to get his way. He lies to belittle others and to make himself look presentable at their expense. He lies about his faith, his associations, his mother, his father and his wife. He lies and bullies to keep his background secret. His lying is congenital and compounded by socio-psychological factors of his life.
Never in my life, inside or outside of politics, have I witnessed such dishonesty in a political leader. He is the most mendacious political figure I have ever witnessed. Even by the low standards of his presidential predecessors, his narcissistic, contumacious arrogance is unequalled. Using Obama as the bar, Nero would have to be elevated to sainthood.
As the stock markets were crashing, taking with them the remaining life saving of untold tens of thousands, Obama was hosting his own birthday celebration, which was an event of epicurean splendidness. The shamelessness of the event was that it was not a state dinner to welcome foreign dignitaries, nor was it to honor an American accomplishment - it was to honor the Pharaoh, Barack Hussein Obama. The event's sole purpose was for the Pharaoh to have his loyal subjects swill wine, indulge in gluttony and behavior unfit to take place on the property of taxpayers, as they suffer. It was of a magnitude comparable to that of Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski's $2 million birthday extravaganza for its pure lack of respect for the people.
Permit me to digress momentarily. The U.S. Capitol and the White House were built with the intent of bringing awe and respect to America and her people. They were also built with the intent of being the greatest of equalizers. I can tell you, having personally been to both, there is a moment of awe and humility associated with being in the presence of the history of those buildings. They are to be honored and inscribed into our national psyche, not treated as a Saturday night house party at Chicago's Cabrini-Green.
The people of America own that home Obama and his wife continue to debase with their pan-ghetto behavior. It is clear that Obama and family view themselves as royalty, but they're not. They are employees of "we the people," who are suffering because of his failed policies. What message does this behavior send to those who today are suffering as never before?
What message does it send to all Americans who are struggling? Has anyone stopped to think what the stock market downturn forebodes for those 80 million baby boomers who will be retiring in the next period of years? Is there a snowball's chance in the Sahara that every news program on the air would applaud this behavior if it were George W. Bush? To that point, do you remember the media thrashing Bush took for having a barbecue at the White House?
Like Nero - who was only slightly less debaucherous than Caligula - with wine on his lips Obama treated "we the people" the way Caligula treated those over whom he lorded.
Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead, they have been witness to a congenital liar, a woman who has been ashamed of America her entire life, failed policies, intimidation and a commonality hitherto not witnessed in political leaders. He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement - while America's people go homeless, hungry and unemployed.

Obama the 'Chama'

Would you rather go to the chopping block, fully aware of what awaits you?  Or, would you rather someone shoot you up with pain killers so you can simply skip off, not a care in the world, because you chose to render yourself completely oblivious?   

Would you rather know the truth of a situation, or not? 

Would you rather choose the government nanny over individualism, hard work and sacrifice?  

How many tyrants and dictators (one in the same, really) have been able to cleverly mesmerize, schmooze, numb and sway people into unabashedly and uncaringly, at full throttle, hurtle themselves into hell?  

Hitler definitely comes to mind. 

While the Prez is warmly smiling and patting the head of a small child, or grasping the hand of a loyal constituent, to kissing a cooing baby, all the while the brain is thinking..."what a dull bunch of nitwits--little ones and old ones, dumb ones and bold ones, they haven't figured out yet that i out and out own them."  
Obama be his name
And deceivin be his game
He be signin legislation
And you'll definitely feel the pain
He be a-squanderin and a-plunderin
He got his shiny shoes
He hip-hops and he prances
Happily singin U.S. blues
He be sellin us out in dead of night
With pen in hand he signs away our rights
You don't believe me?
Well just you wait
For around the bend
Awaits your fate


Government Theft

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A 'Coast' Contributor

U.S. Helps Pay PA Terrorists

Rep. Joe Wilson Slammed For Telling the Truth

It's Official

Over The Counter (OTC) Bullion trading is now Illegal for all U.S. Residents


soule:  i have to disagree with one comment the author made in this post.  Yeah, alot of us have gotten carried away with charging too much on our credit cards.  Then we had to Pay the Piper.  Well, alot of us learned our lesson.  But did the Federal Government? 

I remember when we did not have credit cards.  We paid for our purchases with cash.  Everything worked just fine.

Then some nitwit had the bright idea of introducing plastic.  What was that all about?-answer-The Banksters, in collusion with the Feds, used that excuse as a way to engorge and enrich themselves.  

Wouldn't it be nice to look up to an institution instead of always looking down at it?  Wouldn't it be nice to have an institution that empowered the people it governed, to be the best they could be?  That championed entrepreneurship, encouraged us, and put into place practices, that contributed to our well being?  

I certainly don't see that now.  All I see is a government that uses us as milk cows, pumping us full of hormones to increase our milk supply.  What solid, disciplined examples of governing has the Federal Government ever shown to anyone?

I place the majority of the blame on the government, for where we are now. 

How can you emulate something that is constantly attacking the very people it was sworn to govern? 

How can you emulate something  that has recklessly squandered our money?  

How can you emulate something that has freely chosen to give away American jobs overseas?  Has the balls to tell us it feels our pain, hands out unemployment checks to shut us up and then does nothing about creating the jobs we so desperately need?

Is there something wrong with this picture?  Or is it just me?

I am hoping and praying that we vote for a person who has the cahones and the mettle to tackle the very nasty job of putting this country back together.       

And the people I see campaigning right now, just don't cut it, in my book.

With the exception of course, of Dr. Ron Paul. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Someone I Admire

Tucked Quietly Inside Obama's Health Care Law is "Capps" Law

soule:  this law will affect each and every American no matter what class you claim you be in.     

Whatever happened to By the People, For the People?

Answer:  That went out with the last election. 

I picture Washington, D.C. as a bunch of sly and greasy vultures, all sitting around the remains of the American people.  Picking their teeth with our bones.  

How is it that we ain't on the EPA's Endangered Species list?  Fore we sur as hell are...

All kidding aside... if'n you haven't gotten the message by now i'll repeat it fer ya....it is this, "we are bein rounded up, flagged and shagged, tagged and bagged".   

And the big one is WE ALL BEEN HAD.

And I'll say one more thing, the only people who are going to stand up for us, is us. 

God Bless America.  

Asian Contractions

Darth Vadar's Motherland Discovered

Shorter Days..Does That Mean Longer Nights?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Did media cover up Sen. Durbin's confrontation with reporter? (VIDEO)

How To Dismantle a Country in Five Easy Steps

This is the Big Blue Hole in Belize

Pretty, isn't it?

And What Would You Call This Hole? - A Shit Hole

This hole swallows trillions and trillions of U.S. Dollars annually.  The money that falls into this hole is never heard from again.  And it's reported that it is frequented by 535 Assholes.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

USDA Waited Until Someone Died Before Recalling Ground Turkey IT KNEW to be Contaminated

FBI Wants Surplus Stores to Spy on Customers

Collateral Damage = The American People

Can we sue anyone in Washington, D.C. because they're fiscally irresponsible and negligent? 

The Dow is on a roller coaster ride.  The trillions being lost by a panicked Wall Street are now affecting Mainstreet.

It's all because our elected officials did not act on our behalf.   
There is a nasty smell seeping up from government sewers.  

It's the whole damn bunch--The Democrats, the Republicans, Bernanke and Obama, Reid and Pelosi.    

The Dems are the bully on the playground - do it my way or else, and the Republicans just go away.

We don't need compromise.  That's selling this country out.  We need a smackdown and now.  If our elected officials do not get a handle on their spending, then we are finished.    

This is just plain common sense for anyone to understand, of course, with the exception being our nation's capital.    

Obama is going on vacation.  To hell with the country.  He's enjoying his lavish ride as Prez, at our expense, of course, while the rest of us struggle with higher grocery prices, trying to figure out how to make the next mortgage payment and pay our utility bills.  

Actions don't lie.  

Then, when things get really out of whack, maybe the PTB will throw in a little false flag as a signal to Big Brother to throttle up into high gear.  
Definition of PTB:  Powers That Be

What was that saying from The X- Files...ummm, i think it was TRUST NO ONE

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Face of a Rioter

Sun Releases Major Solar Flare

16 Countries "Side" with Justice Department


One of the most difficult things that everyone has to learn is that for your entire life you must "keep fighting" and adjusting if you hope to survive.  No matter who you are, or what your position, you must keep fighting for whatever it is you desire to achieve.  

If someone is not aware of this contest and expects otherwise, than constant disappointment occurs.  People who fail sometimes do not realize that the simple answer to everyday achievement is to keep fighting.

Health, Happiness and Success depend upon the fighting spirit of each person.  The big thing is not what happens to us in life -- but what we do about what happens to us.  

Philadelphia mayor talks tough to black teenagers after 'flash mobs' - Washington Times

Pat Caddell On Obama: "Does This Guy Have Any Idea What He Is Doing?"

Comet Elenin

Monday, August 8, 2011

Next Time Vote on Substance, Not Color

Pollster - Americans are Pre-Revolutionary

NOAA - Severe Solar Storms Could Paralyze Earth

OBAMA the Destroyer

8-8-11:  Obamageddon, Barackalypse Now! Bam is "Debt Man Walking" in 2012


This, from a friend:, 8/7/11: 

FYI: On the Goldstone Financial program on WLSAM 890 out of Chicago this morning, Tom Byrne, CFO of Trend Capital Managers (see attachment) mentioned that the Aden Sisters (Pamela and Mary Ann) have advised their clients to dump all equities and energy stocks. Energy stocks are the leading indicator of a down-turning economy. Another indication of energy problems and the misreading of the energy situation by the Obama Administration is the fact that recently the WSJ reported that oil tankers were sitting out in the ocean unable to unload because oil is not selling since Obama raided the strategic reserves and did what he has been doing best - - screwing up that market also.
Those of you who may be familiar with Bob Chapman, author of The International Forecaster, has been telling readers to get out of the stock market since the year 2000 and has been advising readers to purchase precious metals and/or precious metal stocks.
Larry Edelson, a Wall Street Shill promoting 'sucker' rallies and rated the #1 Financial Adviser in the Country by Barrons, this morning, was doing considerable back peddling as he has been promoting stocks and belittling precious metals for years. He is in absolute denial completely ignoring the lackluster gains in stocks in the past eleven years and the overwhelming gains in precious metals. Every time gold reached a new high, he either intimated it had topped out, or openly made the statement that it did. Today he was again ridiculing those who claim it is going higher.  Stocks and other equities have continuously back slid in real value terms due to inflation and other losses while gold is up almost 600% while silver is up almost 900% with tops for both nowhere in sight.
Tom Byrne, on the other hand, has called the market right consistently. He reported again today that the big investors have been leaving the market for some time. In the more recent past, he has reported that the Captains of Industry (CEO's) have been selling their company stock at an unprecedented rate. He has consistently promoted capital preservation on a parallel with Bob Chapman, or vice versa.
Predictably, Monday, August 8, 2011, is likely to be a real 'Barn Burner'. Those who have stock brokers, If you have not talked with them lately, forget being able to do so tomorrow, or perhaps even the rest of this week.
Most MEDIA parrots continue mentioning the possibility of a 'double dip' recession. Double dip, my sweet bippy, it is a Depression. Why can they not admit the truth. This week may be the week that brings it out. How can it be otherwise when we have political imbeciles who never ran a business the size of a hot dog stand running the biggest corporation in the World? - - The United States. To even the Hot Dog entrepreneur, it is blatantly obvious these clowns do not know what they are doing. In three years, they have been unable to develop a basic budget.
Hopefully, you have been reading, thinking, and preparing for the coming financial catastrophe.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Warning: US Loses AAA Credit Rating. Consequences Will Be Dire

Let Me Spell It All Out For You

i'm not trying to be a pessimist but this latest fiasco with government not tackling this country's titanic debt and curbing their spending, resulting in the downgrade of this country's financial standing by the S&P, should be a dire wakeup call to everyone.    

i know we've got financial gurus out there and others still trying to sell us short..."the country is making progesss, look the unemployment numbers went down," etc.

but it is obvious to me that the government is apparently oblivious and/or unwilling to face the truth of where we are, financially.  and because they have put off making the hard decisions, i do not believe we are going to rally out of this any time soon.

Quite frankly, i'm tired of hearing people in the news media and others making statements that Obama is "doing the best he can, etc.  he inherited this economy from Bush", etc.  

That's a pile of rubbish.  I don't see "better" i see a worse economy.  the reason:  NO ONE is addressing this problem in a meaningful way, let alone coming up with a do-able solution.  this is plain reckless.  

Let's not put the entire blame on Obama for our financial woes.  This is a problem that has gone a long time without anyone tackling it because it's all about getting re-elected and paying off too many special interest groups. 

now our state of the union is in financial disarray.  both the Democrats and Republicans are culprits.  they might as well be partners in crime as they have been negligent in doing their job.  maybe history will show that they have been criminally negligent.  

Because they have not acted, we are on the road to ruin.  Obama and his cronies have just hastened the process. 

please don't waste your time trying to convince me that this President is not aware of the extremely serious repercussions he has caused to this country by his so-called lack of indifference and his sore excuse for decision-making.  You cannot convince me that Obama is oblivious to the serious damage he has done. for example:   

by continuing to allow a Treasury Secretary to recklessly spend our money, patently allowing banks to drive consumers into financial oblivion, using trillions of dollars to bail these financial institutions out all the while rallying us 'round the flag that his administration is doing everything it can for us but then paying his cohorts and others handsomely for getting him elected;  refusing to address our unemployment problem (just hand out more checks instead of creating jobs) and keeping the biggest spendthrift of them all, Ben Bernanke employed and in charge of printing more useless greenbacks.   

Bernanke to us:  "continue to place head in sand and keep printin those greenbacks to stave off the inevitable.  they (that would be us) won't know the difference.  they're just a bunch of grunts." 

Who paved the way for this to happen?  could we say right after WWII when people were war weary and just wanted to put it all behind them, or way before?

Who knows the exact date.  it doesn't matter anymore.  the point is that all of us are now facing  an extremely serious credit crisis.and all because the people we elected to lead did not do their job.

why didn't Congress act awhile back when it was stated that "even if you taxed each one of us at 100% it wouldn't even make a dent in the debt we now owe?"  

you know what's really depressing about this whole thing?  these clowns won't be hurt (they've got their pensions, they've got their millions stashed away in off-shore banking accounts) but WE will.  and many of us have already suffered and suffered grievously.

if you now believe that things are coming that we might not like to talk about or even want to contemplate,  now would be a good time to take a good assessment of your situation.  some things you need to consider:    

You need to be doing everything you can to protect your savings, investments....IRA, 401K, etc.  you need to be stocking up on food and water, meds, and put a family plan together; and sit down and discuss anything else you think you might need; meet with like-minded neighbors and form community preparedness groups and attend your city council meetings and find out what disaster plan they have in place in the event of something happening.  

there have always been fools but the one that sticks in my head is the one that said...


Don't bet on that.

These are my feelings and mine, only.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Define a Checkpoint

1. A barrier or manned entrance, typically at a border, where travelers are subject to security checks.
soule:  this just occurred to me the other day.  if we read the definition of checkpoint wouldn't it be safe to assume that someone in the government or other has determined that an airline terminal is some kind of border or checkpoint?  ...that when we step out of our vehicle and enter the terminal that we are crossing a border of some kind?  if one were to ponder this further, wouldn't the next question be who or what made this determination?  could it be that this country signed onto a treaty, some kind of U.N. mandate, some kind of new international law that we citizens are ignorantly unaware of?  where does this so-called checkpoint/border begin?  is it when you are standing, in line, or does it begin right before you cross the metal detector?  do we realize that we are willingly giving up our rights to privacy and decency and all because we just want to attend a business meeting or take our kids to Disneyland or visit Grandma?  Think about this and then i hope you'll start to get damn mad.  if we take this scenario further, then why isn't anyone calling it out for what it is?  because the word checkpoint will denote fear in the public?  why are we willing to subject ourselves to this type of abuse?  why are we willing to give up our rights to individual decency and privacy?  i don't see anything on an airline ticket where we signed our rights away.  so how come we continue to subject ourselves to this sort of mistreatment?  because when we allow ourselves to be subjected to these Nazi tactics, demeaning the old, and infirm, violating women and small children, our veterans, and we don't come together to put an end to it, we are just condoning the abuse.  so where is the public outcry?  have we considered that if they can stop and pat us down at an airport then why not when we cross from one state to the other?  or some bureaucrat put sign into law some kind of checkpoint in our own local community, for our own safety, of course (as they lie through their teeth).  if we do not stand up to this tyranny and that is exactly what it is, these thuggish bureaucracies will continue to spread and continue to squander away our liberties.  you know, i never really could figure out why this agency is getting away with this.  i know, they tell us it's all about safety.  but i have to ask, are you or i any safer?  it seems alot of us are coming out on the wrong end of this scenario with trauma, cuts, bruises and you name it.  so where is the safety in all of this?  to me, it's just another buzz word for C-O-N-T-R-O-L.  could it be that this is just a pre-cursor to more awful stuff coming down the pike, right in line with the globalist thinking that America, as a sovereign Republic, doesn't exist anymore but the NEW  WORLD ORDER does?  give this some thought folks, esp. you with small children. 
don't we have an obligation to our children, our women, our parents, and others to keep them from harm?
Question:  is there a watchdog group that monitors the Department of Homeland Security and its attack dogs? if so, i'd sure like to hear from ya. 
or maybe we should just start one of our own...
in the meantime, to all you parents, grandparents, women, vets, children, babes, victims of the DHS, try and think safety first...your own.


APOCALYPSE 2010 by Deshpal (Paul) Sandhu: Mad Maxico: Mexico's descent into Anarchy; A Preview for the World

soule:  we are not hearing anything about these horrific, unspeakable acts of depravity and cruelty going on in Mexico by the American press.  Why is that?  And the President and Congress are silent.  

Police Investigating Multiple Beatings Near State Fair Park - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee

soule:  why isn't the Department of Homeland Security investigating?  DHS sets up checkpoints at airports and hassles Americans who are quietly standing in line.  these are clearly mob tactics and one has to wonder who is putting them up to this.  random or orchestrated it makes no difference.  innocent people are being attacked by mobs.  is this a precursor to anarchy?  one has to wonder as these attacks are happening all over the country and they all seemingly started at once.     

Mathematical model indicates that Earth may have had two moons - English pravda.ru

Oliver North "Dereliction of Duty"

"Infowars" Alex Jones...on the Front Lines

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Secret club rewarded lurid child sex abuse - Washington Times

soule:  may these perverts rot in hell.


When is an overthrow not an overthrow?

Just because a group of twelve Congressmen decide to form a super committee as an excuse for not tackling this nation's horrendous debt problem is no reason to believe otherwise. 

And we must not forget Obama, who will cast the deciding vote.  Excuse me?  Since when does this happen and right under our noses?  And with nary a whimper from the American people?

Am I frightened by what I am seeing?  Am I distraught?  Am I angry?  Am I going nuts?

All of the above.

Where are we America?  Where are you, the sleeping, hapless, lazy, oblivious, ignorant, American who voted this piece of refuse into office, hmmmm?


My father and others went out and fought so you could refuse to work, draw your welfare check, sip your wine and smoke your dope.

Are there any people left in this country WHO GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING IN WASHINGTON, D.C.????

In case you haven't noticed, BOTH parties just sold this country out. 

We now have a so-called Super Committee, made up of six Dems and six Repubs with the President of the United States holding the "deciding" vote.

Since when?

Do you realize that we have just centralized power in Washington, D.C.?  And that the new spelling might as well be AMERIKA? 

Did these goons give any thought to the United States Constitution?

There is nothing to be found ANYWHERE in the Constitution that agrees to this sort of thing.


How much more rope do we have left to hang ourselves with?

I am disgusted with what I am seeing.

When are we going to wake up? 

Or will we go down in the annals of history as not giving a damn about all those who willingly went out and sacrificed their lives, their futures, their families to keep this country free?

To all of those who voted for BIG GOVERNMENT you got what you voted for.

I hope you're happy.  I am not.